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Us Airways Pilots Rate Of Pay

Walmartgreeter said:
NeedForSpeedNFS said:
fatherabraham said:
15+ year FO u pilot on B737 = 104
15+ year FO SW pilot on B737 = 118

Interesting difference, add to that the fact that SW pilots have
Captain slots long before the 15 year point and i believe they
average fewer days per month to achieve their pay

heard of one lucky very senior SW pilot who retired @ market peak and received
$10 Million from his stock options. i am sure that must be the unusual exception.
This thread is POINTLESS!!!! Poster, just happened to quote your post. All previous posters to this thread: WHO CARES WHAT PILOTS MAKE!!!!!!!!! This is a ridiculous argument!!i Could care less what a pilot/FO make, thats their business, and is what their union negotiated for them. This thread is CLASS ENVY at its worst!!!!! Worry about what is before us(f/a,maint.etc)STOP the class envy bullshit!!!!
I agree. Who cares what a cleaner makes.
Sarcasm noted........Point remains the same....CLASS ENVY will get you NOWHERE!!!!!!!!We are going down in flames, and you... like some others here, are worried about what other people make for a living!!! Amazing!!! People... Worry about your own house!!!!! GOOD DAY......MORE LATER
Well, I for one, have felt this is a pointless thread from the beginning. I was the first to ask 700 what the point was. It is boring and of no consequence. <_<
ktflyhome said:
Well, I for one, have felt this is a pointless thread from the beginning. I was the first to ask 700 what the point was. It is boring and of no consequence. <_<
Agree KT!!!!!!!!! :up:
And my point was, that for all the whining you hear from other labor groups, UAIR pilots ARE paid competitively already, and in some cases EVEN LESS than the competition. Those that complain about what pilots make should GET OFF THEIR BACKSIDES AND GET THEIR PILOT LICENSES, PAY THEIR DUES AT A COMMUTER OR IN THE MILITARY, then you'll have the right to complain! :angry:
Oldie: In all my career here, I have never complained about what a Pilot makes. I, for one, have felt they deserve to make very good pay. I have a friend who flies the Beechcraft 1900 and makes less than me. I find that Pathetic. The Pilots are in charge of trasporting hundreds of lives everyday. They deserve to be compensated well. No one ever complains about what Doctors make, even if he is a General MD who puts bandaids on boo-boos everyday.
KT, let me ask you this:

A pilot flies a plane from CLT-LAX, he is done and no longer responsible for the plane, a mechanic changes a part and he is liable for that repair until the unit is replaced or someone works on it, who has the greater liabilty and responsiblity?

A mechanic also has to go thru the military or two years of schooling to get his or her AMT licenses. Plus as a pilot you fly say the A330 and that is the only plane you have to know, a mechanic has to know every type of plane we fly, its subtypes and all its systems, so pilots are not unique.

I am not a pilot hater or jealous, the point of the thread is to show pay comparison, not to degrade a pilot, we have some of the best here at US.
Wage-earning pilots complaining about presumed 'class-envy?' Is there a significant class difference among wage earners at an airline? The rest of the US sees you as just another wage-earner. Get used to it. I think you may be living in the '70's.
RowUnderDCA said:
Wage-earning pilots complaining about presumed 'class-envy?' Is there a significant class difference among wage earners at an airline? The rest of the US sees you as just another wage-earner. Get used to it. I think you may be living in the '70's.
Sounds like SOUR GRAPES to me! UAIR has the finest mechanics I know of, and I am continually impressed with their level of knowledge and commitment to getting the job done. All this idiocy about comparing wages of different groups has got to stop. There is absolutely no comparison between what the groups do or even how they are compensated. The only way they are intertwined at all is in the seniority system used for nonrevenue travel. That's it. Period. Anybody bringing in pay scales in an effort to somehow denigrade one group or make others detest that group are plainly wrong. Seems to me that the only folks interested in such comparisons are the ones that have doubts as to their worth in the overall scheme of things. SO GIVE IT UP ALREADY! 😱
RowUnderDCA said:
Wage-earning pilots complaining about presumed 'class-envy?' Is there a significant class difference among wage earners at an airline? The rest of the US sees you as just another wage-earner. Get used to it. I think you may be living in the '70's.
Sounds like your rearranging the furniture while the buildings on fire :up:
700: Your original post in no way indicated that it was a comparison and responsiblility issue between Mechanics and Pilots. Furthermore, in my post I did not state anything of the negative towards the Mechanics. If this was/is an issue about compensation differences between IAM and ALPA you should have stated it as so. Furthermore, as you so often state....Go back and Read My Post. <_<
this isnt about pay... its about productivity and contract changes that would put us on playing field...