Waste, waste and more waste

Ok mikey go back to work already. Oh wait you are probably on the sick list
Truth Hurts huh. I am a different employee than you. I think about the company first then myself. Cause without the company I would not have this job. Unfortunatley people like you and some of your apfa friends think of themselves only. AA needs the 3%, it is a shame you dont see or realize that. Maybe you will when we are all out on the streets.
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  • #33
With nothing substantive to post, attack the original poster. Thanks 777 how original!!
I agree there is alot of wasted spending. And I would love to see it taken care of. But if you worked where I worked and saw how bad the Pilots and Flight Attendants abuse the company you would be ashamed to see what is going on. I believe upper Management is feeling the brunt of this as well. You are all fair weather employees. If the company is doing bad bash management. If the company is doing good you scream and cry for huge pay raises. Where will it stop. How about pay for performance. No you wouldnt like that your freee ride would be over
lets get back to the main topic.....WASTE.. AA should get rid of the employees that take a free ride and waste the companies money. Layoff the employee waste instead of in seniority order. We would become a better airline

"Outsourcing is, and always has been, a huge mistake".

Obviously, when one uses 'always,' one is seldom accurate. Outsourcing can be cost-effective, depending on the type an quantity of work.

What work could AMR take in that AMR can do more productively than existing competition? Not overhauls. Not line maintenance.
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  • #37
They don't need the 130 million the wage freeze gets them. They waste that and millions more needlessly on a daily basis.

Here is a fair question. Are you sending AA money to keep them afloat? Or are you simply riding it out hoping that other company employees take the hit so your group wont have too? After all, in your book, health and family beware. This job, not any old job,takes priority.
Actually I have not had a pay raise in over 3 years. And when the company asked people to donate I was more than happy to. I have seen so many people in the company abuse the company. It is troubleing to see that some of them are protected by unions. I could name 50 Flight attendants that should be handed there walking papers. But some how the union protects them
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 1/15/2003 3:41:22 PM A77IGW wrote:
[P]Truth Hurts huh. I am a different employee than you. I think about the company first then myself. [BR]----------------[BR]Then you are a fool. Believe me, corporate america [EM]isn't[/EM] thinking about [EM]you[/EM] at all! They will dump your ass in the gutter before they give up their own perks and not think twice about what a shambles it would make your life, because they really don't care one way or the other.[BR][BR]All FAMikey has been saying is it is unjustifiable for the company to come after a pittance of a pay increase when there is so much visible waste still going on....and he's right. If AA can attack, and shore up all of their wasteful practices....and they find they still need help from the employees in the way of concessions, then they'll have a much bigger group paying attention and willing to work with them. I agree, AA wastes a lot of money in areas that could easily be fixed, but they aren't doing it, so why should anyone take them seriously? AA isn't alone, most of the carriers are in the same boat, they have lived off the fat of ripping off business travelers for years and now they have no plan to even assess the cash siphon, let alone fix it.[BR][BR]------------------[BR]Cause without the company I would not have this job. Unfortunatley people like you and some of your apfa friends think of themselves only. AA needs the 3%, it is a shame you dont see or realize that. Maybe you will when we are all out on the streets.[BR]-------------------[BR]No, you'd either have a job somewhere else or you'd be living in an appliance box that says SEARS on the side. Either way, AA doesn't care, and they prove it time and time again with their own wasteful practices, and their executive perk programs that they continually grant themselves.[BR][BR]AA needs that 3% like they need another airline to buy up, that's what I see and that's what I realize. Do you not think that investors keep an eye on what a company does with the money they invest in it? Get a grip on reality here.... the days of living off the fat of the business traveler are over and they [EM]aren't[/EM] coming back, period. The problem is, AA doesn't know how to police it's own house, they have been so used to naming their price and getting it and now that those who were paying and paying for so long have told them to go to hell, they have no viable plan to replace the lost revenue.[BR][BR]You're worried about your job? Then you need to tell TPTB that it's time to downsize....PARK THAT AIRCRAFT OR SELL IT, and knock off this [EM]we're the biggest airline in the world[/EM] attitude because no one gives a shìt![BR][BR]How dare you attack a fellow employee simply because they recognize waste that the company is willing to allow because taking away from the employees seems to be so much more important to them. Don't you realize that AA is attempting to start a chain reaction within it's labor force? Today a nickel, tomorrow a dime...by the time the tomorrows are used up it will be dollars....many of them....probably enough to determine whether or not YOU are able to make your mortgage payment anymore. But I guarantee you this......executive is not giving up a single dime of their salary and perks...not on your life! Those million dollar homes and cars that cost more than you might pay for a house are more important than you and the bread line their own mis-management may find you on in short order![/P][/BLOCKQUOTE]
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The problem is give backs are an easy way for the company to blame everyone but themselves for the current situation. Truth is, and I have said before. I am not against helping the company, In and under certain conditions. It just has to be a last resort not the first thing on there petty little list, of people and organizations to screw today.
FA Mikey,
It's Quite obvious that A77IGW has "overdosed" on AA (non-union) corporate KOOL AID, which flows faster, and more plentiful in DF+W, than ANYWHERE else in the whole God Da*n system.
Mikey, with all the positive info, that you've given the rest of us here on US Aviation, AND Plane Business, If you continue to respond to A77IGW(or anyone else with a similiar company attitude), may I respectfully suggest that you have your head examined !!

Don't waste your precious time.

Do not respond to me ha ha ha. I am the one who wants to keep the company alive. Some union folks would rather watch the company die. I agree on many things you have all posted. For and or against management. We just all need to stand together and work for the better of the company. If that means give back a little than we all should.
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 1/15/2003 5:29:17 PM FA Mikey wrote: [BR][BR]It just has to be a last resort not the first thing on there petty little list, of people and organizations to screw today.[BR][BR]----------------[BR][/BLOCKQUOTE][BR][BR][BR] [FONT size=1] Right, first thing on the list.[BR][BR] Cutting $2 billion in expenses,freezing[BR] management pay for the second consecutive year,grounding the F100's[BR] ahead of schedule,short term storage of 42 S80's and 16 762's,[BR] all of the service and staffing reductions associated with those actions.[BR] Right,first thing they did was turn the thumb screws on us. [BR][BR] They cut one hell of a lot before they came to us for help, unlike what[BR] went on at other airlines, where the employee concession was the first[BR] order of business. [BR] [BR] Petty little list of people and organizations to screw today?[BR] [BR] Is this recess and the big bad sixth graders are bullying the third graders?[BR] Or is this a multi billion dollar corporation fighting to survive?[BR][BR] I know whats first on my petty little list.[BR][BR] [/FONT]
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  • #44
12 hours so what? I have a 18 hour layover at home. How does that create a problem?
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 1/15/2003 11:44:42 AM FA Mikey wrote:
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]...AA simply could have changed the sequence from a 2 day in to 2 different turns. No loss of time, no added expense to the company. [/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P]If that were to be done, would you have received your contractual legal rest (12 hours?) to which you are entitled between trips?[/P][/BLOCKQUOTE]

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