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US Airways, International Association of Machinists Reach Tentative Agreement for Unified Mechanics-

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Can't hardly wait to see the "highlight" sheet :lol: The devil is in the details....

Just read the highlight sheet,vote no it sucks. It sucks I tell ya.

You west guys are going to give up alot for some magic beans.total 14 line maint stations.............how many do you have now.
This thing has the job cuts built right in.

its what you dont read thats going to hurt,I dont have a west contract to compare.
another thing what happened to just a plain t/a....

Details of the agreement will be released by the IAM. The agreement is subject to a ratification vote of the IAM membership and would become amendable on Dec. 31, 2011.
Start working on it now please.
Machinists, US Airways Reach Mechanic Accord
IAM District 142 today announced it reached a tentative agreement with US Airways covering 3,300
Mechanic & Related employees.
"This agreement provides stability and security for our members at a time when the airline industry is in
turmoil," said IAM General Vice President Robert Roach, Jr. "I thank our negotiating committee for a job
well done under very difficult circumstances."
The tentative agreement would bring US Airways and former America West Mechanic & Related
employees under the same contract and wage scale for the first time since the merger of the two
airlines in September 2005. Negotiations for IAM-represented Maintenance Training Specialists and
Fleet Service personnel are continuing.
"Our members have waited too long to share in the benefits the US Airways-America West merger
promised," said IAM District 142 President Tom Higginbotham. "This agreement provides annual wage
increases, job security and new pension benefits for all our Mechanic & Related members."
Highlights of the agreement include base wage and license premium increases, improved overtime
rates, new shift premiums and participation in the IAM National Pension Plan, a secure multi-employer
pension plan.
The tentative agreement must be ratified by the membership. The District 142 negotiating committee is
recommending ratification of the agreement, and a voting schedule is being prepared. Complete terms
of the agreement will be available later today on the District 142 website, www.iamdl142.org.

Nice....is the exact same letter that was posted on 141 this afternoon. Great to see 142 is on the ball.
Just read the highlight sheet,vote no it sucks. It sucks I tell ya.

You west guys are going to give up alot for some magic beans.total 14 line maint stations.............how many do you have now.
This thing has the job cuts built right in.

its what you dont read thats going to hurt,I dont have a west contract to compare.
another thing what happened to just a plain t/a....

Details of the agreement will be released by the IAM. The agreement is subject to a ratification vote of the IAM membership and would become amendable on Dec. 31, 2011.
Start working on it now please.
Here is the web address ( http://www.teamsterslocal104.org/Files/cur...t_1998-2003.pdf ) :up: Good to see ya my friend call this weekend.

Thanks for the link...NOT GOOD, IMO. Sick Time stinks. 675 head count assurance stinks
and the ''company will decide what other 7 cities will remain contracted IAM'' (other than the
ones mentioned) stinks....alot isn't good.........but its' in our hands. I'm a NO...big time.
Here is the web address ( http://www.teamsterslocal104.org/Files/cur...t_1998-2003.pdf ) :up: Good to see ya my friend call this weekend.

:up: Yep will do.Looks like we finally got to were we are all going to work together here,to got something decent.My west brothers and sisters,it looks to me like your giving up more than you are gaining here.You guys will have to decide if its good enough for you.

How many are you going to loose with all the line maint closings.This another give back contract.The job loses,profit shareing lose ,benefit loses, do not add up to a small raise and one weeks vacation.

What is the current cost of living increase nation wide,3% dont get it.Well we will see.
My last post, Mar 11, was objectionable and I apologize. Amen. Just read the TA. It's a NO.
Amazing you join the union. Pay dues, vote in leaders to represent you to the company and before reading any information from the union on the "agreement" they came to with the company you say "VOTE NO!!".

That basically sounds like their will never be an agreement that the company and union can come to with that attitude. Coming to agreement means comprising - ie both parties need to come to the middle. If you can never move the middle and come to terms then you can never be happy and never move forward.

The company can't get everything it wants and the union can't get everything it wants. I point you to the steel industry where the companies wanted everything and unions wanted everything look where that got the both of them.

