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Us Planning Something In Fll

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So why would U want to come to FLL and compete for domestic traffic to feed these flights with Delta, southwest, Spirit and AA through both FLL and MIA. Do they think there is going to be that much local traffic? There really is not. Most flyers are coming from out of state. Would it not make more sense to try to build a Caribbean operation from one of your established hubs, like CLT or PHL? Where you have the seats and the connecting traffic already. Spending lots of money on a start up operation going up against AA in its own backyard, doesn't sound like a well thought out plan of growth or expansion. Also with the small immigration and customs facilities you will never get planes and people through in a short period of time. Looks like a nightmare waiting to happen. But if poor planning and decisions are the hallmark of the U operation. Then score one for U.
FA Mikey said:
So why would U want to come to FLL and compete for domestic traffic to feed these flights with Delta, southwest, Spirit and AA through both FLL and MIA. Do they think there is going to be that much local traffic? There really is not. Most flyers are coming from out of state. Would it not make more sense to try to build a Caribbean operation from one of your established hubs, like CLT or PHL? Where you have the seats and the connecting traffic already. Spending lots of money on a start up operation going up against AA in its own backyard, doesn't sound like a well thought out plan of growth or expansion. Also with the small immigration and customs facilities you will never get planes and people through in a short period of time. Looks like a nightmare waiting to happen. But if poor planning and decisions are the hallmark of the U operation. Then score one for U.
I imagine they are interested in serving two purposes at once... the point-to-point market into FLL is big, and they can capitalize on that at the same time as opening new doors to the Caribbean from South Florida. Many travelers are sick and tired of the zoo MIA has become and would much much rather travel through FLL.

