USAirways to buy (merge) with Delta

You will enjoy PHX. It is a dry heat. Also, how many aircarft paint schemes will there be in play when this thing happens? 15? I should have been an aircraft painter.
Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire. I was told that lie before. "It's a dry heat. You won't feel it." The first time I was in PHX in August and it was 120 degrees in the shade, I FELT IT! :lol:

New thread...Which is better? A. Being an Aircraft painter. B. Being a manufacturer of a/c paint.
As an employee of LCC...I suggest this day in November 2006 "World Traveler" Day. The day the world stopped rotating for "WT". He was last seen walking aimlessly mumbleing something about..."This can't be". NOT US Airways!! Don't approve it creditors..Don't, my thousand points of light are steering me wrong. How can I face the next day knowing my beloved DAL is under attack!! Mommy, this can't be!!!!
How does DAL compare to USAir wage wise across the work groups???

Might the idea of more lost wages/benefits/seniority spur some work groups into panic organizing???

One things certain, this is gonna be fun to watch.
The fact that the proposal has been on the table for 2 months should indicate that Grinstein has the backing of the creditors in not pursuing a merger.

If DL had a viable Exit strategy and had not been petitioning the courts for extensions this most likely would not be happening. But since they are not sure of where they are going I suspect the creditors will take the money and RUN!
This is a brilliant move by Parker. If it works, he has DL outright.

If it does not work, it will cause DL, a competitor, to spend more to emerge from bankruptcy and have a potentially higher cost structure.

If you meet in the middle, it forces DL to begin negotiating with US or other airlines for partners. This could force consolidation and take seats out of play.

He comes out ahead anyway this breaks.

All in all, things are going to be busy at DL WHQ.
DL has no interest in a merger w/ anyone and even they did it would never be w/ US. US and DL combined are so large on the East Coast that regulators would never approve it. Further, US has still not completed its merger w/ HP from a year ago.

The fact that the proposal has been on the table for 2 months should indicate that Grinstein has the backing of the creditors in not pursuing a merger.
Apparently, LCC doesn't really care what Grinstein thinks; it's going ahead with the plans anyway.

From today's N.Y. Times:

Mr. Parker contacted his counterpart at Delta, Gerald Grinstein, as long ago as the spring of this year to suggest a merger, but Mr. Grinstein resisted the idea, saying that Delta preferred to reorganize and emerge from bankruptcy on its own, according to reports. Mr. Parker said he tried again in September, but was once again rebuffed.

“I was disappointed that you declined to meet or even enter into discussions in your letter of October 17, 2006,â€￾ Mr. Parker said a letter to Mr. Grinstein, dated today, that was included in the news release announcing the proposed acquisition. “Because the benefits of a merger of US Airways and Delta are so compelling to both of our companies’ stakeholders, we believe it is important to inform them about our proposal.â€￾

I guess "merger" is not the right word for it. L'il old LCC wants to buy DL outright, with the incompetent DL management team (you know, the ones that led DL into insolvency) kicking and screaming all the way. I would guess that for some of them, their days are numbered. (You wouldn't be in that group, would you, WT?)
Folks, it's a new world in this industry. It is all about survival. If the bk. judge sees value in a US/DAL hook up, you can bet it will happen. All the whining in the world won't matter. All the screaming about the evil US Airways won't matter. This is about preserving as much of DAL as possible as it was with the old US Airways.

I find it laughable that everyone is so against US Airways buying DAL because of regulatory and overlapping issues, yet do any of you really think the potential size of DAL/UAL or DAL/NWA deal would just slide thru? Please.

Don't underestimate Doug Parker. He is smart and has a way of making things happen.

Regardless, I think I need a drink. :blink:
Hey WT - how does this fit in to Delta's NEW WORLD ORDER you love to lecture us all about?

You seem to think that Grinstein will have control and ability to say "no" to U. Don't you realize Grinstein doesn't have the control nor power to say "yea" or "ney"? Something tells me you're not having a good day today.
according to cnn this takeover appears to be a hostile takeover as DP has taken it directly to the credit share holders. question is with the offer of 4 million adn 78.5 shares of the new airline will the share holders reject or take it and run? my guess is that they would take it

You pretty much make the key point. As DL's execs all said in trying to avoid bankruptcy (Mullin & Grinstein both), the reason to avoid was that you lose control. Parker gave Jerry the chance to negotiate, now Parker is playing hardball which seems to suggest this is no bluff. By going public and being willing to take this to the creditors, he's definitely put the ball firmly in Jerry's court to come up with a compelling reason to let him and the rest of the execs to stay in control of DL's destiny. I still believe we'll see some competing offers. What I would hate to see is a break up of DL as I think it's a good franchise that has been poorly run (and in some cases continues to be).

I think we'll get to see how serious Tilton is about consolidation. I think we'll also see how confident NW is in their plan to emerge sucessfully. Lastly, we may get some insight into What CO & AA plan to do long term.
I find all of this interesting. Delta was waiting and wishing for US Airways to collapse not so long ago and now look at the turn of events..........
"The bankruptcy court has granted Delta the exclusive right to create the plan of reorganization until Feb. 15, 2007. We will continue to move aggressively towards that goal," he added in the statement."

Exclusive rights, as it has been explained to me be a bk attorney, means that DL will be able to present its reorganization by mid February as planned. If Delta's plan is ultimately deemed viable and fair it would be the one approved by the court.
Also see the following