I hope everyone reads for both the good and the bad and make their own independent decision. Otherwise, you are blowing away a valuable right you have as an American and that is to vote. It would be waste to throw a vote away without trying to be informed.

I also say anyone who says VOTE YES without reading it is just as bad.

First of all. Joining the union is not an option. No join-no work. Second: Its funny how the same people win the election every time.

I have read every word of the "agreement". I even asked questions about the gray areas. My vote is still NO. Most of us are tired of concessionary contracts, which this is, while the execs get millions. I would be happy if there was middle ground but there's not. See the union only cares about the dues flow. They will do what ever it takes to maintain that even if it means selling out the membership. So they make deals with the company. In the end the union and the company are happy but the employee's that make the company run are not. The rank and file make all the sacrifice while the rest get the millions. Do you see any middle ground there??? The End
Hey but here is the good news.. No place in the TA does it say that PIT is a protected station.

With a protection clause of 675 in base that protects CLT.. 50% farm out of all work regardless I would say the two lines of Mtc in PIT are doomed..

No Line Mtc Protection for PIT either.. None..
The company will give us only enough to secure at least a 51% yes vote. I guess they figured they are at that point. The union with their pension plan is along for the ride.
I take back what I said in the past about the mechanics having a good TA and it was pulled after
fleet service voted theirs down. IMO this TA sucks. Screw this company and their merger plans. They don't respect the employees enought to give them a decent TA but yet upper management keeps fattening their pockets and protecting themselves in case of mergers. How long is it going to take before the employees realize this. There is a good reason they want the CIC language back . If it were me I'd vote no just on the CIC language alone. Good luck guys........ I guess they disrespect mechanics as much as bag smashers!
As a former east(philly) mech, if I was still there I would vote yes for this. I dont think its great or anything but it is more than I expected from the company.

Thanks for the link...NOT GOOD, IMO. Sick Time stinks. 675 head count assurance stinks
and the ''company will decide what other 7 cities will remain contracted IAM'' (other than the
ones mentioned) stinks....alot isn't good.........but its' in our hands. I'm a NO...big time.

Yep, sick time does stink, but better than what was there before. The 675 headcount assurance is 675 MORE than what was assured before the offer. What PROTECTED line stations did the AW mechs have in their teamster contract?? The east had 10 protected, BOS,CLT,DCA,LGA,PHL,& PIT plus 4 others determined by the compnay MINIMUM. Now there is 15 protected with 8 named ( the same above, except removing PIT and adding LAS, PHX & LAX) and 7 others chosen by the company. The company was staffed above the contract minumum because they needed the line mechs working at these stations. Your putting a negative twist on everything when you don't even know whats in the current contract. :down: Looking forward to Jan 2009, an A&P mechanic (East Pay Rates) which are now higher than the west, working 2nd or 3rd shift is looking at around a $9,000.00 dollar a year pay raise, that don't stink to me. :up: Even if the company doesn't make a dime! It is far from perfect, but there is enough to make people read and then make an educated financial desicion. Sure its not southwest rates, but it finally puts us back above the auto dealership wages. Yep, if I wanted the $42 bucks an hour my oold US buddies are making, I to can quit and work my way up the UPS or FEDEX pay scale, but with my paid holidays ramping back towards 10, and a 5th week of vacation eventually showing up, I would rather stay put.

I could care less what you or anyone else votes but don't be so stupid and ignorant to not even understand what you have and what your getting.
So.....tell me if I am reading this T/A right or need new specs. They mention protection in ELP - El Paso, but no work on PIT- PITTSBURGH. How many guys in PHL-PHILLY that are from PIT-PITTSBURGH? 10 Hour work days, fine for those who commute, but what about the loss of overtime? Mighty nice of them to put in 3 paid sick days if you are thrown in the hospital, if not 50 %pay. DOH- DATE OF HIRE SENIORITY...now that is BIG...read it carefully because it looks pretty GRAY. West will always be up .50 an hour over EAST. West is in the pension plan (great if your 20 years old and just starting). I would vote NO, NO, NO and more NO.
I would let it bomb out in ratification and start getting Andy Marshall (IBT) on the phone and talk business for a new contract, a new UNION in 2009!
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