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VA workers given millions in bonuses as vets await checks


Apr 18, 2009
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Government not so good, in fact it downright despicable. :down:

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- While hundreds of thousands of disability claims lay backlogged at the Department of Veterans Affairs, thousands of technology employees at the department received $24 million in bonuses, a new report says.

A report issued by the VA's Office of Inspector General said the department issued millions of dollars in awards over a two-year period in 2007 and 2008.

"The frequent and large dollar amount awards given to employees were unusual and often absurd," the report stated.

The reports also called the payments "not fiscally responsible."

Four high-level employees received about $60,000, $73,000, $58,000, and $59,000, respectively, according to the report, without sufficient justification. Another employee received a $4,500 performance award within the first 90 days of her employment from a manager who said that she did not even remember her.

Oh yeah, lets have the government take over our healthcare...not! :down:
Government not so good, in fact it downright despicable. :down:
Oh yeah, lets have the government take over our healthcare...not! :down:
I am sure you realized that those occurred under the previous administration.

A report issued by the VA's Office of Inspector General said the department issued millions of dollars in awards over a two-year period in 2007 and 2008.
I am sure you realized that those occurred under the previous administration.

Duh...the most obvious point I could make is that no matter what administration, gov run operations + healthcare is horrible outcome. How much more obvious can I make it? Or do i need break it down in smaller chunks?
Government not so good, in fact it downright despicable. :down:
Oh yeah, lets have the government take over our healthcare...not! :down:

Yet, you have no problem with this:

Those of you who are struggling to pay for your generic medicines or wondering why the doctor is charging you a $5.00 co-pay, give some thought to these facts about how our health care dollars are allocated. At the end of this post, there is a list of 23 health companies I found on Forbes.com, what the CEO was paid in 2005, and the average paid to the CEO in the past five years.

The numbers are numbing, which is why we should do something about this.

* United Health Group
CEO: William W McGuire
2005: 124.8 mil
5-year: 342 mil

Or this:

Some 43 Million Lack Health Insurance
Almost 15% of People in U.S. Have No Health Insurance Coverage, Says CDC
Why do you people always want to include "Illeagal Aliens" in your bloated numbers. Approx. 13 million of your 43 million are illeagally here in the U.S.
Sorry Tech but , I doubt very seriously that if I "SNUCK" into Mexico, that they would offer me Health insurance.

So lets bring that figure of yours down from 13 to 10%, that do not have Health insurance. Instead of 'Punishing" everyone, (Single Payer, Government-Run Health care), how 'bout #1, address the 10 million that do not have health care "ONLY" !

#2 As far as competiveness, Let "ALL" health insurance companys offer their services in "EVERY" state !
If your so upset and jealous about CEO's pay, get a job as one ! :shock: