We made a profit;when do we get the 5% back?

On 5/18/2003 12:17:06 PM cavalier wrote:

It's really easy for an outsider looking in to sit in judgment, and actually funny when you consider the fact that his employer is the most inefficient example of how to run an entity on the planet. Never needing to worry about job loss, pay or benefits cuts all courtesy of us, the working people in this country makes this post totally irrelevant, IMHO, which is why this board exist to express those opinions and now you have mine as well.


Actually, FYI, my employer is a state university. My salary is paid by the CIA. At the state university level, we're looking at hefty cutbacks. Until the CIA stepped in to provide funding, I've seen more difficult financial conditions than you imagine. My salary was cut in half (to well below the point where George W. claims you don't have to pay any taxes (what a load)), and ALL benefits were eliminated. And FYI, my job will be eliminated next year - I've already received my notice. You've done crap to help me, so don't act like you have. USAirways did NOT make a profit in Q1. Any claim they did must use accounting as bad as Enron, Worldcom, etc....
W h e n the company has managed to turn a profit in the past, it hasn''t been the result of having a great management but rather has been a result of a great economy. People are working, the economic mood is good, people spend and people travel. What''s significant is if you compare other airlines during these good times with US Airways, proportionately speaking, the company didn''t do as well as the others. The company does a far better job at cutting expenses and a poor job at generating income.
...and JetBlue''s boss WORKED AND EARNED his way to where he is today. And when it comes to having respect and appreciation for those who make it all possible (that''s us). His respect for employees is sincere and demonstrated regularly as opposed to the "right" words and lip-service that we receive.
Don''t be too quick about comparing US to other airlines. Jetblue has a unique identity and image, as does Southwest. Like the other majors, this company has no such successful image or product that makes it stand out from the others. Such a thing requires much more imagination and creativity than our pompous leaders can produce.
CWA President calls for end of 5% pay deferral...


June 24, 2003
Mr. David Siegal, President and CEO
US Airways
2345 Crystal Drive
Arlington, Virginia 22227
Dear Dave:
I am writing to request that you end the five percent Iraq War pay deferral now and begin repaying the withheld amounts to employees. The company has appropriately benefited from three months of deferred pay, but now the war is over and there is no longer a fair justification for the deferral.
This view is widely held in the workforce, particularly among those salary levels we represent. Five percent of pay withheld is no small matter for those budgeting an income already reduced by salary concessions and higher medical premiums.
Dave, I am concerned that each additional pay stub reflecting an Iraq War pay deferral will undermine company credibility and drain the good will and cooperative spirit essential to see this company through difficult times in the future. The five percent Iraq War pay deferral served its purpose. Now it''s time to end it. Thanks for your consideration of this matter.


Morton Bahr
Now, that is what we call "union leadership".

Every one on this board needs to contact their union rep. and insist that their leadership sign on to this letter with CWA ASAP!

Let's act as an "Employee coaltion" and together insist that this management....


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