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Using the Olympics to push the Gay Agenda.

Kev3188 said:
"Family" is what you make it.
Charles Manson made a family.  

Kev3188 said:
Well, I'm a parent, and some of the values I hope to instill in my kids are: Fairness, equality, and live and let live. 
Do you want to instill accepting perversion as normalcy Kev3188, because that is what you are doing.  
You say live and let live. I say that is an anarchist point of view and disregards the establishment of law.
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to nothing."  Edmund Burke
"Those who stand for nothing fall for anything."  Alexander Hamilton
Kev3188 said:
La La, do you actually know any gay couples? Ever interact with any? Off the top of my head, I can think of 3 I know. All have a child. All are mind numbingly normal compared to any of us, unless you consider things like wanting their kids to live well, worrying about the mortgage, bitching about their jobs, etc. to be "perverse."
Why ask a question you already know the answer to?
I do not associate on a personal level with those I know engage in homosexual activity. I am a big believer in that you should distance yourself from those that display moral or ethical behaviors that you find unacceptable. To put it bluntly, I will not suffer fools gladly.
I know no gay couples. I have worked with gay individuals. I will say one individual went out of their way to attract attention to themselves in both mannerism and dress and obviously had severe psychological problems and displayed a disconnect with reality time and time again. I have met another that is as you have described. They acted in a normal manner. 
I would ask how the gay people you know have a child. 
Do not try to convince me a gay couple is normal by displaying common everyday issues. Rapist and pedophiles share the same issues you listed. Are you going to tell me they are normal as well?
700UW said:
So now you are an expert via the internet to tell what a person's classification, job skills and qualifications are?
If that is what you believe you are truly ignorant and a lost cause.
You have stated your classification many times in the AMFA debate.
I am sure you have your A&P. However it is skill that makes a mechanic, not a license. Some people can pass a test but simply do not have the aptitude in the real world.
As far as you being incompetent and unqualified, believe it no, suspect it yes. 
I see you post foolishness on here so it stands to reason that your stupidity is present in other aspects of your life. Like your job for instance. Then again you may be a savant.
If you were not in a UNION would American Airlines fire you for gross i[SIZE=10.5pt]ncompetence[/SIZE]? I wonder.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
Do you want to instill accepting perversion as normalcy Kev3188, because that is what you are doing.  
I do not associate on a personal level with those I know engage in homosexual activity. I am a big believer in that you should distance yourself from those that display moral or ethical behaviors that you find unacceptable. To put it bluntly, I will not suffer fools gladly.
I know no gay couples.
What if you had a gay family member, or gasp, a child that was gay?

Would you throw them to the streets calling them perverted as you kick them out of the moving car?

And you say you know no gay couples, yet you come here and judge them. Just exactly what you complained that Ms. Tree does?

The good thing about you is that society will roll right by you while you are standing still.

I also have some news for you, if you display any of the behavior you display here at your place of employment, you will not last long. Whether you like it or not, sexual preference is a protected class under the EEOC.

"Laws Enforced By the EEOC"

"The EEOC enforces the prohibitions against employment discrimination in Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Equal Pay Act of 1963, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, Sections 501 and 505 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Titles I and V of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), Title II of the Genetic Information Non-discrimination Act (GINA), and the Civil Rights Act of 1991. These laws prohibit discrimination based on race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, disability, and genetic information, as well as reprisal for protected activity. The Commission's interpretations of these statutes apply to its adjudication and enforcement in federal sector as well as private sector and state and local government employment."

"The EEOC has held that discrimination against an individual because that person is transgender (also known as gender identity discrimination) is discrimination because of sex and therefore is covered under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. See Macy v. Department of Justice, EEOC Appeal No. 0120120821 (April 20, 2012), http://www.eeoc.gov/decisions/0120120821%20Macy%20v%20DOJ%20ATF.txt. The Commission has also found that claims by lesbian, gay, and bisexual individuals alleging sex-stereotyping state a sex discrimination claim under Title VII. See Veretto v. U.S. Postal Service, EEOC Appeal No. 0120110873 (July 1, 2011); Castello v. U.S. Postal Service, EEOC Request No. 0520110649 (Dec. 20, 2011), http://www.eeoc.gov/decisions/0520110649.txt.""

