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US Airways 'Second Heritage' Plane Unveilings...

not feasable (financially), but bring back the paisly plaid interior that P.S.A. had, talk about retro !!! thats it!
I think the excessive amounts of pigments and dyes necessary to create those colors for the interior constitute a hazardous material warning!

Kinda like all that Hughes Air West Bananna yellow. :up:
Will their US Airways Flight Attendants wear new classic PSA uniforms to fly unveiled new US Airways PSA livery on March 30th? :up:

As a matter of fact, they got the SAME gals to work the flight! Unfortunately, it took all four uniforms to fit two of them! 🙄
Whoa. P.S.A. had height & weight requirements back then, all of the stewardesses were hot. As I recall it was usAir that relaxed the requierements or it was possibly the federal government, EEOC?

Hughes Air West was my first airplane ride so I do remember them.
That smile was very contagiougs(sp). In 1972 at boot camp in SAN just watching those planes convinced me to work in aviation, did spend the majority of my adult life in aviation. Still miss it.
What would be at least as cool as the "heritage planes" would be true retro '60s style schemes a la AA and LH. True, there would be no early sixties HP colors. But the HP heritage plane could be the original "blue pinstripe" look.

Today US Airways’ CEO Doug Parker, along with employees of PSA – past and present – and the Board of the San Diego County Regional Airport Authority celebrated the dedication of the PSA ‘throwback’ plane with a festive event at PSA’s former hub in San Diego. The first of the four heritage aircraft to be dedicated, the PSA plane – which dons the famous PSA aircraft smile – was welcomed with a 1970’s themed party complete with streamer cannons, heritage music, three cakes and PSA appropriate refreshments (pink and orange doughnuts)!

PSA memorabilia was displayed throughout the room, and a commemorative photo was available for signing outside to commemorate the event.

Doug gave a rousing speech thanking everyone who attended, particularly those wearing their former PSA uniforms – and emphasized that we were embracing a culture, not replacing it.

Captain Leo Leonard, who actually joined PSA before they became an airline as a flight instructor back in 1947 followed Doug and regaled the crowd with his memories and experiences of Pacific Southwest Airlines. Families, friends, and US Airways employees ended the event with a photo opportunity to ensure that their smiles were forever caught.

One picture from Compass.
PSA Retro Jet flew back from SAN to PHL THUR 30mar and landed around 8:25pm as flight 9160. I went down to PHL to pick a friend up at 11:15pm and she was parked at the US Hanger facing the road, from the far side.
RICflyer, thanks for posting the link, as expected lot's of positive free publicity for the company and if they choose to take advantage of the marketing potiential of these aircraft then this is just the tip of the iceburgh $$$



Former flight attendant Debbie Hall said she still fits in her old uniform.

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