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US enhances stand-by policy but keeps the $100 fee -- is management out of control?

Insulting our pax is certainly not the way to win friends and influence people. I know your angry about being furloughed, but that doesn't mean you can't be respectful to those paying our bills. We need every customer we can get.

A320 Driver

I have that book, it's excellent. Everyone in the airline industry should read it. I believe it's out of print but for those interested, try Amazon.com. They've been able to get used books and/or other books no longer in circulation for me.

Another book you might try is "The Anger Book". I don't recall the author but it might help you get through this awful time in your life. Lashing out at everyone around you is not healthy. It will not change the situation or make you feel better in the long run. You might think about giving the EAS a call. The number is posted in most breakrooms.

Insulting our pax or other employees will not get your job back. We have little control over the economy, the increasing risk of war on Iraq or the price of tea in China. We can control how we choose to live our lives. You can be miserable or try to make the best of a bad situation. Take a proactive role in getting a new job. Check out a career counselor. See what other things interest you and what kind of career change that might lead into for you.

I went to a job fair this past week. While I didn't see anything appealing to me, it did give me some ideas. If you don't know how to write a resume, find someone who can help you with it. Stop by businesses and see if they are looking for employees. Don't rely on the want ads. Ask your friends and family about their jobs. Take a seasonal job while you figure out your options. Above all, remember you are not defined by your job, but by the kind of person you are at heart. Face these challenges with an open mind.

This is a devastating time for us all. Don't sit in front of the computer or TV and brood. Get out there and see what's available.
Are you an online Psychiatrist? I am not angry, nor have I lashed out, read pineybob's post calling me an idiot, that is what I responded too. ANd yes passengers are selfish, if you buy a service and you know the terms, so be it if you fail to use it unless it was a crisis that prevented it.[BR][BR]Also I have not been furloughed but if the company gets their demands I most likly will be. Stick to working for an airline and leave the mental health advice to the professionals.
On 12/20/2002 3:56:32 AM Biffeman wrote:

PineyBob, if you don't like U's policy or fares, fly on someone else, it is plain and simple, I guess you and Ben are perched atop together.
hmmm..if that's not a "spoiled and selfish" attitude I don't know what is. It's time for a slightly larger view of the world for some folks.
On 12/19/2002 7:59:35 PM sdavis29 wrote:

On 12/19/2002 7:11:37 PM Biffeman wrote:

Clue, Lorenzo brought EA down not the IAM, get your facts straight.
BIFF,the iam and alpa killed eastern..Lorenzo wanted concessions..who was on the picket line?

C'mon, let's stop the partisan bickering; we all know it was neither Lorenzo nor the unions who brought Eastern down -- it was a Republican conspiracy!
On 12/20/2002 9:06:24 AM Biffeman wrote:

And yes passengers are selfish,

So? Sounds like the kernel of a marketing approach. Maybe someone should try it...

... if you buy a service and you know the terms, so be it if you fail to use it...

You're missing the point.

We're customers. We're doing your company the courtesy of letting you know that you're doing something that we don't like. Successful businesses listen to customer complaints and remedy them. Airlines (the cartel anyway) ignore customer feedback, fantasize about "pax" behavior and continually deploy bizzare rules and restrictions that they (seem to) believe will miraculously cause "pax" to spend more money.

... unless it was a crisis that prevented it.

You must have missed the announcement -- NO EXCEPTIONS -- including "death" (personally I'd consider that to be a crisis...) and a bunch of other stuff that any rational person would consider fairly serious.

If you're into black humour the best parts are the ones where Ben claims that all of these changes are something that we, the pax, have asked for.

Oh, by the way, lots of concert tickets and sporting events and so forth are, aside from being fungible prior to the event, refundable or exchangeable after the fact for the asking -- you don't have to pitch a fit, tell lies or even have a good story. It's called "customer service". Some companies outside the airline industry have heard of it. I hear it leads to profits. It might be big some day. (There's a rumor that some airline based out of LUV might be trying it...)
Dea is it too late there have all ready been six suicides mostly in mtc one on the ramp.

Perhaps you should try a new line of work. I'm thinking maybe debt collection.

Happy Holidays

I assume you were referring to me about being an online Psychiatrist? I hadn't considered it but thanks for the suggestion. Maybe I can get a talk show and become the New Dr Laura. Could be some good money in it..hmmm

I didn't mean to offend you, truly. I'm going through a lot of emotions myself as are many of my friends and co workers. You know about all the suicides and divorces following the EAL liquidation. I don't want to happen to any of us, so I do worry about all our employees. It's possible I know you and maybe even like you. Please consider that I was trying to be helpful. Did you work for EAL? I had a few friends over there back then.

BTW, should I get my own talk show, wanna be my first guest? Or perhaps write me a good referrence?


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