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Video Just Surfaced That PROVE Trump Was Right About 9/11 Celebrations

townpete said:
You seem to be a mighty shill, you must work for CAIR.
You seem to have an issue with facts and history and reading and stuff

You must watch a lot of FAUX " News " (Or "Information Service" according to E...)
townpete said:
Prove there wasn't.
So you believe in unicorns, the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, The tooth fairy, witches, Sasquatch, Zeuse, Apollo ....  That does explain quite a bit.  You believe if it cannot be proven to not exist, it does exist.
Ms Tree said:
So you believe in unicorns, the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, The tooth fairy, witches, Sasquatch, Zeuse, Apollo ....  That does explain quite a bit.  You believe if it cannot be proven to not exist, it does exist.
I believe Trump.
Ans so does the majority the american public as well.
So there's that.
At various points in our history we believed the earth was flat, the earth was the center of the universe, women could be witches .. just to mention a few.

Feel free to 'believe' what you want. There was new proof for the beliefs above any more then there is any proof for your belief.
townpete said:
I believe Trump.
Ans so does the majority the american public as well.
So there's that.

So Petey, let's see some evidence or proof of that statement

The one in the middle

That the Majority of The American People believe Trump.

Cartoons don't count

Ifly2 said:
So Petey, let's see some evidence or proof of that statement
The one in the middle
That the Majority of The American People believe Trump.
Cartoons don't count
Welp, since his poll numbers keep rising, the more you LWNJ's throw a hissy fit.

Enough proof for me.

" A Quinnipiac University poll also released this week showed Trump at 27 percent,"

That's 27% of registered republicans or republican leaning independents (that would be folks like me... having voted for exactly one democrat for president...)

27% of ~ 50% equals ~ 13.5%

That's a long long way from any majority.

And the question was who would you vote for, not do you believe Trump.

Ever take a math class, read for comprehension, or think, at all...?

It doesn't appear that you have, or do, or are capable of any of the three
Ifly2 said:
" A Quinnipiac University poll also released this week showed Trump at 27 percent,"
That's 27% of registered republicans or republican leaning independents (that would be folks like me... having voted for exactly one democrat for president...)
27% of ~ 50% equals ~ 13.5%
That's a long long way from any majority.
And the question was who would you vote for, not do you believe Trump.
Ever take a math class, read for comprehension, or think, at all...?
It doesn't appear that you have, or do, or are capable of any of the three
Enough to win.
Tree just loves to thread the needle on semantics. The point is Muslims were celebrating, there were accusations made about the building in New Jersey, and maybe in the confusion of everything happening on 9/11, some assumptions were made.

Ms Tree said:
At various points in our history we believed the earth was flat, the earth was the center of the universe, women could be witches .. just to mention a few.

Feel free to 'believe' what you want. There was new proof for the beliefs above any more then there is any proof for your belief.
I also heard that if I liked my insurance, I could keep my insurance, Hillary turned over all of her emails, and that Bill never had sexual relations with "that woman" but hey, those get easily explained away.

If you want to hold one party hard & fast to semantics, you'd better hold your candidates accountable as well.

The larger point from Trump's statement (and Carson's for that matter), is that yes, Muslims were celebrating the deaths of innocents in New York. The greater point that liberals like Tree don't want to face is that the fact people celebrated the deaths of innocents indicates there are hundreds of thousands if not millions around the globe who would like nothing more than to see more 9/11's happen, either in the US or in other western countries.

Tree can't process something involving inherent evil, and has to focus on a binary answer over an off-the-cuff statement made to a reporter, as opposed to a statement made as part of their official role (past or present) in the government.

Stay in denial, Tree. Focus on the irrelevant. We're use to it.
townpete said:
Ans so does the majority the american public as well.
That's not what you said...

He may win, elected by those like yourself who don't think, read, comprehend or understand basic math...

Still, It is ok

He will be a huge disappointment to you, and a non-event to me...
eolesen said:
Tree just loves to thread the needle on semantics. The point is Muslims were celebrating, there were accusations made abwout the building in New Jersey, and maybe in the confusion of everything happening on 9/11, some assumptions were made.I also heard that if I liked my insurance, I could keep my insurance, Hillary turned over all of her emails, and that Bill never had sexual relations with "that woman" but hey, those get easily explained away.If you want to hold one party hard & fast to semantics, you'd better hold your candidates accountable as well.The larger point from Trump's statement (and Carson's for that matter), is that yes, Muslims were celebrating the deaths of innocents in New York. The greater point that liberals like Tree don't want to face is that the fact peoppmle celebrated the deaths of innocents indicates there are hundreds of thousands if not millions around the globe who would like nothing more than to see more 9/11's happen, either in the US or in other western countries.Tree can't process something involving inherent evil, and has to focus on a binary answer over an off-the-cuff statement made to a reporter, as opposed to a statement made as part of their official role (past or present) in the government.Stay in denial, Tree. Focus on the irrelevant. We're use to it.

No needle is being threaded. Trump said he saw thousands in NJ celebrating. You Pete and others are trying to defend him but have yet to provide a shred of proof. There is no bigger picture. There is no "what he meant.. " there is what he said and what he said is a lie. I know there were people celebratiing and I said as much inmprevious posts so stop kying about what I have or have not said. Everyone can read what I have posted.

Clinton lied and I have never tried to justify it. Obama has lied and I have never tried to justify it.
Trump didn't just say it, he demanded that we believe him when the evidence didn't support his claim, and he (and Gentle Ben...) keep doing that.

That is part of the issue.

Of course Muslims were celebrating.

Americans, and Christian Americans, celebrated the invasion of Iraq, the killing of Saddam, the toppling of a statue, a "smart-bomb" hit on a truck, and the deaths of thousands of civilians.

That doesn't mean that Muslim Americans, or American Muslims, were unanimously or overwhelmingly or even widely celebrating the 9/11 attacks, and _that_ is what Trump's comments implied.

And _that_ is the rest of the issue.

Go ahead, defend _that_.

Just proves you will defend anything, like good little Tories
Ifly2 said:
Trump didn't just say it, he demanded that we believe him when the evidence didn't support his claim, and he (and Gentle Ben...) keep doing that.

That is part of the issue.

Of course Muslims were celebrating.

Americans, and Christian Americans, celebrated the invasion of Iraq, the killing of Saddam, the toppling of a statue, a "smart-bomb" hit on a truck, and the deaths of thousands of civilians.

That doesn't mean that Muslim Americans, or American Muslims, were unanimously or overwhelmingly or even widely celebrating the 9/11 attacks, and _that_ is what Trump's comments implied.

And _that_ is the rest of the issue.

Go ahead, defend _that_.

Just proves you will defend anything, like good little Tories
Proof positive that liberalism is a mental disease. 
townpete said:
Proof positive that liberalism is a mental disease.
Proof positive that at least one member of tje Ridiculous Right is unable to deal with truth