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USAIR (CWA) agents in Admirals Clubs

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Kev should the CBA allow non-covered people to work side by side the represented employees?  Did the CWA go behind their members back with a side letter of agreement?
Non-Union AA employees cannot perform CWA covered work.
Is that too hard for you to understand?
Kev should the CBA allow non-covered people to work side by side the represented employees?  Did the CWA go behind their members back with a side letter of agreement?
I'm not privy to any inside CWA info.

Here's an idea: Instead of chatting up mgmt., how 'bout you talk to the employees and see what they have to say?
Working in the same space doesn't change anyones jobs, they are stillcompletely seperate. No contract issues at all.
Working in the same space doesn't change anyones jobs, they are stillcompletely seperate. No contract issues at all.
Just confusing to the customers
737823 said:
Actually I don't.  You keep saying this but it has never been communicated to me by the mods nor have I seen it in writing on this forum.  This relates to the Admirals Club and the presence of USAIR agents, which is fairly recent.  Does the CWA CBA allow non-covered unorganized AA agents to work side by side them at US club locations?  
You're one negative, angry man. Im sure if you contacted Delta or United they would GLADLY welcome you as frequent flier.
Hey Josh if your that angry with The New American please take your business to United and a Delta. Our company will do just fine without your business
Hardly. But wouldn't the almighty CWA protect from any discipline? I know the AA MIA managers, they are nice to me maybe I should say something. Seems like a pretty cushy gig to get to sit and not be bothered by 98% of the passengers using the lounge. Does tie CWA CBA allow non covered unorganized sAA agents to attend USAIR lounges? I may fly out of Bradley in a few weeks and see.

Don't worry you will not find one AA agent in BDL. You will find a ton of American Eagle agents though!
N288AA said:
Don't worry you will not find one AA agent in BDL. You will find a ton of American Eagle agents though!
USAIR club I was referring to.  Didn't realize it was Eagle at BDL.  I like AA agents, they are nice to me its US agents that aren't.
Hey Josh if your that angry with The New American please take your business to Delta. Our company will do just fine without your business
Delta would welcome Josh's business. and not because he is Josh but because he is a passenger who brings revenues.
if youre nice to the US agents  the same will be done in reciprocal to you!   personally ive seen some disgruntled folks at all carriers ive flown  as well as nice folks too   
Good riddance and are you speaking for Delta Corporate again?
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