As far as the customs issue goes, I do know that many of the flights coming in from the Bahamas on AA Eagle usually clear before they depart, and they come right into Terminal 3. The same goes for Gulfstream Airlines (Continental Connection)... they go right into Terminal One. I'm not certain if it's only flights from the Bahamas that can do that or not, because US definitely doesn't want to operate out of multi-terminals in FLL... wouldn't work very well as there is no easy way from one to the other.
International arrivals requiring immigration and customs have only one option. They have to arrive and deplane in terminal 4. AA does it for CCS, PAP, and SDQ. Then when customs has cleared the plane you are free to tow it back to your terminal. Its no different in ORD and soon DFW will have a separate facility for international arrivals.
For the type of expansion US would be intending on doing there, connecting the former MetroJet northern markets with FLL and the Caribbean, it would be quite difficult to do that operation out of both terminals three and four. AA can do it because it's not a connection city. And that wouldn't really explain why US is allegedly attempting to acquire gate space only at T3.... or are they trying for T4 as well?
Isnt this what we tried in TPA a decade ago? We even had a Hanger built, moved to a Brand NEW Terminal which housed US Customs. At that time we flew to Mex & Nas as well as LAX,LAS and a few other decent destinations.
USAir757 said:
I imagine they are interested in serving two purposes at once... the point-to-point market into FLL is big, and they can capitalize on that at the same time as opening new doors to the Caribbean from South Florida. Many travelers are sick and tired of the zoo MIA has become and would much much rather travel through FLL.
Ha, Miami has been a zoo since the day it opened. Just gotten worse and worse over the years. Its been a hard thing to get people to switch. From driving all the way to Miami even when FLL is closer or even when they drive right past. This Is South Florida, A large immigrant population. It doesn't always follow typical logic. If that is the premise for challenging AA here, you guys will be a distinct disAAdvantage. For many especially the islanders who travel back and forth. They would rather go to Miami because they know it. They know where to park, where to pick up where the customs facility is located and all the ticket counters. As far as the zoo, well its still 2 years from the final gates being open. But the new super terminal A will eliminate many Miami headaches. Being over a mile long, it will have its own multi stop train, moving walkways and a single immigration and customs facility.
FAMikey is right. There is no reason why US should try to compete in the NE-Caribbean market via FLL. The only markets that US should have any interest in serving through FLL are those O&Ds south of CLT to the Caribbean since the rest of the markets can be flown through CLT today. The NE-Florida market is extraordinarily competitive and US incurred major losses for serving those markets; it is even more competitive now. Further, Spirit is getting their own Airbii this fall and is more than interested in developing its own Caribbean strategy; FLL is Spirit’s hometown so I don’t think they will just roll out the red carpet for US.
I’m not trying to be a naysayer but US seems to have a knack for going after the most heavily competitive markets and then wonder why they are bloodied at the end of the day. Until US’ costs are the lowest in the industry and not the highest, they will lose every time they try to compete.
It seems far more prudent for US to develop CLT into a larger, more competitive hub serving the same types of cities that are served by DL from ATL and CVG.
USAir757 said:
For the type of expansion US would be intending on doing there, connecting the former MetroJet northern markets with FLL and the Caribbean, it would be quite difficult to do that operation out of both terminals three and four. AA can do it because it's not a connection city. And that wouldn't really explain why US is allegedly attempting to acquire gate space only at T3.... or are they trying for T4 as well?
Having to connect people is not the point to point flying of the new U makeover. Plus how smart is it to go in to a new market against an established carrier. Who has a stronger cash position and try to challenge to take market share from them. All this while you are trying to conserve cash, risking covenants set by the ATSB and threatening BK and demanding further employee concessions? Sounds like poorly thought out plan.
So, does anybody want to defend the possibility that any realistic concessions and new business plan of U could put a lot of hurt on Spirit on the east coast to put it's airbus orders in jeopardy. I mean is this in the realm of possibility?
RowUnderDCA said:
So, does anybody want to defend the possibility that any realistic concessions and new business plan of U could put a lot of hurt on Spirit on the east coast to put it's airbus orders in jeopardy. I mean is this in the realm of possibility?
The question how low are you willing to go? How much out of your pay are you willing to let them have to fund the latest greatest idea? Do you believe a 60 plus year old company can change over night and become like SWA or JB? Will Usairways corporate waste and inefficiencies still eat up so much that you would continue to have the highest CASM?
FA Mikey said:
Having to connect people is not the point to point flying of the new U makeover. Plus how smart is it to go in to a new market against an established carrier. Who has a stronger cash position and try to challenge to take market share from them. All this while you are trying to conserve cash, risking covenants set by the ATSB and threatening BK and demanding further employee concessions? Sounds like poorly thought out plan.
:lol: F/A Mikey, why do you think u have all the answer for EVERY other airline. Gee i have lots of thoughts on APFA and AA, but i dont post them. Why not do us all a favor on go back TO THE SKYNAAZI site. YOU have enough to work on over there, and ur "expertise" is not appreciated here.
FA Mikey said:
The question how low are you willing to go? How much out of your pay are you willing to let them have to fund the latest greatest idea? Do you believe a 60 plus year old company can change over night and become like SWA or JB? Will Usairways corporate waste and inefficiencies still eat up so much that you would continue to have the highest CASM?
ENOUGH ALREADY!!! Like AA didnt have any corporate greed, lets see...lying CEO, manipulative and dishonest APFA..John Ward and cronies rigged elections...umm screwed over ALL TWA employeees, oh i guess those minor little details dont really matter. Its only the "REAL" AA ,super wonderfully special god chosen AA employee who is deserving. U need a history lesson buddy.... Think u need to start way back with AA puttin the screws to BRANIFF!!! So PLEASE once again, do us all a favor, go offer APFA ur valuable skill set. We can and WILL solve our own problems here without ur help.....
BTW - before u get ur panties in a wad, i've been a f/a for 25 years, so i too know alot about the workings of the industry...just dont need to post EVERYWHERE and add my two cents....Bye bye....
So you think AA'ers are the skynazi, know it all's? Try looking in the mirror. As far as anything said here. I never said I had all the answers. I never said my way is the best way. I never said my company wasn't as screwed up as yours. I am just posting here, and like you free to do it where ever and whenever I choose.

PS guess I am lucky not to be wearing panties, no chance of getting them in a wad as you say...
If that is the premise for challenging AA here, you guys will be a distinct disAAdvantage. For many especially the islanders who travel back and forth. They would rather go to Miami because they know it. They know where to park, where to pick up where the customs facility is located and all the ticket counters.

People from the islands are looking for easy ways to and from S. Florida just like everybody else is. The airport is much more user friendly than MIA, from parking to accessibility, to concessions... etc. Ask anyone around, they'd much rather travel through FLL. Just because they know the airport doesn't really matter. Besides, it's less than 25 miles from anywhere in Miami.

So, does anybody want to defend the possibility that any realistic concessions and new business plan of U could put a lot of hurt on Spirit on the east coast to put it's airbus orders in jeopardy. I mean is this in the realm of possibility?

I'll defend the POSSIBILITY.... there are certainly some valid points being brought up as to why the FLL-focus may not work out... and yes, it will take some time (and concessions) to change this airline into something that works and is consistently profitable. AA is nowhere near as untouchable as FA Mikey may lead us to believe... it is easy to feel comfortable at the top and look down on the small guys. Just ask anyone who worked for TW in its glory days. Nonetheless, as already suggested, the competition in S Fla is very stiff, decreasing CASM is still questionable, etc. Not to mention, FLL needs a new second main runway in order to support any more expansion. So suffice to say, to turn this venture into a viable opportunity, there are some hurtles to be jumped. But nothing is impossible.
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