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USAIR ALPA MEC Code-A-Phone, 6 Mar 03


Feb 11, 2003
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Per www.usairwayspilots.org
March 6, 2003
This is Roy Freundlich with a US Airways MEC update for Thursday, March 6, with one new item.
The MEC reconvened its special meeting today and took action on the following issues:
The MEC passed a resolution appointing Steve Smyser as Chairman of the ALPA Joint Implementation Review Committee and Chip Mayer as a member of the Committee. The JIRC is a committee made up of Company and ALPA representatives that was established in the second Restructuring Agreement to jointly approve all implementation steps of certain scheduling issues. The MEC has authorized and encouraged the JIRC to utilize any and all ALPA assets, including members of other committees, advisors, and/or other pilot volunteers, in the performance of their duties.
In response to pilots wanting to volunteer for CRAF flying who had not previously signed up to participate via the winterization exam, and in response to the US Airways'' Flight Management and Human Resources departments erroneously stating that ALPA will not allow additional pilots to be added to the CRAF list, the MEC passed a resolution stating that it has no objection to pilots being added to the CRAF flying list as of the date they inform Flight Operations.
After receiving a report from the Jets for Jobs Coordinator and the Grievance Committee on the seniority protocols involved in the APL list, the MEC endorsed for both Mesa Airlines and Midway Airlines the Jets for Jobs APL Overview as presented by the Jets for Jobs Coordinator, which provides for APL seniority for the filling of captain and first officer vacancies. US Airways pilots will be governed by the applicable policies, practice, and labor agreement of Mesa and Midway, including monthly bidding seniority among pilots flying US Airways codeshare jet flying.
Retired pilots addressed the MEC on a lump sum distribution grievance concerning issues that were also brought before the bankruptcy court by separate counsel, and asked the MEC to continue to support their issues during the grievance process. MEC members stated they would fully support the independently filed grievance. Recent lump sum distributions were denied to approximately 18 pilots because of the Company''s actions seeking distress termination of the plan and associated regulatory concerns.
The meeting adjourned at 1:30 this afternoon.
Please remember we have 1,827 pilots on furlough.
Thank you for listening.
joint implementation review committee....don't you guys think you should have thought this one out?
ROTFLMAO........ [img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/9.gif'] [img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/9.gif'] [img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/9.gif'] [img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/9.gif'] [img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/9.gif'] [img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/9.gif'] [img src='http://www.usaviation.com/idealbb/images/smilies/9.gif']

That is too funny! "The JIRC's recommend......" "The JIRC's will meet today in CCY......"

That made my night!
the company and alpa today made a formal motion to get together and JIRC each other around.Captain Kangaroo made a recomendation that all JIRC'S findings be kept in secret.after formal discussion they shot the guy who named the committee.
I bet they spent a lot of time coming up with that name too!!!

Thanks for the laugh
The JIRC is a cooperative effort that will pick the "Pref Bid" provider and work together on integrating the new system into US' IT platform by June 2004, per the ALPA supplemental restructuring agreement.

On 3/8/2003 1:40:49 PM chipmunn wrote:

The JIRC is a cooperative effort that will pick the "Pref Bid" provider and work together on integrating the new system into US' IT platform by June 2004, per the ALPA supplemental restructuring agreement.

i hear you chip,but don't you think it would have been a little more,lets say,news worthy to use a different moniker?
jerks take controol of pension plan...details at 10.
On 3/8/2003 8:32:09 PM DELLDUDE wrote:

On 3/8/2003 1:40:49 PM chipmunn wrote:

The JIRC is a cooperative effort that will pick the "Pref Bid" provider and work together on integrating the new system into US' IT platform by June 2004, per the ALPA supplemental restructuring agreement.

i hear you chip,but don't you think it would have been a little more,lets say,news worthy to use a different moniker?
jerks take controol of pension plan...details at 10.


Most people are able to see the humor and laugh. Most.