Speaking of Mesa, on a Mesa flight I got asked, in the exit row (by the flight attendant wearing several, um, non-uniform accessories), "How old are you?" I told the flight attendant "Probably older than you." Turns out I was by a year.
As far as status, I've had other passengers make more inquiries than employees. Then again, at JAX, I'm familiar with several of the employees and at Philly (usually the other end for me) I try to minimize contact with ground personnel.
I observed an interesting situation while waiting boarding in Charlotte two weeks ago.... the plane was inbound from MHT, and a deplaning passenger went up to the podium with two of the flight attendants. Apparently the gate agent at MHT was pulling bags out of the cabin (appears maybe somebody got off after boarding?) and pulled the wrong ones. Thus, this poor passenger was in Charlotte at 8pm at night with nothing but her People magazine. Purse was inside her bag in the overhead with money, cell phone, car rental agreement, even driver's license. The flight attendants kept trying to push cash on her, but she refused. Have to say from what I saw, US was going to take care of her (hotel for the night, some cash, phone cards).