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USA Today misinterpreted parker


Dec 6, 2003
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This is from the Charlotte-Business Journal:

US Airways: We're committed to Delta merger
Charlotte Business Journal - 2:37 PM EST Wednesdayby David MildenbergStaff Writer
US Airways Group Inc. is fully committed to its $8.7 billion proposed takeover of Delta Air Lines even if Delta executives aren't convinced of the deal's merits, US Airways President Scott Kirby said Wednesday.

Kirby said USA Today misinterpreted comments by US Airways Chief Executive Officer Doug Parker in a Wednesday story headlined, "US Airways won't fight over Delta deal."

In that article, Parker is quoted saying, "We have to get to a point where we are all working together on this, or it's not going to happen. This is all about convincing Delta's management that this plan makes sense."

But in an interview with the Charlotte Business Journal Wednesday, Kirby said that Parker didn't suggest US Airways was stepping back or waiting for approval of a deal by Delta CEO Gerald Grinstein.

Parker was emphasizing his sincere desire that Delta's leadership support US Airways' plan because of benefits to employees, customers, creditors and investors, Kirby added.

"We are absolutely committed to this transaction," Kirby said.

In a written statement released Wednesday afternoon, Parker says: "We at US Airways are fully committed to our proposal to merge with Delta. We are pleased to have had the opportunity to meet with Delta's management and the official unsecured creditors' committee over the past week. We believe that our discussions have shown that our proposed merger of US Airways and Delta can be achieved, and that if achieved will create a strong, healthy airline..."
This is from the Charlotte-Business Journal:

US Airways: We're committed to Delta merger
Charlotte Business Journal - 2:37 PM EST Wednesdayby David MildenbergStaff Writer
US Airways Group Inc. is fully committed to its $8.7 billion proposed takeover of Delta Air Lines even if Delta executives aren't convinced of the deal's merits, US Airways President Scott Kirby said Wednesday.

Kirby said USA Today misinterpreted comments by US Airways Chief Executive Officer Doug Parker in a Wednesday story headlined, "US Airways won't fight over Delta deal."

In that article, Parker is quoted saying, "We have to get to a point where we are all working together on this, or it's not going to happen. This is all about convincing Delta's management that this plan makes sense."

But in an interview with the Charlotte Business Journal Wednesday, Kirby said that Parker didn't suggest US Airways was stepping back or waiting for approval of a deal by Delta CEO Gerald Grinstein.

Parker was emphasizing his sincere desire that Delta's leadership support US Airways' plan because of benefits to employees, customers, creditors and investors, Kirby added.

"We are absolutely committed to this transaction," Kirby said.

In a written statement released Wednesday afternoon, Parker says: "We at US Airways are fully committed to our proposal to merge with Delta. We are pleased to have had the opportunity to meet with Delta's management and the official unsecured creditors' committee over the past week. We believe that our discussions have shown that our proposed merger of US Airways and Delta can be achieved, and that if achieved will create a strong, healthy airline..."

Parker must be on some really good drugs.
Why do you say that?

Because (never start a sentence like that) Delta management is not going to to just go along with this nightmare. Parker has no idea what it would take to actually do a merger this size. He hasn't even finished the other merger. If this person had good intentions for Delta and it's employees he would not have made a merger offer in a hostile way. Parker is just increasing the size of his golden parachute. I know my statement sounds jumpy mama but I have a hard time putting my thoughts in writing. PLease bear with me.
"We have to get to a point where are all working together on this or it's not going to happen," Parker said during a meeting with editors and reporters at USA Today.

While US reaffirmed it commitment to the bid, nowhere did I see where Mr. Parker retracted his above statement.
Parker knows his bid will face insurmountable hurdles if DL management and the Delta pilot group continue to reject this bid. I believe he just revealed his hand.
I look for Parker to offer something to the Delta pilot group in order to get them on board and USA320 will just have to keep dreaming about that widebody captain seat.
Because (never start a sentence like that) Delta management is not going to to just go along with this nightmare. Parker has no idea what it would take to actually do a merger this size. He hasn't even finished the other merger. If this person had good intentions for Delta and it's employees he would not have made a merger offer in a hostile way. Parker is just increasing the size of his golden parachute. I know my statement sounds jumpy mama but I have a hard time putting my thoughts in writing. PLease bear with me.
"G", Please dont apologize. If anyone has a hard time trying to communicate via the written word its yours truly! Back to your post, Parker approached management before in a non public way regarding the merger. It was only after he was rejected that it ended up being done this way. I dont think anyone knows whether it was a "No Thank You" or a go "F" yourself rejection. I dont think DP needs to increase his parachute, he just cashed in from the US/HP merger. Unless his wife is hanging out with Wayne Gretzkys wife, than maybe...LOL. We know the other merger is not completed but think how much fun we could all have together... just the proposal has brought many to life... have a Good Day! Mama