Here at DFW, after the VBR were offered, crew chiefs were told that they would be kept on a seperate lists from clerks and in essence would not be allowed to avail themselves of the offer because the compnay did not want to lose their "expertise". The company referred to a 2004 letter to Gary Yingst that seperated work groups by classification. This offer is NOT an SIS, it is a VBR. Nothing in the 2004 letter makes any reference to a VBR. Now the company is saying that the VBR is an "extension" of the SIS. Bullcrap. I was taught in school to read the black on a page and leave the white alone. All that is happening is that the crew chiefs seniority is being ignored. Per Article 15 of the TWU contract it states in paragraph A that "all demotions and reductions in force of full time and part time employees for lack of work will be handled seperatly in accordance with seniority." Nowhere is there a seperation between crew chifs and clerks because we all are clerks. If a crew chief is sick or on vacation, the open slot is filled by a clerk D1 so at the end of the day a clerk is missing from the manning.
If a crew chief wants to retire, the company can do nothing to stop him. So it seems as if it is all about paying the money out that the company has offered and are now reneging on. Please, someone tell me how 30-45 years of seniorty can be passed ove and ignored. The international should be all over this because if a lawsuit eminates from it, the employees will win hands down. WE need to beseige the union hall and the international with hundreds of phone calls and letters until we can get this injustice rectified.
If a crew chief wants to retire, the company can do nothing to stop him. So it seems as if it is all about paying the money out that the company has offered and are now reneging on. Please, someone tell me how 30-45 years of seniorty can be passed ove and ignored. The international should be all over this because if a lawsuit eminates from it, the employees will win hands down. WE need to beseige the union hall and the international with hundreds of phone calls and letters until we can get this injustice rectified.