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Using the Olympics to push the Gay Agenda.

AdAstraPerAspera, on 16 Feb 2014 - 11:05 AM, said:
Holy jeez, La La, just about everything you spew is so hurtful and ignorant, I wouldn't know where to begin. It's a shame too, because I think we work for the same airline, one that has arguably the best support for LGBT customers, employees, and their families. That said, I hope the next time you nonrev, the (probably gay) flight attendants don't take care of you at all. Karma, man.
I do not work for the airline anymore.

I do not work for the airline anymore.
I see you have no issue wishing bad on others.
Probably gay flight attendants? Sounds like you are doing a bit of stereotyping.
AdAstraPerAspera, on 13 Feb 2014 - 10:34 AM, said:
Debbie, that's nothing! Floyd broke his finger the other day taking the cart out into first class. Now he can't even go on Grindr on his overnights anymore... I keep telling him nobody wants to look at that picture of his wrinkly old torso, but he won't listen. He's been feeling quite high on himself since he got some action from that leather daddy on his AMS last month, but he told me not to tell anyone.
Oh my god Debbie, did you know at AA we are going to have to do hot towels, warm nuts and baked cookies on hour and a half domestic? They bake southern biscuits for the breakfasts too... If they think I am going to start doing THAT they are on crack… thank god I hold only international trips. Sir, I'm sorry that your Envoy seat is broken and won't recline, but you can't stand here, this is a GALLEY SERVICE AREA, please return to your seat. Debbie, could you close that curtain for me? Boy I am going to miss this 767 when it's gone.
AdAstraPerAspera, on 13 Feb 2014 - 3:02 PM, said:
Oh Debbie, if you tell that story again, then I get to tell my story about me and that PIT ramper in the back of that out-of-service 727. (we did it in the very back, if you know what I mean-- DON'T judge, you know we couldn't get pregnant and keep our jobs back then!) Ah, memories…. I was so young and pretty. Speaking of narrowbodies and rear ends, do you think AA is going to make us get qualified on the MD-80 tailcone exit? I hope not... you know I only do transatlantic. I'm wondering if I should xfer to JFK once we combine operations-- I heard we are going to have 9 flights a day between PIT-JFK!
[SIZE=9pt]Sounds like the ranting of a libtard sexual deviant to me.[/SIZE]
Barb. Short for Barbara?
AdAstraPerAspera said:
Some have argued that homosexuality occurs in nature as a natural, non-invasive form of population check. It occurs everywhere in nature, not just in humans, you know. That alone should tell you that it is a normal, acceptable part of biology.
But again, if you seriously have an issue with homosexuality I think you work in the wrong industry. Thankfully, by far most of the people I encounter in my day-to-day work are far more enlightened and accepting than you.
I have seen a dog try to hump a couch to. I suppose you think people should emulate that behavior to. You have a mind use it.
Your next sentence is a typical liberal tactic. If you do not believe the way I believe you are backwards and unenlightened.
Liberals are really good at selling lies. They market them as progress.
What does having an issue with homosexuality have to do with working in the airline industry?  
You still have not answered my question.
Can you show me that homosexual activity is productive in any way to society? 
AdAstraPerAspera said:
Oh jesus christ almighty. You must have zero sense of humor. I bet you're a riot at parties.

Ok, since I didn't realize how "new" you were to the board, you obviously don't "get it"…
*this* is "the galley show"
Although with your severe lack of a funny bone, I still doubt you'll get it.