Tread lightly or you may find yourself on the wrong end of one of those cases. They are no fun for any involved.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
You have stated your classification many times in the AMFA debate.
I am sure you have your A&P. However it is skill that makes a mechanic, not a license. Some people can pass a test but simply do not have the aptitude in the real world.
As far as you being incompetent and unqualified, believe it no, suspect it yes. 
I see you post foolishness on here so it stands to reason that your stupidity is present in other aspects of your life. Like your job for instance. Then again you may be a savant.
If you were not in a UNION would American Airlines fire you for gross i[SIZE=10.5pt]ncompetence[/SIZE]? I wonder.
Are you sure?
You really dont know how to read and comprehend.
Would you care to make a wager and find one post where I stated I was a mechanic?
I have more labor knowledge, skill, and education in my pinky than you have in your whole backwards mind of yours.
I have won a $15 million arbitration case against US that I prepared and presented.
I have been on the Negotiating Committee for Mechanic and Related at US and for the IAM CO FAs before also.
I have been union rep for years during my time at US, been the District 142 Communicator, been a Trustee and the Recording Secretary at my local which was one of the largest in the IAM and the US Airways system, held many committee positions.
Been on organizing drives and won the largest campaign ever in the industry, so much more I can say too.
I have been to the White House, the Senate and the House to lobby on behalf of Airline Employees.
Shall I continue?
So how much do you want to wager?
Glenn Quagmire said:
What if you had a gay family member, or gasp, a child that was gay?
I don't.

Glenn Quagmire said:
Would you throw them to the streets calling them perverted as you kick them out of the moving car?

What a child does after he/she is 18 is their own business. I would not tolerate same sex acts under my roof. I would make it very known I did not support the relationship. I would not allow the gay partner in my home. I would not provide living expense assistance as long as my child maintained a homosexual relationship.

Glenn Quagmire said:
And you say you know no gay couples, yet you come here and judge them. Just exactly what you complained that Ms. Tree does?
I know what broken homes have done to the youth of America. This suggest a child needs both a mother and father figure present in the home.
I know that when society allows gays to adopt children they are condoning and legitimizing an unnatural coupling.
I know there is no logical reason for two people of the same sex to engage in sexual activity.
I know that by design two people of the same sex cannot naturally have a child.  The gays are trying to force the government to provide what nature never intended them to have.
Can you show me that homosexual activity is productive in any way to society? 
When did I accuse Ms Tree of this?

Glenn Quagmire said:
The good thing about you is that society will roll right by you while you are standing still.
The same society that supported Obamacare? The same society that allows "entitlements" to defund the middle class (ie wealth redistribution). People are starting to see socialist libtards for the manipulators they really are. 
Eventually the US Government will not be able to live off a Chinese credit card. When the libtard government can no longer sustain entitlement groups and buy votes we will see how the libtard government fares. Let's see how the nation reacts when the government cuts off their food stamps. The economy is already in trouble. Why do you think the libtards are pushing so hard for immigration reform. They could care less about immigrants. All they see are new votes and a new tax base to keep their little socialist scam going. 
When that happens let's see just how popular liberal views really are. 

