First of all if you are telling customers to go elsewhere, that's a problem. I did complement you, but I said IF your attitude on this board shows on the job, then that's a problem. No offense intended, but your comments make it seem like you want to bite the hand that feeds you.
For the record, I have never slammed the employees of US, in fact I have been one of the most ARDENT supporters of employees past and present. NOTE I said that the employees are the only reason we stayed..and don't give the sand castle too much credit here, it was a MERGER--they each saved each other. Without Lakefield there would have been no money.
I have always said that the POTENTIAL here is enormous....but to take and take from the customer and give nothing back is absolutely absurd.
And for the record it has been proven elsewhere that Frequent Flier programs are actually fact I believe Air Canada spun theirs off and sold part or all of it...and made a nice penny in the process.
If you THINK I insulted you then I do apologize..that was not my intent. But I am the last customer you should call selfish my friend..I act from a sense of realistic expectation, not a sense of entitlement. If the company wants to do away with first class entirely that is their right. There are precious few people actually paying for it, nor should they with the current state of the product (AGAIN not a dig against employees, but the product itself). You guys make it SEEM much better than it actually is.
When a customer is flying 100,000 or more miles a year, and has pilots AND flight attendants come up to him and recognize him from here or from prior flights, and they all say thanks for what we've done for the company, then I have to think we're on to something.And when we are on between 4 and 10 airplanes a WEEK, like you, I think we do deserve the courtesy of the larger seat when available. But I am not here for my own self aggrandisement..I want what I think you want--a secure and healthy and successful US Airways, which brings professional courtesy and job satisfaction to the employee, and which represents an outstanding value to the customer. I am afraid at this juncture, that is not the case, but I retain hope that it will be.
All we have done is offered a voice--to offer the opportunity for some "free" market research...and this has to date fallen on deaf ears. Again this is their right, but if they don't really care what the customer has to say, then perhaps you are right after all, and perhaps I should go, and take some of the other high yield FF's with me...That I believe will be noticed....
I wish you nothing but the best, and again, if you think I insulted you, I do apologize, but that was not my intent...and again, I am the LAST person you should be calling selfish...