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Whats wrong, limited blood supply to the tinker?? No new material?? You have been scarred, now recover and move on... One thing for sure, you have a fetish for straightjackets.. Oh wait, did I see you chained up in SF getting spanked and whipped yesterday???... Nothing like a StrAAightjacket for a StrAAightalker... Coincidence, I doubt it... :lol: :lol: :lol: StrAAight, you need to accept reality and move on... Facts are Facts..

The only "fact" that I see here are that you are in serious need of help.

Perhaps you should educate yourself. After all, stupid is forever, ignorance can be fixed. But, then again, you don't sound like the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree.

By the way, please spare us your perverted sexual fantasies. :blink:
The only "fact" that I see here are that you are in serious need of help.

Perhaps you should educate yourself. After all, stupid is forever, ignorance can be fixed. But, then again, you don't sound like the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree.

By the way, please spare us your perverted sexual fantasies. :blink:

Oh StrAAight, I love your responses.. You try with the comebacks, but its like you just can't quite make the touchdown. Gotta love ya for trying though.. Oh yes, I don't have fantasies, I make them a reality, something you would know nothing about. 😱 :lol: That is just one of the many reasons I am a much happier and stable person than yourself. Now in your next response lets try and not use my material for your responses ok, If you need help PM me and I will help you.
Sorry straaight it has you there. It started as a usairways express FA and clawed it's way over to, by the grace of God. What now must be known as a dark day at United, hired on. All dreams fulfilled. Plus if you remember it does the flight attendant job just for fun. What a dream job reserve and away from family, first thing I would do for fun. Well, not really.

Don't cry straaight, after all while we sit and wait to see how AA management will hold the company together. The management of another carrier where you know who works is actively seeking ways to sells it pieces to the highest bidder. That poor old poster will have to go back to sitting on the sofa eating bon bons, while we trudge away with our carts in the aisle.
Sorry straaight it has you there. It started as a usairways express FA and clawed it's way over to, by the grace of God. What now must be known as a dark day at United, hired on. All dreams fulfilled. Plus if you remember it does the flight attendant job just for fun. What a dream job reserve and away from family, first thing I would do for fun. Well, not really.

Don't cry straaight, after all while we sit and wait to see how AA management will hold the company together. The management of another carrier where you know who works is actively seeking ways to sells it pieces to the highest bidder. That poor old poster will have to go back to sitting on the sofa eating bon bons, while we trudge away with our carts in the aisle.

By the look of it's grammar and punctuation, it probably barely graduated high school before becoming an USAirways Express FA. I always thought UA required some college, but, then again, we all know how the airlines were really scraping bottom those last few years of hiring prior to 2001. Obviously, in this case, UA really ended up with the dregs.

I'm glad that it enjoys flying for UA, more recently known as the "Worlds Largest Garage Sale in the Sky." Tilton can barely finish a press conference without hinting broadly that the airline is for sale, and, based on UA's most recent announcement, he could care less if somebody buys the entire thing, or just pieces.

If Tilton gets his way, it may very well find itself back at a regional carrier before long, setting new lows for UA's feeder flight attendant group. Life sure does have a way of coming full circle. :up:

But, since this is just a hobby for it, it shouldn't mind. :lol:
I'm glad that it enjoys flying for UA, more recently known as the "Worlds Largest Garage Sale in the Sky." Tilton can barely finish a press conference without hinting broadly that the airline is for sale, and, based on UA's most recent announcement, he could care less if somebody buys the entire thing,

But, since this is just a hobby for it, it shouldn't mind. :lol:

Whats wrong did you call your little friends to post, and TRY to stick up for you StrAAight?? Give me a break, the jealousy that you show for me is GREAT!!! I love how you refer to me as a USAIRWAYS Express flight attendant (even though i never worked at express) like its a bad thing. It just goes to show your mentality like you think your superior to others. Call me whatever you want as long as you keep being jealous and showing your stupidity with FAMikey I will be happy. You poor pathetic souls, who can't even take someone one on one.... BTW, do you see how badly you are displaying yourself on here?? It is not attractive StrAAight, rethink and then post, its just a suggestion. Salivate - wipe and salivate some more......
I'm glad that it enjoys flying for UA, more recently known as the "Worlds Largest Garage Sale in the Sky." Tilton can barely finish a press conference without hinting broadly that the airline is for sale, and, based on UA's most recent announcement, he could care less if somebody buys the entire thing,

But, since this is just a hobby for it, it shouldn't mind. :lol:
Whats wrong did you call your little friends to post, and TRY to stick up for you StrAAight?? Give me a break, the jealousy that you show for me is GREAT!!! I love how you refer to me as a USAIRWAYS Express flight attendant (even though i never worked at express) like its a bad thing. It just goes to show your mentality like you think your superior to others. Call me whatever you want as long as you keep being jealous and showing your stupidity with FAMikey I will be happy. You poor pathetic souls, who can't even take someone one on one.... BTW, do you see how badly you are displaying yourself on here?? It is not attractive StrAAight, rethink and then post, its just a suggestion. Salivate - wipe and salivate some more......

Your meds are wearing off too soon in the day. Either tell your doctor to up your dosage, or try something stronger.

Nice try, though, for someone teetering on the edge of insanity.

Have you started foaming at the mouth yet? Better watch out. Those men in white suits may come to collect you before long. I am sure they will have a nice (rubber) room with your name on it. :up:
Sorry straaight it has you there. It started as a usairways express FA and clawed it's way over to, by the grace of God. What now must be known as a dark day at United, hired on. All dreams fulfilled. Plus if you remember it does the flight attendant job just for fun. What a dream job reserve and away from family, first thing I would do for fun. Well, not really.

Don't cry straaight, after all while we sit and wait to see how AA management will hold the company together. The management of another carrier where you know who works is actively seeking ways to sells it pieces to the highest bidder. That poor old poster will have to go back to sitting on the sofa eating bon bons, while we trudge away with our carts in the aisle.

It claims to not have been a USAirways Express FA. I guess the meds are affecting its memory. 🙄
It claims to not have been a USAirways Express FA. I guess the meds are affecting its memory. 🙄

AHHHH you claim to know me? Or you just enjoy spreading flase statements? Whichever is fine with me, but it is not good to lie, didn't your mommy tell you that? Your comments don't hurt me StrAAight so save your energy, you know what they say, if you lie enough you will end up believing it. StrAAight, I am sorry you have it out for me, but you should really reconsider my opinions, they will help you!!! On with the next insult StrAAIght, YAWN, this is getting so old... Time will tell.
What part of "no p e r s o n a l attacks don't you people get?

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