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US Airways last nationally in baggage handling, complaints


Mar 29, 2004
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Dawn Gilbertson
courtsey of The Arizona Republic
Sept. 7, 2006 04:03 PM

US Airways ranked in the bottom half of the industry in all major customer-service categories in July and saw its performance slip from a year ago in key areas.

The Tempe-based airline, formed by last fall's merger between America West and US Airways, ranked 14th of 20 in on-time arrivals and baggage handling and 19th of 20 in customer complaints, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation's Air Travel Consumer Report.

Phoenix-based Mesa Air Group, which flies shorter hops for US Airways and other major carriers, also fared poorly. The regional airline, in the rankings for the first time this year, ranked 17th in baggage handling and customer complaints and 19th in on-time arrivals.

It also had the most flight cancellations of any reporting airline. The airline's executives have repeatedly said its numbers are misleading because its partners effectively control certain aspects of its operations.

US Airways prefers to compare itself with major airlines, excluding regional carriers and smaller players like Frontier, Hawaiian and Aloha, but even on that basis it fell short. It was eighth of 10 airlines in on-time arrivals and last in customer complaints and baggage handling. Employees get a $50 bonus if the airline is in the top three for any of the categories but the bonus hasn't been paid in several months. After the merger last year, there was a string of payments.

Al Crellin, US Airways' executive vice president of operations, said in his monthly letter to employees that "clearly it was a tough month." Summer storms hurt, as did packed planes.

Crellin blamed the 72.1 percent on-time performance largely on weather. He said 10 days in July were affected by storms in the Northeast, Phoenix and Las Vegas. A year earlier, America West reported a 76.4 percent on-time rate; US Airways, 67.7 percent.

US Airways' worst delays among major airports was in Newark, N.J., where just half of its flights were on time. The airport's average in July was 59 percent. The next worst was the huge Philadelphia hub, home of chronic delays, where 65.3 percent of US Airways' flights were on time. In Phoenix, 78 percent of flights arrived on time.

The industry's overall on-time rate in July was 73.7 percent, up from 70.9 percent a year ago and 72.8 percent in June. Southwest Airlines, the other dominant carrier in Phoenix, came in at 77.8 percent, ranking it sixth.

Baggage problems and complaints continue to dog US Airways. It had 8.56 reports of mishandled bags per 1,000 customers, up from 7.78 for the combined airline a year ago. The industry average was 6.50. The airline has had high turnover among baggage handlers, especially in Philadelphia. It has been spending millions to improve its operations there.

US Airways saw its rate of complaints rise slightly, to 1.94 per 100,000 passengers, vs. 1.90 a year ago. The actual number of complaints is minuscule, though, at 102. And just 39 of those were for incidents in July.

"There are some things, such as weather-related delays and cancellations, that aren't in our control," Crellin said. "However, the way we treat our customers is something that is definitely in our control."
[US Airways ranked in the bottom half of the industry in all major customer-service categories in July and saw its performance slip from a year ago in key areas.

The Tempe-based airline, formed by last fall's merger between America West and US Airways, ranked 14th of 20 in on-time arrivals and baggage handling and 19th of 20 in customer complaints, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation's Air Travel Consumer Report.

Phoenix-based Mesa Air Group, which flies shorter hops for US Airways and other major carriers, also fared poorly. The regional airline, in the rankings for the first time this year, ranked 17th in baggage handling and customer complaints and 19th in on-time arrivals.

It also had the most flight cancellations of any reporting airline. The airline's executives have repeatedly said its numbers are misleading because its partners effectively control certain aspects of its operations.

US Airways prefers to compare itself with major airlines, excluding regional carriers and smaller players like Frontier, Hawaiian and Aloha, but even on that basis it fell short. It was eighth of 10 airlines in on-time arrivals and last in customer complaints and baggage handling. Employees get a $50 bonus if the airline is in the top three for any of the categories but the bonus hasn't been paid in several months. After the merger last year, there was a string of payments.

Al Crellin, US Airways' executive vice president of operations, said in his monthly letter to employees that "clearly it was a tough month." Summer storms hurt, as did packed planes.
Lets see maybe its that stating pay for fleet workers is still only 7.50 per hour on the west side.
This company cant hire anyone for that pay thats going to care one bit if a bag makes it or not. Its time to come into the 21st century DP Oh I forgot must remain cost netural. Lets see even airtran starts at 8.50
Is this things getting worse before they get better?

Or just things getting worse?
Is this things getting worse before they get better?

Or just things getting worse?

I dont see things getting better. Looks like more of the same to me. The CEO and his VPs take there bonuses and and keep smiling and tell us its all ok and we in the field continue to take it on the chin and deal with all the complaints and try our best to apologize for our poor service.
Cant wait to see how ugly its going to get when they merge the computer systems
how can it get any betterrrrrrrr? phlly is so darn desperate for help that they are offerin tdy for any employees they can get to fly down on frid stay at a hotel and work all the shifts then fly back to their base on mon all the way thru oct 29
Need to dump Mesa quick and re-evaluate management team!

