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Us Shuttle

I doubt that AA is in a position to bid for anything and win. Don't be surprised if Jetblue or Southwest come in and can afford the winning bid.
Slots and Gates are not nearly as expensive as airplanes and crews. It might be they want a few slots to expand their own operation between LGA, BOS and DCA. They are already using TWA slots to do just that with AE.
Just to add my 2cents worth, I'm in agreement with just getting the slots, now here at the "NON-REV" capitol of the world/TUL/ the docks 3a-3b have been told we will be working TW metal exclusively, there are 24 MD80s in the desert and the company wants them by this summer, could there be some long range planning on someones part, like using the TW metal on the shuttle slots, just my theory.
Last of the F100s are to be gone in Sep, right? Aren't those airplanes going on previous F100 routes?
Winglet said:
Last of the F100s are to be gone in Sep, right? Aren't those airplanes going on previous F100 routes?
When I started flying for AA in Sep2000, I ws trained on the F100 because I was assigned to DFW. We were told at the time that the F100 was being retired within the next 12 months.

Then it was Mar2003. Then it was Sep2003. Then it was Mar2004 was the absolute drop-dead date because of the need for C checks otherwise. Now it's Sep2004. I'm beginning to think those buggers are like the chewing gum on the bottom of your shoe. No matter how hard you scrape, there's always a little bit left.
The smart bet is on slots, terminal space and positioning for the eventual liquidation of USAir. Not good for there employees but good for the industry overall.
F100s . . . the sticky boogers of the airline industry?

My guess is that Arpey would like to have some of those slots, then bum's rush the APA leadership into another side letter of agreement on a C-scale compensation package for it, or a D-scale AE-style contract for 70-90 seat aircraft.

And AGAIN, it'll be a BIG RUSH to get it done, with the normal AMR "don't worry about the details, just sign here . . . . . we'll fill in the blanks later and send you a copy of what you signed."
JFK777 said:
I'm only talking about terminal space at LGA and Slots at DCA and LGA. 733 & 734 can stay at US, their days are numbered anyways.
Only one problem with AA (or anyone else) looking at LGA and/or DCA slots. I believe they were pledged as security for the Gov't loan guarantees. If this is the case, would AA be willing to fly a shuttle and make payments to the Gov't for the slots? I think not!!!
The MD80 would be the perfect shuttle aircraft. Business folks love isles and windows. A marketing tool vs the 737 or the A320. No middle seat on the left side. The rear exit could be used just like it was on the 727's. Power backs for certian gates (like the hangerside at LGA) if it were shuttle only. It could eaisly work.

BUT what you need to remember is AA already has a Shuttle operated by Eagle (just check the schedule). Currently they choose not to promote it. So, their is NO need to purchase it from USAir.

Unless you want the gates and slots for something else.
Since we already fly it with Eagle, why not buy US Airways landing slots in LGA, DCA and BOS? Delta also flies a shuttle between LGA-DCA and BOS. I have heard this is Delta's bread and butter! I think it would be a wise investment for AA to do it.
Hello Bear; I like your theory on Jetblue and or Southwest. But, I think it will be that someone, not something will pick up the shuttle and it's terminal at LGA.

Lorenzo, Icahn and Trump dabbled and failed, it's time for the next generation of
Howard Hughes wannabees to sprout.

Any guesses.

It'll be cheaper for American to swallow the Shuttle whole, when the new owner(s) realize they've made a huge mistake and have a fire-sale to recoup their losses.

jimntx said:
When I started flying for AA in Sep2000, I ws trained on the F100 because I was assigned to DFW. We were told at the time that the F100 was being retired within the next 12 months.

Then it was Mar2003. Then it was Sep2003. Then it was Mar2004 was the absolute drop-dead date because of the need for C checks otherwise. Now it's Sep2004. I'm beginning to think those buggers are like the chewing gum on the bottom of your shoe. No matter how hard you scrape, there's always a little bit left.
Last count has 49 F100s at MHV, and each week the number grows. Would it not be a good idea to pick up slots routes and terminals to keep JB and WN from picking them up, I'd venture a guess and say thats what Crandall would have done, probably would have done the samething to TW, just picked and chose the A/C and routes and facilities he wanted.
IIRC the orginal article mentioned that US did not want to sell any equipment just slots and routes of the shuttle.
jetdryvr said:
The smart bet is on slots, terminal space and positioning for the eventual liquidation of USAir. Not good for there employees but good for the industry overall.
Oh I see your heart is just aching over the possible loss of 30,000 jobs...heartless. :down:
firstamendment said:
Oh I see your heart is just aching over the possible loss of 30,000 jobs...heartless. :down:
I don't think they are being heartless, just realistic. I doubt anyone is going to buy the Shuttle if it comes encumbered with a/c and employees. Certainly not AMR. They have plenty of a/c parked in the desert. And, with almost 6000 f/a's on furlough, they don't need any additional staff in that area.

And, as far as a new generation Trump or Icahn buying the Shuttle as a vanity thing...
The world has changed since 9/11. Trump and Icahn got into the vanity airline business at a time when it seemed that making money with an airline was a piece of cake. What they came to realize was that the Bobby Crandall's of the world knew how to make a profit with an airline because they were airline people who understood that airlines are not like other businesses.

Besides, considering how well AMR honored the "fence" around STL for the former TWA employees, how long do you think the jobs of the retained US employees would last? Especially the non-represented people. Do you think that AMR would be dumb enough to take on US flight attendants and give them jobs and seniority while battling lawsuits from the former TWA flight attendants? There's even a lawsuit regarding the concession agreement that was filed by some nAAtives. AMR's management may be crazy, but I don't think they are stupid.

All that being said, know that my thoughts and prayers are with all of you at US. This must be an incredibly difficult time for all of you. I can't imagine.

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