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Us Airways To Open El Salvador

This just gets better as time goes by......

Atento is a piece of sh*t! The passengers cannot understand the "technical support" personnel now. One can hardly wait to hear how they handle a lost bag for a Chairman's Preferred. Good thing there is a volume button on the headset.

Who really cares anymore anyway?? Just waitin on the early out release date....

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Actually, by outsourcing to El Salvador, US may be trying to cater to the lucrative gang market. It is only fitting that the dominant carrier in the DC area does businness in the home country of the dominant gang (MS-13) in the DC area.
I see the hand of GE at work - they were keen on getting their vendors to outsource, and pass the savings on to GE. Welch would make the vendors an offer they couldn't refuse - outsource, or we find a new vendor.

Of course, shortchanging the employees is old hat to U, so they went for it in a big way.

And of course, protestations to the contrary, a certain captain is pleased.
Jack Welch was the master of outsourcing.

He would go to his suppliers and threaten to pull GE's Business unless they lowered costs and he showed the how by closing US Plants and moving them to Mexico and other places.

You are 100% right on Diogenes.
Outsourcing looks good on paper seems to be the theme in CCY. Will work ok in the short term, but in the long term that is a different story in my humble opinion.....
With CCY, EVERYTHING looks good on paper.
PineyBob said:
Unless you negotiate iron clad performance clauses into the contracts and have the policies and processes in place you lose complete control of quality by any method you chose to measure quality. If you lose control of the vendor you lose control of cost which is the reason you outsourced in the first place.
Do you think that given the recent past that US Airways is up to the task of managing the contract with Atento?
Piney you hit the nail square on the head.. The folks in CC are clueless and are about to have heavy backlash from our pax when all is outsourced.. It is a shame, but all they can see is the $$ on paper. I wonder whatever happened to "good will"? There is a dollar amount attached to that also.
This will most likely be just a different call transfer center, like the customer help desk for dot.com. As soon a someone clears their throat they will transfer it to res.

I hope that when it comes time for a favor or hand out from Uncle Sam when things get worse, the employees will let their elected officials know that they do not want to give tax dollars to companies that have chosen offshore support. The companies should go the El Salvador or India or wherever they have chosen to base there support centers and ask them for the needed help.
I purchased a Dell computer, if I had known everyone in the support center, hardly spoke english, I would have never purchased one. I get very angry when I can't understand a word they are saying when I'm just calling for something simple, I can imagine how someone is very upset about their mishandled bag and get one of these folks. I think this is a very poor judgement on CCY part, I don't believe this is going to save that much money, compared to the loss of a Customer.
Art at ISP said:
There will be a TREMENDOUS customer backlash, especially when Res is outsourced. Do they know that there is legislation pending in states which will prohibit the states from doing business with companies which outsource?

Do they also know that many companies which had outsourced are now bringing the work back because the errors and customer dissatisfaction are MORE costly than the projected savings?

The backlash will be strong...

My best to you all.

There already is customer backlash..... I hear it everyday. First the web site wont work right, next they call me with their web problem, I have to tell them to hang up (after they been on hold for 45 min because we are short staffed) and call the web site since it outsourced and we can not help them with web problems, next they call us back .... now really pissed because they spent 5 hours just tring to book two seats from PIT - FCO. I cant even count how many people either scream and hang up. "see, thats why your company is in so much trouble" .... I hear that at least once an hour. It shouldnt take half a day to book a flight, thats what happening. People are upset cause they cant get what they want, quickly. For every outsourced job, there are 5 pax that wont fly us again because they cant find the time to book with us because it just takes too much time. Good luck to all.... my job is going to EL SAL.
This just appears to be another of the many indications that this company will not survive in its present form. With all the outsoursing, dismal state of the cleanliness of the fleet, and total lack of vision from CCY, it seems only a matter of time until US disappears either in the form of a new company with new owers, or a merge with another company. The For Sale sign has been out for a while.
avek00 said:

Shuttle America is being shut down and replaced by a new subsidiary, Shuttle Salvador, which will use crews contracted from El Salvador flying Saabs for USX. The crews won't speak any English, so pax will be handed welcome cards upon boarding that list the FA's name and ask that they respect the fact that he/she's only there for safety.

Here's an example of a card that will be handed to passenger upon boarding the aircraft:

"Hello, my name is Rutelina. I do no speak English - I am only here for your safety. I will serve you drink once we take of. When I come through aisle please nod your head if you want drink. have a flight good."

Shuttle Salvador is a key element of the US Airways Transformation Plan. The Company expects to save millions in costs annually from this move.
:shock: :shock: :shock: I LUV IT!!!! LOLOLOL
NAPAUS said:
:shock: :shock: :shock: I LUV IT!!!! LOLOLOL
😉 😉 Isnt it interesting that US is pulling OUT/DROPPING service to El Salvador in MAY!!!

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