Glenn Quagmire said:
I also have some news for you, if you display any of the behavior you display here at your place of employment, you will not last long. Whether you like it or not, sexual preference is a protected class under the EEOC.
That is nothing more than a product of the liberal government using "civil rights" to buy off voters.
Would it interest you to know that psychologist classified homosexuality as a mental illness until 1974. The removal of homosexuality from the DSM-II was spawned by a protest from gay activist in 1970 and 1971. It was not removed because of studies in science and medicine, it was removed because of political pressure.
Glenn Quagmire said:
Tread lightly or you may find yourself on the wrong end of one of those cases. They are no fun for any involved.
I do not bring my personal life to work. If a gay person brings their personal life to work then THEY should be fired.
That is how the left really operates. Intimidation and bribery.
700UW said:
Are you sure?
You really dont know how to read and comprehend.
Would you care to make a wager and find one post where I stated I was a mechanic?
I have more labor knowledge, skill, and education in my pinky than you have in your whole backwards mind of yours.
I have won a $15 million arbitration case against US that I prepared and presented.
I have been on the Negotiating Committee for Mechanic and Related at US and for the IAM CO FAs before also.
I have been union rep for years during my time at US, been the District 142 Communicator, been a Trustee and the Recording Secretary at my local which was one of the largest in the IAM and the US Airways system, held many committee positions.
Been on organizing drives and won the largest campaign ever in the industry, so much more I can say too.
I have been to the White House, the Senate and the House to lobby on behalf of Airline Employees.
Shall I continue?
So how much do you want to wager?
So basically you hide out in the UNION hall while avoiding any manual labor.
Nope, not at all.
I would spend two weeks at work and two weeks with the union, and in the field, not always at the hall.
And glad to see you ignore everything and just try to attack.
See I sacrificed to help my members, what have you done?
Only time I was full time was during negotiations and special assignments, but nope, I worked like everyone else and only took my normal wage.
So how much do you want to bet if you can find a post where I said I was a mechanic?
How about $100?
700UW said:
Dues money cannot be used for political purposes.
700UW said:
That is why the union PACs exist.

You do realize every single penny a union spends is public record and must be filed with the Department of Labor. Unlike a company.
It is very obvious you are so in the know about everything.
It is obvious you are not in the know.
Go read the Labor Management Reporting Disclosure Act. (LMRDA).
MNPLs are set up using voluntary donations from members to use for lobbying, and political purposes.
Glad to see you had to go back to July of 2013 to reply to a post, that is not even in this thread, you are reaching and you are going to lose.
Hey are you a member of Westboro Church?
Glad to see you keep deflecting.
Are you too scared to take my bet?
Hey it's Sunday morning shouldnt you be in church praying for God to strike down the Heathens?
Equality...hahahaha. I think equality needs to be brought to the Olympics.  There should not be gold, silver, and bronze medals anymore.  Just give everyone a participation ribbon because nobody should be better than anyone. 
I was reviewing your post and found something interesting.

You are a libtard through and through.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:

I don't.

What a child does after he/she is 18 is their own business. I would not tolerate same sex acts under my roof. I would make it very known I did not support the relationship. I would not allow the gay partner in my home. I would not provide living expense assistance as long as my child maintained a homosexual relationship.
Would it interest you to know that psychologist classified homosexuality as a mental illness until 1974. The removal of homosexuality from the DSM-II was spawned by a protest from gay activist in 1970 and 1971. It was not removed because of studies in science and medicine, it was removed because of political pressure.
With out a doubt one of the most disturbing posts I have read on here.  I doubt even South, Erick, Sparrow or any of the other conservatives on here would agree with this although I could be wrong.  
It is heartening to know that people like Cheney and Porter who more than likely would have been 'against' gays changed their opinion when they found out they had a gay child.  Tends to change ones out look when things become personal.
Unlike religion, the sciences change as knowledge is gained.  There was a time when science said that blacks were genetically inferior to white (now known to be false).  The DSM removed homosexuality because there is no science to back up the belief that it is a mental disorder.
And you are that ignorant and desperate that you are changing the subject with each post?
Can you not stay on topic?
How many other posts are you going to dig up that have nothing to do with your backwards views?
And glad to see you still have to call people names.
Last time I checked this is America, guess you would rather live in Russia where people have limited rights?
Oh wait, maybe you would prefer North Korea.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
...socialist libtards...

...libtard government...

...libtard government...


Your post boils down the above.

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