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US Airways just saved itself - all miles to count towards status

The large amount of E-savers is due to the fact that nobody is flying next week. US's load factor is something like 23 percent! Great time to nonrev!
dfw79, It is the first time in 16 years that I can remember U taking the lead on anything...usually they react and follow. VERY INTERESTING!
[BLOCKQUOTE][BR]----------------[BR]On 9/6/2002 12:26:54 PM autofixer wrote:
[P]dfw79,  It is the first time in 16 years that I can remember U taking the lead on anything...usually they  react and follow.  VERY INTERESTING! [/P]----------------[/BLOCKQUOTE]
[P]Actually this is[STRONG] 2nd time in 3 months[/STRONG] U has initiated..1st one was eliminating senior fares 10pct off..others soon followed. Some sr rates Still avail in shuttle mkts and some 65 and older mkts competitive with WN and ATA.[/P]
Welcome back guys! Anyone have any trips they have to reschedule now?
[blockquote] It seems more than stupid to fly an empty seat rather than court goodwill from a customer.[/blockquote]

Stupid? It's all about changing customer behaviour. Thats manipulation, and isn't stupid at all.

I know lots of people who buy tickets for flights leaving during off-hours because they can save a couple hundred bucks and get cheap fares, who then standby for rush hour flights, knowing they will get on because those seats don't always sell out or will have no-shows.

Now they have a choice --

1) fly for what they want to pay

2) pay for when they want to fly.

If they want both, then I guess they full fare!
Here is the letter sent to us DM members today:


We have heard from many of our top customers - and frankly, some of it wasn't very pretty - about the fare and Dividend Miles Preferred program changes that were announced in late August. We wanted you to hear directly from us that - based on this customer input - we have made revisions which we think strike a fair balance between customer needs and the economic realities of the dynamic airline industry.

Most importantly for our most frequent travelers, miles and segments earned on nonrefundable fares will continue to count as credit toward Dividend Miles Preferred status, allowing for all base miles earned on all standard non-refundable fares to count toward attainment of the Silver Preferred, Gold Preferred, and Chairman's Preferred levels.

Additionally, for travel on or after January 1, 2003, stand-by travel on nonrefundable fares will be allowed with a $100 fee, with restrictions. The previously-announced policy of nonrefundable tickets expiring after their planned date of use will continue. As was always the case, however, nonrefundable tickets can still be changed with the appropriate fees at any time prior to the scheduled flight, as long as you contact us prior to the departure time and let us know you cannot make the flight.

Some of our customers have told us that the original changes seemed punitive, so I would like to explain why we initiated this action. As many know, over the last few years, more and more business travelers have changed their buying patterns in order to take advantage of restricted nonrefundable fares which are less expensive. In fact, many companies now require these fares to be purchased. Admittedly, the complex pricing structure of the airline industry has forced some to this as corporate travel managers look for ways to reduce their costs.

These nonrefundable fares have traditionally been established to stimulate discretionary leisure travel for passengers who have flexible plans and are looking for lower fares. The prices were thus defined to attract travelers that generally don't need to stand by for other flights or fly enough to earn Preferred status. As the usage of these fares for business travel has grown and impacted our revenues, we have been put in the difficult position of either raising fares or modifying the rules to more accurately match our costs of providing the service. We must continue to find ways to balance the public's desire for low airfares with the economic cost of providing frequent, high quality service to the 203 communities which we serve.

We realize that our customers are key to our future success. We appreciate your loyalty and yes, even appreciated the negative feedback that some have voiced. I hope you see our action today as further demonstration of our desire to work with and listen to our customers. The fact that so many of our passengers cared enough to express their concerns shows that we are delivering a level of service that people want to utilize. We have 40,000 employees dedicated to customer service, and as demonstrated by our record setting on-time performance this summer, we plan to continue to earn your business each and every day.

B. Ben Baldanza
Senior Vice President
Marketing and Planning
US Airways just saved itself...

From What??? Certainly not from their own stupidity in offering a costly program that allows many marginal or non-profit customers to take them for a ride. Then again, that seems to be the name of the game for the Cartel: take our customers for a ride (or at least try to) and let them take us for a ride.
Just Saved Itself Are you kidding? So much BS from BBB! US didn't listen to anyone - except to hear whether competitors were going to match the screwing it planned to give to Elites.

Since none did, US now lovingly refers to Elites as our loyal cus-tomers. Such hypocrisy! All the other changes they initiated are sticking.

I know when I have been screwed. They can try again to play drop the soap; but I'm not bending over. I have alternatives: (Delta Mainline/Shuttle, JetBlue, Southwest, AirTran and Amtrak).

While waiting to see if US survives BK (which I doubt), I plan to ei-ther burn and/or convert to another program (someway) all of the DM in my account. If/when they are absorbed/combined/purchased/merged with another carrier, I hope any remaining miles survive. But I’ve mentally written them and the airline from my travel plans.

I am sorry for the US employees, especially those from PI which was one of my favorites. I had my say about this on the suicide thread. But BBB is just the latest in a long line of arrogant spin-meisters who have no grip on reality and no clue as to how to run ANY business!
There are certainly some marginal p***engers - there always have been some in every program. However, their number and effect pales in comparison to the number of US2s and US1s that contribute thousands of dollars every year to the company through paid flights and accrual of partner FF miles. These FFs were livid at the proposed changes and made their opinions known.

As to BBB, he certainly did an about face. First, customers requested and liked the changes. Right. Then customers complained and hated the changes. In memory of BBB's characterization of US FFs as essentially cockroaches, the FFs have set up an award for the flyer who yielded miles on the lowest dollar ticket. Lots of responses coming in.

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