PITBull said: "I believe this PIT plan was in the works all along. NO surprise there. However the "shuttle" I think is a "ploy" to convey to labor (without words) that they are serious."
Chip comments: You are correct because there is a plan to move about 23 mainline aircraft + the 60 new Airbus jets westward, with about 200 flights per day flown out of a couple of westward cities. In addition, I agree that the comment to sell the Shuttle or a hub is to get labor's attention, which it has.
In his recorded weekly message on Tuesday, Dave Siegel also said "he would spend the next few weeks analyzing the company's financial alternatives and thinking about how it can meet its financial commitments without the cooperation of labor groups."
That message was purposely placed into his written comments on the recorded message, but the issue is Brooner and his 51% voting power will not see his investment go into bankruptcy where he will become just another creditor. He can't because he has a fiduciary responsibility to his retirement fund.
Therefore, the company leaked to the New York Times "As a result, the airline is considering selling assets, those briefed on the plans said. Among them are its shuttle serving Boston, Washington and New York, which operates out of La Guardia Airport; additional gates at La Guardia and Logan Airport in Boston; its regional operation, US Airways Express; and a hub, either Pittsburgh, Philadelphia or Charlotte."
Today Bill Pollock was quoted in the Post-Gazette the pilots recognize that a new plan may be needed. Well, Bronner has made it clear Siegel and his team is not leaving so the unions have a choice: See the plan, negotiate acceptable work rules changes in exchange for the 60 new A320s, and move on or liquidate and die.
Bronner holds all of the cards and he really does not care what we think -- it's all about money and his 51% voting control.