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Was It Good For You Too?

Was this guy a former employee of SCABAIR (NWA)? I can't understand why there wasn't an "amputation" performed on this pervert before they landed. Then as soon as the plane depressurised they should have thrown him out onto the tarmac and ran over him with the airplane.
The woman slept most of the flight, but awoke about 20 minutes before landing when the pilot announced the plane was on decent into Los Angeles. When the woman opened her eyes, she saw that an unknown man had moved into the seat next to her and was staring at her as he masturbated, the suit states.

Correct if I am wrong but when the Pilot announces that they are now on decent into LAX arent the Flight Attendants supposed to be in their Jump Seats. Isnt that a FAA regulation.

And as for the girl with the semen in her hair. Why would you just turn away and look at the window when you see a man choking his chicken. Unless the Flight Attendants see the call button or see them man moan and light up a cig how would they know what he is doing if they are seated in the jump seat waiting for arrival.

I agree with PRINCESS KIDAGAKASH kick him out run him over. And I also agree with Garfiled....the woman and the airline should sue the fool for his actions. It is not the fault of the Airline
People switch to open rows all the time...then they return to their original seat on decent to sit next to who they're travelling with. Nothing to be concerned about unless they're making a b-line for the cockpit. I'm sure there would be thread on militant f/a's who give every passenger a hard time who happens to move to a different seat on take off, decent, or God forbid, during the flight

Unless the guy's thang was long enough to reach above the seat for a f/a to see and give her a shower, they're not going to know what someone's doing below the waist. Even then, it was 11pm...that's usually NIGHT when the cabin is DARK so people can SLEEP so it wouldnt be unusual if no other passengers saw the deed. If she were that distressed, she would have made it clear she was being violated by causing more of a rucus than turning a cheek. If her distress is worth $200,000, wouldnt she have done a bit more than feel "embarassed" and look out the window?? She's old enough to be proactive and not assume employees are clairvoyant.

First fingers in the salad, now load in the hair. Anything to attempt a quick buck, no matter how pathetic it is.
That woman and her lawyers have a steep hill to climb. They will have to prove negligence on behalf of the airline. AA lawyers will prove that they took "reasonable" and what is expected standards in ensuring the safety of ALL paxs on board. Proving their legal expectations were met under current U.S. law.

No airline can be held accountable for the "covert" actions of individual pax during periods of travel. Her expectations are both UNreasonable and far outside of the expectations of the law as they pertain to public travel and the responsibility of companies and their employees.

Now, if she can prove that the AA employees where aware of the sexual assault (and THAT is what it was) during the occurrence and did nothing to stop it, she would have a case. Based on the facts, I doubt if it would even make it to trial. Personal safety is something that is the responsibility of every person who decides to leave the house today. People LIKE to be victims, they also LOVE to blame others for their own lack of individual responsibility.

One might ask "what is the most normal reaction" for a woman to be exposed to a stranger on an airplane MASTURBATING out of the blue. I would guess, a woman would SCREAM bloody murder! I would find it very difficult to believe that she would "just turn her head" and fidget with her hair. There is more to this story. I would hardly think the women on the Jury would agree that they would just sit there and allow this perv to continue masturbating.

She should try not sleeping so hard when traveling alone (I say this in jest). Granted, this is some sick stuff.
Correct if I am wrong but when the Pilot announces that they are now on decent into LAX arent the Flight Attendants supposed to be in their Jump Seats. Isnt that a FAA regulation.
Descent might begin 30 or even 40 minutes out. When the Capt. announces "Flight attendants prepare the cabin for landing" about 10 to 15 minutes out we make the appropriate announcement about seat backs, tray tables, carryons, and electronic equipment then go through the cabins checking for compliance and picking up last minute cups and junk from the pax, hand out FC coats, and only then sit down. It might be only 5 or 10 minutes before landing when we actually buckle up.

This woman shouldn't be suing us, we should be throwing the book at the perpetrator.

Very true Mark, but who does she see as having the deep pockets? Just goes to show she is out for money, and nothing else.
WOW....Garfield,..YOU are having a BAD DAY !!!!!

But, then again,...those UNION F/A's "Don't take any non-union Prisoners" !! :angry: :angry:

Work shmerk. I'm off on a 3 day weekend doing home renovations. Not going quite as smooth as I had hoped. Today is a better day though.
Ican just see it now.

