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US East non-reving on US West

Let me just say this...YES, unfortunately we at US "West" do have the privilage :down: of having "Mystery Shoppers" on our a/c now and then. I HATE it when nonrevs flash their ID when we are selling headsets, selling liquior and food. PLEASE DON'T PUT US IN THE POSISION OF HAVING TO SAY NO. A cheap little headset or drink in not worth getting called in for, threatened for firing, or putting something in my file. I hope you all can understand where we are coming from on this matter.
As an employee, I would be embarrassed to ask for free drinks, food, or headsets. How does that look to the passenger sitting next to me that paid hundreds of dollars for their flight, and has to fork over more money for these items.

Employees should be grateful we fly for free--quit demanding more!
As an employee, I would be embarrassed to ask for free drinks, food, or headsets. Employees should be grateful we fly for free--quit demanding more!

Agreed! If offered I won't turn it down...I figure if they offer me something you shouldn't turn down a favor from a co-worker.
Why wouldnt most employees have their own headsets already? I have quite a few old airplane headsets plus my own from my CD player and DVD player. Other than laziness (or forgetting) is there any reason you would need to have your headsets comped anyway? Just bring your own (or if you get them comped next time, take them with you) so you wont have to put someone in the position of asking for a comp next time. Regular customers I can see not thinking about headsets until they are onboard, but nonrevs should know better (unless you are a newbie and havent nonreved before). Heck, I even check out the movies before leaving to know whether I even want to take headsets with me! 😉
what this says to me is that the management of this airline doesn't trust its employees not to abuse the system. I see no reason why the employee should have to pay for anything on board. I could see serving them a BOB last or drinks last to see if paying customers would want it first, but to make them pay only makes the employees more dishonest. I actually have given bottles to a FA in coach because a FA refused to serve the FA. I think that is ridiculous. At my company, we don't charge fellow employees for the services we provide. It's called being a family and making everyone feel a part of the group. It breeds loyalty. It breeds trust. Mystery shoppers breed dishonesty and greed. I want to respect my employer, not fear it.
Well I can tell you that if this kind of Mystery Shopping business starts or is adapted on the east side they better have a hell of a lot of shoppers. It is common practice yet not company policy to take care of our own. I don't give a rats @$$ what a full fare paying passenger witnesses me getting for free for it's none of their business. If this is the kind of culture you guys and gals experience on the west side you should have NOOOOO worries about the fossils on the east side. To say that it is petty is an understatement. True we should all have headsets already. Hell, on our east a/c they are falling out of any compartment with a door. LOL.... I don't think anyone expects to be comped anything but we do it because we are family. I think that with all the paycuts and restructured agreements we have taken we all have earned our comped beverage if it happens to come our way. I don't think anyone would even dare approach an east f/a with that bs. If they did, they would be the talk of the base and would lead a very miserable life. Its horrible to hear that our west f/a's have to deal with that. Don't they have more important things to do than pay people to fly around and "watch" you 😛h34r: I sure hope I don't run across someone like that. They sure will get an earfull. Let them try that with one of our senior gals on int'l....LOL oh sweet apple pie would that be F-U-N-N-Y :lol:
I don't think you guys on the east quite get it... what we are trying to say. Let me just say this we all received a memo last year about flight attendents who were terminated for allegedly stealing. It was not a good memo at all. Most of our flight attendents are great and its unfortunate that some take advantage of the sytstem. We get a must read qaurterly about not comping non-revs. Personally I would not be caught dead comping a non-rev. Unless its a full flight comp. Please keep in mind its our management taking over inflight. You can still be old school without comping. And for those of you who don't bring your own headset... PLEASE BUY YOUR OWN SO WE DONT HAVE TO DEAL WITH THIS.

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