USAirways: Hell-bent on creating history's worst airline

Actually, the process does work differently this time.
In the past, AA's unions and mgmt went head to head - and by your own calculations, AA mgmt has gotten the upper hand w/o the benefit of turning the company around.
The purpose of labor unions is to protect its people. The unions can only make the company run well if they have a choice in picking management.
I have never given AA mgmt a free pass (at least for the past 8 years) and completely agree they have squandered what was given to them.
AMR is now in BK which means that everyone to whom the company has made promises and cannot pay all get a piece of the new company - and that means labor gets a shot too.
For too long, AA labor and mgmt have fought... and the company is in even more of a position to get what it wants.
Labor controlled airlines don't have a very great track record in the airline industry - but I believe more than ever this is the time for AA labor to recognize where the company is, what it takes to rebuild it, and now that the cuts have been made - as likely as they will to occur - then AA labor needs to take a much more active role in running the airline - not just fighting mgmt.
AA has an enormous depth of resources from which to draw to rebuild the company, including alot of AA people who are very passionate about their company and who want to win.
As much as it hurts to hear it, the cuts have been made - or will happen.
The choice I WANT AA labor to take is to make the company work VERY WELL by working w/ a mgmt - and if it means throwing out people who cannot work w/ labor, then this is the time to do it - labor has a visible presence w/ the other creditors.
But Horton is fixing what went wrong for almost ten years.... the 1113 process is effectively history... the focus must now be on rebuilding for success.
Usually the mgmt team that takes a company thru BK - including making cuts - is not the one that the creditors choose to run the company post BK... for the obvious reasons you cite of trust.
Labor needs to speak up about who they want to run the company - and then make that choice work.
I wish you ALL at AA the very best in achieving it.

The choice YOU WANT...
You are friggen comical spinmaster....
And why do YOU want this....
Best to ensure the big D stays on top....

I think the little white van is coming to get you very soon, better pack up and dont forget your Delta boxer shorts...
yet what AA needs is exactly what I said... problem is that far too many don't understand that is what it takes to turn the compAAny around.
But it doesn't change the fact that the 1113 process is moving forward, the rest of the unsecured creditors see no reason to terminate the exclusivity period (is it any surprise that labor, mbmt, and the creditors are not on the same page?), and what labor does post-concessions will determine the future of AA. Despite the bravado of some, economic reality will dicatate that the vast majority of employees will show up for work the day after the concessions kick in - and labor will gain a sizable share of the reorganized AA... what they do with that stake will be very important to watch.
yet what AA needs is exactly what I said... problem is that far too many don't understand that is what it takes to turn the compAAny around.

Actually, it's more like a serial internet poster that is so skilled in airline finances and the subject of, "what AA needs", yet seems to be not employed in anything resembling the world of finance due to repeated postings during business hours, and also demonstrates a total cluelessness of the mood and tenacity of the current AA employee.

But it doesn't change the fact that the 1113 process is moving forward, the rest of the unsecured creditors see no reason to terminate the exclusivity period (is it any surprise that labor, mbmt, and the creditors are not on the same page?), and what labor does post-concessions will determine the future of AA.

The USAirway was just broached and not a legal tender offer, The fiduciary duty of the non-labor UCC members is to continue as planned, but in fulfilling that duty, they will examine the LCC/Labor deal for it's chances of success and if it would give them a better return. It's just 'bidness' to them. If they determine it is a better plan, they can vote to terminate the esclusivity period. Game isn't over WT.

Despite the bravado of some, economic reality will dicatate that the vast majority of employees will show up for work the day after the concessions kick in.

Really? I can't speak for other employee groups, but those under the thumb of other CHP11's have said if they did it again, most would vote to walk. As for the economic reality, the reality is B737/B777/B767 Captains are commanding a $240,000 a year salary outside AA. Many are waiting to see how far Horton pushes this piece of @#it before moving on. I can hardly wait for AA's response when ANA and other Skyteam/Star Asian carriers decide to kill AA's B777 Asian flying by offering 150 jobs to AA Captains over a short period of time. I'm not sure they've figure out how fast and cheap they can kill AA in Asia for years.

I may not like the opposing views of some posters on this board, but somtimes they can be right. You and utterly clueless.
Actually, it's more like a serial internet poster that is so skilled in airline finances and the subject of, "what AA needs", yet seems to be not employed in anything resembling the world of finance due to repeated postings during business hours, and also demonstrates a total cluelessness of the mood and tenacity of the current AA employee.

I wouldn't read too much into the hours someone posts here, Mach.

