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Us Airways Group, Inc. To Consolidate Pdt & Alg

actually piedmont and allegeny own zero dash-8's usair group owns all of them. So its said that we are at their whim.
lets try this again since i ended up at the bottom of a page...

ok, question is, how many people are on your (pdt) list with 3yr or less of seniorty?

at alg there are about 54 with 3 years or less time (first hires of '01) online (the true number is probably lower due to recent attrition) out a list of 342 (also subject to being lower, ie attrition)

not trying to start an argument just curious how pdt numbers stand in comparison.
an ALG and a PI pilots told me some time ago that each company owns about 18 planes each. But I wonder if some of those include the 50 seat DASH-8-300Q?
Also how many Dashs' would stay and some go if anyone know right now?
Another issue in this equation is that, although the total number of aircraft in the combined ALG/PDT fleet will be 82, a number of those (not quite sure how many, or when) are approaching 40,000 flight hours, at which point a major airframe inspection is mandated. Everyone I have spoken to in maintenence management has stated that the inspection costs are more than the realistic market value of the aircraft, and that they would most likely be struck from the inventory at that point (followed by, I would assume, subsequent "personnel reductions"). This does not include aircraft that will simply be returned at the expiration of their current leases, depending on how US Airways allocates the available flying among the Express carriers.

This of course brings up the issue that, if there are no replacement aircraft in the pipeline, then what real future is being offered to the employees of the "new Piedmont"? All of this shuffling of personnel (and consequent disruption of lives) and combining of assets, just so that the shrinkage can continue until....what? Liquidation at some future date, or the much-speculated purchase of a smaller PDT by Mesa two years from now, just so everyone can move again? And all of this while laboring under the shadow of US Airways' continued troubles, which could take any number of paths over the next couple of years, requiring further drastic measures.

Hate to say it, but not too many warm, fuzzy feelings here. Good luck, everyone.
Dear Fellow Allegheny Pilot:

During a conference with Keith Houck, Mike Scrobola, Ron Henson (the Company's attorney), Pat Flannery, and myself, the Company gave us the following bullet points as conditions for our possible merger with Piedmont. It was transcribed verbatim.

Waiver of Section 1.D.1. of Allegheny CBA (successorship). No grievance, lawsuit, or other claim will be filed, involving either Allegheny or Piedmont, seeking to enforce Section 1.D.1. or to otherwise bind Piedmont or the merged operation to the Allegheny CBA.

Seniority lists merged under ALPA merger policy and implemented upon merger of operations.

Fence agreement providing for separate operations until merger; each separate operation to be governed by separate CBA until merger. Allegheny pilots may be offered positions at Piedmont and trained out of seniority order during integration of operations process in order to avoid displacement, bumping and/or unnecessary training events.

Pending small jet grievance will be withdrawn without prejudice.

Piedmont CBA, including duration clause, to govern merged operation. Neither party will have obligation to negotiate new contract as a result of merger until Piedmont CBA reopens.

Cooperation with efforts to merge operations.

No grievance, lawsuit, or other claim will be filed seeking to enforce obligation contrary to those listed above.

It is also important to note that while not specifically stated, if the MEC were to choose to accept the arbitrary 10-day acceptance deadline imposed by the Company, an agreement would have to be ratified by the MEC, not the ALG pilot group.

Check the website and MEC code a phone for the latest updates.

Yours in Solidarity,

Rick O'Leary
If you give up ALL of those bulleted items, what do you have left?

Might as well liquidate.
Perhaps as a condition of signing with the company, the ALG/PDT pilots can get some kind of J4J deal at PSA. If, under J4J 50% of jobs go to furloughed mainline pilots... why not insist on a similar deal of ALG/PDT pilots, where 25-50% of new jobs at PSA get offered to PDT/ALG pilots (perhaps starting w/ highest seniority) in some kind of flow-through... Therefore PDT/ALG pilots get the option of upgrading to RJ's as PSA grows and PDT/ALG shrinks. Meanwhile the Group gets their consolidation and is still able to retain all Express employees who want to stay.

That sounds like a win-win, except for maybe furloughed mainline pilots... Definitely solves the problem at hand.

Just an idea.
Should be no surprise to anyone on this little merger deal. The out come could be anyone's guess. The bottom line is just this, Airways is looking "again" just like in the past to sell assets when cash strapped and they can't hang with the other airlines that are cleaning their clocks. Remember PSA on the west coast, and PAM in SAN, when Air Cal and UAL beat'em like a snare drum, and Piedmonts assets after the 1989 buy-out....well well WN and JB, and Air tran are now whipping the hide off Airways now...time again to cut and run, "sell off" and "hunker down" and hope the storm passes. It's not going to let up this time. PHL will be another BWI, PDT, PSA and ALG employees will along with Main Line employees pay the price. I hope that MESA stays out of this, but not likely they smell blood in the water...and two injured and worn out fish ripe for a kill. Good luck to all...prepare..CYA.
Airways wants to cut costs..PDT's ALG's fleet is high time, public does'nt like props. If Mesa buys, puts jet equipment in place, provides employees on their payrole no pain for Airways, and improves image with public with jet equipment. Airways will not spend the captial needed to provide PDT/ALG with the jets and will feed them to Mesa. Then Mesa will keep what they want...park, sell, or dump what they do'nt. Look to the past.. CCAir..Fla Gulf... :blink:
:huh: Whaaaaaaa...Ahhh the poor pilots wont like this deal? Tough..I say Tough..Too Bad and so sad!!! Its not all about the pilots folks. There are some people who will lose their jobs and be offered none at Piedmont. I am one of them!! Had the pilots been smart from the get go and realized that they may have negoitated in the ball park rates of other carriers, they probably would have been given RJ's and alot of affected people would still have jobs. But no...they want to be PITBULLS. Well cut off your nose to spite your face! If I were apilot at UQ, I would find another line of work to get into, because its gonna get worse. This is only the beginning in the "Fall of the House of Cards". 😛h34r:
I wouldnt be surprised if mesa did something in the next two yrs and see PDT and/or PDT go under. Of course that is only if US can make it that far
I will most likely loose my position in this merger too. 27 years in aviation, not sure if I will stay in. We all, in the USAirways family, gave concessions. Yes we were given no guarrentees, and here we are. I wish everyone here the best of luck. No group of people know about regional flyong as well as PDT and ALG employees. Again, good luck to all involved, try to stay professional.
WHY ARE YOU SUBMISSIVE????? 27 years and you just roll over? Strike out on your own. You must have something to offer the economy. UAIR is dead. Why cling to it? Be free. Go out on your own. Tell Dave he is an incompetent idiot. This is the land of opportunity. Do not be submissive to a company or union. Ed 😉