I am not talking about the PSA plane now I am talking about when it came back from the paint shop it sat for a few days on the ramp in CLT.
Any suggestion management could do things differently is obviously a result of insular ignorance?
I am not talking about the PSA plane now I am talking about when it came back from the paint shop it sat for a few days on the ramp in CLT.
Some people just amaze me. The company does something nice to commemorate the heritage of the airlines that form todays USAirways, and people complain!!??
Seems to me it's the same people over and over again who complain, no matter what the thread is about.
Besides "Vistajet" we had "Pamper Jet" (Trans-Texas),
So they also used Vistacruiser. Is Fanjet a brand too or just what they called jets? I guess they also called it Jet Custom Class.
And I wouldn't know etops1 if he walked up to me and said, "Hi, I'm etops1." Which would be fine if he could figure out who I am, which is not Al Crelin or Elise Eberwein, some of my favorite guesses.
Some of us know who Crellin is on here, 😉.
Dont know if she posts on here, but Crellin gave himself away.
Allegheny has been gone the longest so it's natural the name would be less than familiar. Yes, there were glory days for Allegheny. As a small regional carrier in the East, she grew to have 727-200's flying to Texas, California and Florida. Also had one of the best first class services I can recall. BUF had 90 flights a day at one time as a mini hub. When the western expansion got under way, it was decided thet Alegheny was far too regional a name. They had several ideas fro a new name I believe and did market research. They polled people to rate various airlines and threw US Air in the bunch. A LOT of people rated it very high and said it was a big airline. Funny thing though, it didnt even exist at the time. In response to another post, Jet Custom Class was the title for S class service on the planes. No first class and the DC9'S had a table up front on each side with rear facing seats.The tail logo is way too small.
The reality is that of all of the four heritages, this is the one that is probably least remembered -- and I speak as someone who flew Allegheny from the early 70s onward.
Piedmont, yeah, that had a good reputation. PSA, they had a great west-coast low-cost heritage. America West -- until JetBlue, the only post-deregulation airline to make it big.
But Allegheny? I doubt there are many people who look back wistfully to the glory days of Allegheny -- were there "glory days" for Allegheny?
It's almost cute how clueless and out of touch you continue to be with the very company you claim to love so much. It has been made abundantly clear that the AL retro plane will receive it's official dedication in PIT. Unfortunately airline schedules mean that sometimes these planes will begin in CLT and generate revenue for a few days. That's just downright sick 🙄 . You're right: it should be sitting in a hangar in PIT collecting cobwebs until its official dedication day, recognizing an important day in AL history. No need to plan ahead, thank you.
Where's your indignation that the HP retro plane is serving our customers instead of waiting for its dedication in August? Oh, I guess the only thing that matters to you is your concern for the regional mentality of a revenue insignificant portion of the system. Any indignation for the PI plane that has yet to be painted? Where's your support of the PSA smile flying proudly throughout our network? Pull your head out of PA and look at the big, beautiful world around you...