"Sir. What are you intentions after you switch seats? Are you planning on have any type of sexual relations with that woman? Sir, I need to have the cigar now. No sir, I did not say you were going to light it up but I still need the cigar. Nah, you can keep the lighter, the FAA said it is OK. Please remember to keep your belt fastened and your hand out in plain sight. If I can not see your hands I'll have to call the authorities after we land. Sir no you cannot have a blanket. I know you're cold but we have had some issues with the use of blankets so hand it over buddy. OH, and thank you for flying American. Buh Bye"

"Miss. You need to go back to your assigned seat. The man you moved next too does not meat the "ugly" requirements of AA. I know you say that you don't want bang uglies with him but the thinner air at 35k feet can make you do strange things. Believe I have seen it all. By the way Miss, I'll need to look in your carry on to make sure you don't have any 'electric' devices ~wink~. Um, why do you have 2 DD batteries in your purse? I'll need to see the other bag Miss. Let see. You can sit by that old 80 year old man, he looks harmless. No? Well it's either him, the mother with the 2 yr old (I promise he won't scream..I slipped him a mickey) or your assigned seat. I know that seat is open beside the cute guy but we have gone over this. You are pretty, he is pretty....uh uh. Ain't going to happen on my plane. Maybe the old man will move next to the cute guy and you can have the old ... I mean senior citizens seat. OK, we will try that. Please keep your hands visible at all times and button that top button. I can see more of your ample bussom that I need to. And thank you for flying American Airlines. Buh Bye."

In all seriousness, if this is true it will never see the light of day. AA's lawyers bill way too much to dick (pun intended) around BS. They will offer her $100K to shut up and go away and call it a day.
They will offer her $100K to shut up and go away and call it a day.

Doubtful. AA doesn't "settle" like one might think. They'll spend 5 times what she is asking in legal fees first, just to make sure she has a lousy run at it. The list of subjects AA's legal eagles are able to broach in a case like this are going to be more than miss sticky hair realizes. Her entire sex life will become fair game, victim or not and let's face it, AA's legal team's first attack will be to find out, and find out very publicly, whether she really was the victim she claims to be. It would be much cheaper for AA to palm (no pun intended either) the guy with say, 10K just to say she touched him "there" and started the whole thing.

He said/she said. Game over!

AA won't and can't settle something like this. The public needs to hear finality, or every Tom, Dick, and Hairy who inadvertantly "adjusts" himself during flight will open an onslaught of suits from the money grubbers who heard it was an easy way to make some cash.

Settling a nuisance suit like this only invites a myriad of similar suits in the future. This is the kind you shut down, quick and dirty, once and for all.
Doubtful. AA doesn't "settle" like one might think. They'll spend 5 times what she is asking in legal fees first, just to make sure she has a lousy run at it. The list of subjects AA's legal eagles are able to broach in a case like this are going to be more than miss sticky hair realizes. Her entire sex life will become fair game, victim or not and let's face it, AA's legal team's first attack will be to find out, and find out very publicly, whether she really was the victim she claims to be. It would be much cheaper for AA to palm (no pun intended either) the guy with say, 10K just to say she touched him "there" and started the whole thing.

He said/she said. Game over!

AA won't and can't settle something like this. The public needs to hear finality, or every Tom, Dick, and Hairy who inadvertantly "adjusts" himself during flight will open an onslaught of suits from the money grubbers who heard it was an easy way to make some cash.

Settling a nuisance suit like this only invites a myriad of similar suits in the future. This is the kind you shut down, quick and dirty, once and for all.

Good points. Either way though, I doubt we will hear much if anything about it.
Let me get this straight. She put up less of a fuss than a passenger with trash to pick up would. Ring the call bell several times, jump out of your seat, and scream at the flight attendant. If she acted meek and mild she got the professional service she was entitled to. Perhaps night flights should now operate with the cabin lights on full bright and flight attendants walking up and down the aisles like prison guards!
Let me get this straight. She put up less of a fuss than a passenger with trash to pick up would. Ring the call bell several times, jump out of your seat, and scream at the flight attendant. If she acted meek and mild she got the professional service she was entitled to. Perhaps night flights should now operate with the cabin lights on full bright and flight attendants walking up and down the aisles like prison guards!

My what empathy for a victim....not

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