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Us Airways Nears Bankruptcy

Again, you should not post things that you have no idea about. Pitbull knows EXACTLY what is going on with the AFA.
I think you answered your own question:

"No body on here knows exactly where afa and cwa stands including pitbull."

The thread title at least implied that "AFA & CWA ready to sign new deal" was a fact, not a single-source quote from someone who is not in either union. Perhaps if a "?" had been placed at the end...

Or that part left out altogether....

The article mentions nothing of a deal, tha afa and cwa are not close your really getting out of hand with this!
CWA is not even close to signing or even have anything else put to a vote. Yes they will be meeting with the company Thursday, but from what I have seen from the previous meetings, I honestly expect nothing to get done. If the previous "demands" from the company actually comes to a vote....I can only speak for me...it is a NO vote.
USA320Pilot said:
Who first reported on this website that US Airways and the AFA and CWA were close to signing a new labor accord?


Well Thanks for being the first to let us know.....Once again you win in your little me me me world.Maybe one day CNBC, and Msn will call you for your scoop of the year! Too bad your ALPA boys aren't close to an accord.......Who reported that first? WHO CARES!
I think its the topic that is misleading!! One man's opinion that thinks they are ready to ink a deal. The ones I talk to are far from it!!!!!!!!!!
jack mama said:
"Still, some think a bankruptcy can be avoided. After all, the flight attendants and passenger service workers "are ready to sign now," according to Svendsen, the Charlotte, N.C., pilot representative. "They are just waiting on us." "

:lol: How misinformed. Glad he doesn't represent any other work group.
D M G said:
:lol: How misinformed. Glad he doesn't represent any other work group.

If the pilots were to somehow settle, he would then be yelling at other represented groups that the smartest group (his) had decided and that we must also get onboard with them.
A320 was just not thinking straight when he posted this new subject. He obviously had been practicing the BOHICA dance while he was eavesdropping outside the door of the closed negotiations between ALPA and the Gestapo and bumped his head on the door.

:mf_boff: :mf_boff: :mf_boff: :mf_boff: :mf_boff:

A320 if you will back away from the door a little bit next time, you won't get a concussion. 😛

On a more serious note, you are pathetic. No where in the article is AFA or CWA mentioned. But it really doesn't matter because neither group is going to go along with the trash that is being presented to them. As I have told you before, get your resume ready because you are outnumbered.........
700, I know exactly who PITBULL is. Just because she knows some things, she doesnt know it all.
PITbull said:
AFA is not even closely near a T/A.

You got that right! Read below:

AFA US Airways MEC E-Line for August 28x, 2004
In this E-Line

* Accessing The Hub
* AFA Local Numbers


The AFA Negotiating Committee continues to meet to develop a counter-proposal. Our financial advisor has been working with the Company, but we have not yet received a full costing of the Company's August 18th proposal. Once we have received all that information from the Company, our financial advisor will then be able to fully analyze and determine if the Company's numbers are correct. Until that time, we cannot provide the Company with a
counter-proposal as we would be doing so blindly having no true idea of the value of items in our counter-proposal.

As soon as more information is available, we will update you via the e-line and website.

Perry Hayes
MEC President
Association of Flight Attendants - CWA, AFL-CIO
700UW said:
Your topic title is a blantant flasehood and I am reporting it!

This is hilarious!! Get over yourself already!
hp_fa said:
If the pilots were to somehow settle, he would then be yelling at other represented groups that the smartest group (his) had decided and that we must also get onboard with them.
Actually, if the pilots settled, he would write an Op Ed piece in one of the papers blaming the companies failure on the other unions and their lack of "good faith bargaining instead of blaming the real culprit, management, for bargaining in bad faith and running the company into the ground. Savy :down:
CWA is not even remotely close to reaching an agreement. In fact, the two sides are light years apart. I spoke with a few agents at a major UAIR terminal on Sunday. The company believes that agents will be reduced to about $13 per hour? They are out of their collective minds. Every agent that I spoke with said that moral is at an all time low. The company wants a $7 per hour pay cut. During an 8 hour shift, the company hopes to save about $56 per agent (assuming top of scale). Do they realize how much revenue an agent can generate in an 8 hr shift? An agent can easily collect $200 per hour in excess baggage, overweight baggage, change fees etc. How many agents are now going to even remotely make an attempt to collect these fees? All for what....to be bitched at by the customer. Pure and simple, it would no longer be worth the aggrevation. Extra bag...F-it throw it on the belt. Feels awefully heavy...F-it throw it on the belt. Ticket requires extra fees....F-it...fee ignored. Revenue lost! The brains in this company have apparently pushed this group beyond the limits of rational comprimise. Oh yeah, bring in the $8 per hour newbys with their smiling faces...until they get a dose of idiotic management, ridiculous rules and regulations, irate customers, mandatory OT....they are quitting in droves. The stress and torment is simply not worth the level of compensation. Good luck to all!

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