From what I have read I assume this is some sort of satire about the life of a flight attendant.
The topics you chose to bring up reflect sexually deviant behavior.
It is only natural to wonder how much of your "satire" rings true.
You say I am unenlightened.
You have not shown me any compelling argument that homosexuality is in any way productive to society. The best argument you can come up with is population control. Pretty weak. You want me to accept it simply because you desire it but have nothing to offer to validate your argument. 
You say I am unaccepting.
The left has attacked my finances, healthcare, religion, moral values, and political beliefs. They have buried our nation in debt, cut our nation's defenses, attacked the sanctity of marriage, legalized abortions of convenience, refused to enforce our drug laws, and indoctrinated our school children with socialist values. 
Just how damn accepting do you expect me to be?
Ms Tree said:
Seems like there is a whole lot of anger and self loathing.  The idea of turning out ones own flesh and blood with such a cavalier attitude is sickening.  I know it happens but I guess that is another thing I just don't get.
What you "just don't get" would fill a Google database.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
The left has attacked my finances, healthcare, religion, moral values, and political beliefs. They have buried our nation in debt, cut our nation's defenses, attacked the sanctity of marriage, legalized abortions of convenience, refused to enforce our drug laws, and indoctrinated our school children with socialist values. 
There you go playing the victim again.
La Li Lu Le Lo said:
I am still waiting.

What does productive have to do with legal rights? Is the KKK productive? How are the Amish productive? There is nothing in the COTUS or any other law so far as I am aware that requires something to be productive (what ever that means) in order to be legal.
AdAstraPerAspera said:
Some have argued that homosexuality occurs in nature as a natural, non-invasive form of population check. It occurs everywhere in nature, not just in humans, you know. That alone should tell you that it is a normal, acceptable part of biology.
But again, if you seriously have an issue with homosexuality I think you work in the wrong industry. Thankfully, by far most of the people I encounter in my day-to-day work are far more enlightened and accepting than you.

I think it is painfully obvious that sexual orientation is genetic. Find me one person willing to admits that they choose to be straight. In order to make a choice there must be ore than one viable option. That means that being gay was a possibility equal to being gay. And that through a process of elimination they chose one over the other.

Not sure about you folks but I am attracted to women. Always have been. I could no more choose to be attracted to men than I could choose to sprout wings and fly.

I would love to hear from La La how at some point he considered being gay but decided against it.
AdAstraPerAspera said:
He plays the victim yet I'm the one being called a "sexually deviant libtard"... whatever that means

What it means is that they have lost the battle and the war. Next war ... plural marriages. in 3 ..... 2 ...... 1.........
Ms Tree said:

What does productive have to do with legal rights? Is the KKK productive? How are the Amish productive? There is nothing in the COTUS or any other law so far as I am aware that requires something to be productive (what ever that means) in order to be legal.
Because laws have a purpose stupid.
They do not make laws just to make laws.
You make a law to either produce an outcome or eliminate one.
I see you bring up COTUS about every 5 posts like you are the resident expert in law. I got news for you. You're not.
Libtards have done more to damage the Constitutional rights of Americans since Barack Obama has been in office than any other time in the history of the United States.
I have a theory.
My theory is you could really care less about gay marriage. Your attack on the sanctity of marriage is nothing more than your disdain for Christianity and promoting your atheist beliefs.
You claim to care about civil rights. The truth is your just a selfish prick with an agenda.
Ms Tree said:
I think it is painfully obvious that sexual orientation is genetic. Find me one person willing to admits that they choose to be straight. In order to make a choice there must be ore than one viable option. That means that being gay was a possibility equal to being gay. And that through a process of elimination they chose one over the other.
Another one of Tree's false dilemmas,  it's either genetic or you make a conscience choice to be gay. 
What about identical twins where one is straight and one is gay? 
"What causes it? That is a sticky wicket. I have the feeling that with all the new research there is a hormonal base to some of it since traumas in the womb can and do change the later sex hormone levels. That is not all. There has to be a familial configuration that deprives the child of fulfillment of need, somehow, somewhere. I do think heterosexuality is normal, given the need for survival of the species, to say nothing of how the parts fit together to make babies."
" So the groundwork may be chemical but it will not expand into homosexuality without other key factors apparent."
Sex & The Subconscious: Perversions and Diversions in the Realm of the Libido
Dog Wonder said:
And you are an illiterate spreading hate in the name of your faith.
And you have made denial a way of life.
If pointing out I used your instead of you're is the best you can do to debase my statement then I would say you're the one with the issue.

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