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Us Airways Nears Bankruptcy

usfliboi said:
Im trying to figure out whats misleading? If you disagree with newspaper article who quoted a source, call the paper and the source. No body on here knows exactly where afa and cwa stands including pitbull. Please, read the article again.

I think most of us HAVE read the article. The entire premise that "AFA & CWA ready to sign new deal," based on five words uttered by a pilot representative with an agenda, is just ludicrous. He's not a member of either of those unions (let alone their leadership), so how would he have the faintest clue of what they plan to do? One MUST consider the source, and in this context, the source is just not credible. Basing the title of a thread on a source with no credibility is misleading. And it's poor journalism on the newpaper's part to print that sort of assertion without checking the veracity of the statement with those particular unions. I mean, I could go talk to a reporter and say that Bronner is going to drop a couple of billion into UAIR tomorrow because he feels sorry for the employees. Does that make it true?

And you can bet that if AFA and CWA were "ready to sign," the company spinmeisters would be hammering that into the pilots on an hourly basis. The absence of such rhetoric implies the opposite..

You are so right! The lower the moral the lower the productivity the lower the revenue. Moral is now at an all time low.

The majority of agents don't care any more. They just want this whole thing over with so they can move on to the next chapter in their lives.

Breaks are getting longer and more frequent, time in call work is higher than ever and sick days are being exhausted. They used to stick to the fare rules until the dying end but now no one cares what is waived and have no desire to argue with passengers anymore. It is just not worth it. Their attitude is let CSD waive anything and everything. It will just get them closer to getting out of there. As far as the new $5.00 charge many agents have said they will not charge that fee because it is just not right.

I don't think moral can get much lower and what could management do at this point to fix it?
luv2fly said:
Ohhhh could it be........ SATAN?!?!

Too Funny - Church Lady!!
How many rounds of concessions are the employee groups willing to make to compensate for incompetent management? If the U.S.AIR employees keep making concessions at this rate you won't have anything left to give back in 2 years.It is time for the airline employees to make a goal line stand or else the jobs at airlines will be just another low paying,no benefits job,just like millions of others.I might as well get a night stock job at Wal-Mart because the jobs at the airlines won't be any better in a couple of years at the current rate of concessions.
Loved reading that quote from the pilot. Nice to know I have been waiting on the pilots to come to an agrement so I could sign off on mine. Guess I don't even need a union. I can just go ask my pilot neighbor what my options are. Considering no agreement has even been reached, I just don't understand how he could make such a statement.
BoeingBoy said:
No, the article quotes one MEC member as saying they "are ready to sign now" ...

Of course, this same representative has stated that he does not read the company proposals because they are just proposals, so apparently he does not feel the need to stay abreast of developments....

Jim, you're a CLT based pilot. What are you guys going to do about this? From my sources I've been told this rep does not return emails or phone calls from his membership. Given his quotes in the paper it does seem there's a case for a recall here.
jack mama said:
Get a grip, the article says:
"Still, some think a bankruptcy can be avoided. After all, the flight attendants and passenger service workers "are ready to sign now," according to Svendsen, the Charlotte, N.C., pilot representative. "They are just waiting on us." "

Sounds to me like the article is saying they "are ready to sign now"....

We all know the pilots have to be the heros... 😉
usfliboi said:
Im trying to figure out whats misleading? If you disagree with newspaper article who quoted a source, call the paper and the source. No body on here knows exactly where afa and cwa stands including pitbull. Please, read the article again.


I know where AFA stands on the proposals, and that's a "negative" on being close to voting and signing on to a T/A.
usfliboi said:
Im trying to figure out whats misleading? If you disagree with newspaper article who quoted a source, call the paper and the source. No body on here knows exactly where afa and cwa stands including pitbull. Please, read the article again.

Since when does an ALPA rep know what is going on with CWA? They are eyebrows deep in their own mess. CWA is not waiting on ALPA. CWA is as someone else stated is the "red headed Step child". 320 likes to get under someones skin and you my friend seem to be his alter ego. I haven't heard an update from CWA in some time which means they are nowhere close to a T/A!!!!!
Even if they were, the members still have to vote on it and it would be a big fat NO!
CWA put proposals in to save the company alot of money with early outs for senior agents at the top scale and work at home options...No word on if the company is willing to work with the CWA to save money....or just waiting to do another bankruptcy...
Am ready to sign? ..... 😱
nothing like working in a department that is understaffed ....why not make less to do even more work. Making reservations for 15 airlines. Sure I'll take a cut, why not I see how much money I make the company per week. I see the loads on the flights. Let me vote or company out of PIT .... the former home of Alleghney airlines.... The place where US wanted a NEW International Airport that will soon not have a International flight. Pay me what America West makes and you'll get the same service ..... which has been rated worst in the industry. What would you say Mr 320 if you had five a320's parked with a 1000 irate pax waiting ,and US wanted you to get them all where they need to be quickly? This is what I do every day.

AM I ready to sign?

usfliboi said:
700, I know exactly who PITBULL is. Just because she knows some things, she doesnt know it all.

Geez, I don't? Then who does???? 🙄
PitBull, I'm crushed. You've been leading us down the garden path all this time. I was just saying to someone the other day that obviously PitBull knows everything.

Now, I'm wondering if you can even tell me who's going to win this weekends football games.
jimntx said:
PitBull, I'm crushed. You've been leading us down the garden path all this time. I was just saying to someone the other day that obviously PitBull knows everything.

Now, I'm wondering if you can even tell me who's going to win this weekends football games.

Well, I first need to know whose playing... 🙄

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