Doubtful. AA doesn't "settle" like one might think. They'll spend 5 times what she is asking in legal fees first, just to make sure she has a lousy run at it. The list of subjects AA's legal eagles are able to broach in a case like this are going to be more than miss sticky hair realizes. Her entire sex life will become fair game, victim or not and let's face it, AA's legal team's first attack will be to find out, and find out very publicly, whether she really was the victim she claims to be. It would be much cheaper for AA to palm (no pun intended either) the guy with say, 10K just to say she touched him "there" and started the whole thing.
He said/she said. Game over!
AA won't and can't settle something like this. The public needs to hear finality, or every Tom, Dick, and Hairy who inadvertantly "adjusts" himself during flight will open an onslaught of suits from the money grubbers who heard it was an easy way to make some cash.
Settling a nuisance suit like this only invites a myriad of similar suits in the future. This is the kind you shut down, quick and dirty, once and for all.