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ALPA MEC CODE-A-PHONE UPDATE - February 17, 2003
This is Roy Freundlich with a US Airways MEC update for Monday, February 17, with two new items:
Item 1. Due weather related travel conditions MEC Chairman Bill Pollock has rescheduled the special MEC meeting, originally scheduled to convene tomorrow, to convene in DCA on Wednesday, February 19 at 1:00 p.m. and adjourn Friday, February 21 at 5:00 p.m., or at the completion of business.
The meeting will be held at the Key Bridge Marriott hotel in Arlington. All US Airways pilots are encouraged to attend. The telephone number for transportation information is 703-524-6400. Please be advised that portions of the meeting will be in closed session.
Item 2. In conjunction with Mesa MEC approval, Mesa Airlines is participating in the Jets for Jobs program. To submit an updated Preference Form to include Mesa Airlines, you may download or print the APL Preference Form from the MEC pilots only web page and then write in Mesa under the MidAtlantic and Midway options, and then select your preference for C/O only, All vacancies, or Pass. An update preference form is not expected to be available before US Airways contacts pilots on the APL list for available vacancies. You may summit the updated Preference Form as indicated on the Form. Thirty vacancies are expected to be filled beginning this week and by February 27.
Please remember we have 1,827 pilots on furlough.