Middle of the day in the US is during evening hours in Europe, late afternoon in Brasil, or overnight in Japan...
Then impress me with good caipirinha recipe and a good recommendation for a bar in the Ginza district, at least something valuable.
Really? I can't speak for other employee groups, but those under the thumb of other CHP11's have said if they did it again, most would vote to walk. As for the economic reality, the reality is B737/B777/B767 Captains are commanding a $240,000 a year salary outside AA. Many are waiting to see how far Horton pushes this piece of @#it before moving on. I can hardly wait for AA's response when ANA and other Skyteam/Star Asian carriers decide to kill AA's B777 Asian flying by offering 150 jobs to AA Captains over a short period of time. I'm not sure they've figure out how fast and cheap they can kill AA in Asia for years.

I may not like the opposing views of some posters on this board, but somtimes they can be right. You and utterly clueless.
then walk and shut it down - or let those who are willing to work do so.
After 8 years, you have to ask what party has the upper hand... and as much as you would like to think otherwise, thousands of AA flights today will operate today - and tomorrow - and a year from now.
What won't work is this continual belief that AA labor has been shafted and labor won't give anything more... either back up your words w/ action or admit the company has won.
Mgmt knows what it takes to turn the company around and that is what they are doing.
I am not "reacting to the deep cuts", so to speak.

I am reacting to how may times we have given AA Management some form of a cut only to see that same management fail to take any advantage of the gift, and instead it gets pissed away and then they blame us or someone else.

My point isn't that cuts have to come or not.

It's that I have zero confidence in who we are about to give the cuts to.
I willing to try someone else that might lie now. I have already experienced this form of lie and deception enough times to know the outcome.

Can you honestly say that you believe that more cuts and the cornerstone strategy is the answer? When you know the other competing carriers will just return to court and get matching cost cuts?

The problem is not the Union and is not the Management, the problem is the law and the law makers which nobody is doing a damn thing about or even talking about it.

So what happens is more wedge put between AA Management and Unions.
In the end, maybe one does finally go out of business, in spite of the laws protecting those that are failing.

So be it.
I have no control and neither do you. So what good is the discussion to begin with? Nothing more than egoic minds pretending they have some influence.

You are obvioulsy paid by someone to manipulate the discussion on this forum. I am paid to do my job. Only I keep getting less and less, while folks like you those we give cuts to take more and more.

If you were us in the Unions, would you keep allowing the same action over and over while expecting different results? In other words, are'nt you just an extreme advocate of insanity?

ABSOLUTELY PERFECTLY SAID !.....This needs to be said over and over on these threads.
WT, your reading comprehension is right up there with your airline analysis. APA has said, and I have that concessions will occur. On the "shafted" side, yes, APA has been shafted along with many others too in this airline and business. Main reason is the BK laws and the RLA. The BK laws let the weak sisters shaft everyone and the RLA lets crappy airline leaders crew over their employees for years when in fact, the goverment should stay out. No airline is like a train union able to shutdown the heating coal for most of the northeast. Unions and companies will figure out real fast what the bottom line is with the real threat of liquidation.
The choice YOU WANT...
You are friggen comical spinmaster....
And why do YOU want this....
Best to ensure the big D stays on top....

I think the little white van is coming to get you very soon, better pack up and dont forget your Delta boxer shorts...

Of course he doesn't want the merger to occur. Delta didn't want the HP/US merger to occur and this is far more of a threat for Delta than the first one was.

WT could be management, although I used to be airline management and I don't remember having enough time to spout off on aviation boards. I Remember beers with the VP though, that was a good use of company funds.

Then impress me with good caipirinha recipe and a good recommendation for a bar in the Ginza district, at least something valuable.
<_< ------ Tokyo, the shinjuko district is one of their better entrainment districts. But I spent more of my time in Yokohama. But I have to admit, that was a few years ago! You can get a commuter train. In fact, you can get almost anywhere in Japan by train.
<_< ------ Tokyo, the shinjuko district is one of their better entrainment districts. But I spent more of my time in Yokohama. But I have to admit, that was a few years ago! You can get a commuter train. In fact, you can get almost anywhere in Japan by train.

Thank you.

About time we distilled the biological gel to something useful on this board.

Next request, post your best local lagers on tap :p

Ouch. The author certainly has an axe to grind with US. Wonder why he hates US?

There's a lot to hate. My top three:

1. Advertising on the tray tables. Classy.
2. The worst domestic F product of any US airline (subjective, I realize)
3. An arrogant management team, led by a guy helbent on a merger with AA, whether or not it's actually good for either airline.

But that's just me. If this happens, I'll be heading over to United or Delta.

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