Pay folks a decent wage to throw bags and take care of our customers. Look how much South West pays their folks and observe their history of success.You can throw all the pizza parties, cake gatherings, and trinket ceremonies in the world. If you don't show em the money nothing will ever happen. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this one out. Hello, Ding Dong, Tick Tock are you listening?
And lets not forget that Thanksgiving is about two months away and with Christmas to follow!! If Things are this bad now...then the holidays are going to be one big mess all over again and that is something we do NOT need!! :down:

Management does know the major holidays are coming right?????? :shock:
And lets not forget that Thanksgiving is about two months away and with Christmas to follow!! If Things are this bad now...then the holidays are going to be one big mess all over again and that is something we do NOT need!! :down:

Management does know the major holidays are coming right?????? :shock:

Yes, I beleieve they have all made their holiday plans and wish the employees all the best.
Well I was made out to be a complainer and basically a story teller on another threat about bags. Well I guess it's safe to say that Philly may be just a tiny part of the problem. The system is big but the MAJOR problem is in PHL. I hear the folks in CLT are being beat into the ground too. I hope someone wakes up SOON. As stated, Thanksgiving and Christmas is just around the corner. Hiring someone for $7.00 an hour is not gonna make a new hire bust their butt for the holiday rush.
[US Airways ranked in the bottom half of the industry in all major customer-service categories in July and saw its performance slip from a year ago in key areas.

The Tempe-based airline, formed by last fall's merger between America West and US Airways, ranked 14th of 20 in on-time arrivals and baggage handling and 19th of 20 in customer complaints, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation's Air Travel Consumer Report.

Phoenix-based Mesa Air Group, which flies shorter hops for US Airways and other major carriers, also fared poorly. The regional airline, in the rankings for the first time this year, ranked 17th in baggage handling and customer complaints and 19th in on-time arrivals.

It also had the most flight cancellations of any reporting airline. The airline's executives have repeatedly said its numbers are misleading because its partners effectively control certain aspects of its operations.

US Airways prefers to compare itself with major airlines, excluding regional carriers and smaller players like Frontier, Hawaiian and Aloha, but even on that basis it fell short. It was eighth of 10 airlines in on-time arrivals and last in customer complaints and baggage handling. Employees get a $50 bonus if the airline is in the top three for any of the categories but the bonus hasn't been paid in several months. After the merger last year, there was a string of payments.

Al Crellin, US Airways' executive vice president of operations, said in his monthly letter to employees that "clearly it was a tough month." Summer storms hurt, as did packed planes.

A complete embarassment to all of our hard working employees throughout the system..........

And everyone thought Ed Colodny did'nt know what he was talking about.... http://www.pittsburghlive.com/x/pittsburghtrib/s_209004.html

Here's a key quote from the article:

"An efficient hub is still the most cost-effective way to run an airline,'' Rick DeLisi said. "Every single low-fare carrier runs an efficient hub. The only way a hub doesn't work is if it is run inefficiently.''
Well I was made out to be a complainer and basically a story teller on another threat about bags. Well I guess it's safe to say that Philly may be just a tiny part of the problem. The system is big but the MAJOR problem is in PHL. I hear the folks in CLT are being beat into the ground too. I hope someone wakes up SOON. As stated, Thanksgiving and Christmas is just around the corner. Hiring someone for $7.00 an hour is not gonna make a new hire bust their butt for the holiday rush.

You heard right about CLT
I personally wont take anything LESS than what I had before for me to return, they may, in fact have to sweeten the pot in order for me to come back!!!
Since the mods haven't moved this from where I posted it (Originally typing this up for a new thread when this thread was started), I'll move it myself.....

Not a pretty month.....

Air Travel Consumer Report

12 of 20 reporting airlines for on-time performance (72.1%), but next to last in our "peer group". Mesa, the only Express carrier required to report, came in at 19 of 20 (66.7%).

Hub/Focus City On-Time Performance (US/HP flights only):

CLT 75.9%
DCA 76.8%
LAS 71.9%
LGA 70.2%
PHL 65.3%
PHX 78.0%
PIT 74.6%

12 flights made the "List of Shame" by being late at least 80% of the time for the month. The list of these flights for all airlines is the longest I remember seeing - an indication of what a bad month July was.

We placed 14th worst for the percentage of flights late at least 70% of the time (tied with Mesa), again coming in next to last in our peer group.

We did better on cancellations, coming in at 9 of 20 and 6th in our peer group (beating UA, DL, and AA). Mesa was at the bottom of the list.

Baggage? Still a ways to go - 14 of 20 overall and last in our peer group. Mesa was 17 of 20.

In the complaint catagory, we received more (102) than any other airline but UA (111). As a result, we were 19th of 20 in the ranking, and dead last among our peer group (and behind Mesa in this catagory).
