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Video Just Surfaced That PROVE Trump Was Right About 9/11 Celebrations

southwind said:
So, your saying "NO" Muslims celebrated in NJ?
Be disingenuous all you want. You know very well that is not what I said or even implied. You also know exactly what Trump said. What he said never happened.
Ms Tree said:
Be disingenuous all you want. You know very well that is not what I said or even implied. You also know exactly what Trump said. What he said never happened.
So what?
Don't recall you dissecting any of Obama's lies regarding Obamacare.
In fact you tripped all over yourself defending it.
delldude said:
So what?
Don't recall you dissecting any of Obama's lies regarding Obamacare.
In fact you tripped all over yourself defending it.
And still does, to this very day.
delldude said:
So what?
Don't recall you dissecting any of Obama's lies regarding Obamacare.
In fact you tripped all over yourself defending it.
Can you prove that?
townpete said:
And still does, to this very day.

More lies that you cannot substantiate? Show me where I defended his lies? I think I'll be waiting a long time since you can never back up anything you say but who knows, you might actually surprise us one day and actually back up something you say.
Ms Tree said:
More lies that you cannot substantiate? Show me where I defended his lies? I think I'll be waiting a long time since you can never back up anything you say but who knows, you might actually surprise us one day and actually back up something you say.
townpete said:
See.  No proof again.  Just just one more lie on top of countless other lies and baseless statements that you cannot even begin to substantiate. 
townpete said:
It is good that you are yelling (hollerin') your mating call.

Your flock is already on the run from fear of fornication from you.
Glenn Quagmire said:
Can you prove that?
You can all by yourself. Go do a topic search in WC and ask it Obamacare and see all the threads and look up all his posts and see the ones by the right putting it down and see how many Tree defended it with his family members plights under the preObama era, see how many posts where he claimed it was good because all these people who didn't have it before are now forced to get it whether or not they can afford it. Its all there....you know how to do it.
Glenn Quagmire said:
It is good that you are yelling (hollerin') your mating call.

Your flock is already on the run from fear of fornication from you.
Well, in all fariness; there's nothing of any "flock" that can be referenced (or even found in all of human history) that amounts to anyone/anywhere ever much lying awake in dire fear of liberals....Or perhaps you could offer at least one notable exception to that?...? 😉
Go back to your "flock" fantasies, little lamb, and continue mindlessly bleating amongst your fellow sheep. Such sheep are pretty much the only creatures that would consider what you fine liberals offer as being anything even approaching actualy real-world "thought" in any case. Don't expect the "wolves" that want to just simply "kill and eat you" to take any notice of your childish nonsense....because they certainly will NOT!
Perhaps I'm completely wrong here. Maybe if even a few liberals just stood up and lovingly hugged the fine muslims then murdering them in batch lots in Paris,...well...Who knows? All might've been well then....Right?
P.S. It's sure a "good thing" indeed that France has such restrictive laws on private citizens' gun ownership, since that clearly made all of Paris completely "safe" (at least for the murderous terrorists)....Right? One must suppose that it's doubly a "good thing" that those trgically and brutally MURDERED people in San Bernadino were made "safe" by some moronic liberal fantasies of a "gun free zone".....Words just fail me with "liberals" (Brain-Dead-Zombies) sometimes.
EastUS1 said:
Go back to your "flock" fantasies, little lamb, and continue mindlessly bleating amongst your fellow sheep. Such sheep are pretty much the only creatures that would consider what you fine liberals offer as being anything even approaching actualy real-world "thought" in any case. Don't expect the "wolves" that want to just simply "kill and eat you" to take any notice of your childish nonsense....because they certainly will NOT!
Let me guess.  You went and saw American Sniper and bought the DVD the day it came out.
EastUS1 said:
P.S. It's sure a "good thing" indeed that France has such restrictive laws on private citizens' gun ownership, since that clearly made all of Paris completely "safe" (at least for the murderous terrorists)....Right? 
The French would tell you that America experiences a Paris massacre every four days and that they will keep things as they are.  
EastUS1 said:
One must suppose that it's doubly a "good thing" that those trgically and brutally MURDERED people in San Bernadino were made "safe" by some moronic liberal fantasies of a "gun free zone".....Words just fail me with "liberals" (Brain-Dead-Zombies) sometimes.
The infantile fantasy that if only everyone had guns maybe the Paris and San Bernadino massacres would not have happened.  As if someone at either place would have had the presence of mind, or training, to take on people more heavily armed and had the element of surprise.  In the case of Paris people who were also throwing bombs.  
If you truly feel that everyone needs to be armed including people who work at places that serve the disabled or teachers please do not say were are the greatest nation on earth.  Because if it has come to that we are nothing more than a violent third world country that just happens to have a higher standard of living.
EastUS1 said:
Well, in all fariness; there's nothing of any "flock" that can be referenced (or even found in all of human history) that amounts to anyone/anywhere ever much lying awake in dire fear of liberals....Or perhaps you could offer at least one notable exception to that?...? 😉
Go back to your "flock" fantasies, little lamb, and continue mindlessly bleating amongst your fellow sheep. Such sheep are pretty much the only creatures that would consider what you fine liberals offer as being anything even approaching actualy real-world "thought" in any case. Don't expect the "wolves" that want to just simply "kill and eat you" to take any notice of your childish nonsense....because they certainly will NOT!
Perhaps I'm completely wrong here. Maybe if even a few liberals just stood up and lovingly hugged the fine muslims then murdering them in batch lots in Paris,...well...Who knows? All might've been well then....Right?
P.S. It's sure a "good thing" indeed that France has such restrictive laws on private citizens' gun ownership, since that clearly made all of Paris completely "safe" (at least for the murderous terrorists)....Right? One must suppose that it's doubly a "good thing" that those trgically and brutally MURDERED people in San Bernadino were made "safe" by some moronic liberal fantasies of a "gun free zone".....Words just fail me with "liberals" (Brain-Dead-Zombies) sometimes.
I would seriously examine that idea if I were you.
777 fixer said:
The infantile fantasy that if only everyone had guns maybe the Paris and San Bernadino massacres would not have happened.  As if someone at either place would have had the presence of mind, or training, to take on people more heavily armed and had the element of surprise.  In the case of Paris people who were also throwing bombs.  
If you truly feel that everyone needs to be armed including people who work at places that serve the disabled or teachers please do not say were are the greatest nation on earth.  Because if it has come to that we are nothing more than a violent third world country that just happens to have a higher standard of living.
So you're saying, if in that type situation, you would stand up and slit your throat in protest before being shot?
"Freedom has many difficulties and democracy is not perfect."