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Us Airways, Ge Set Leasing, Financing Deal

It was actually done when they were Teamsters. AMFA ousted the Teamsters at WN about 2 years ago.
700UW said:
It was actually done when they were Teamsters. AMFA ousted the Teamsters at WN about 2 years ago.
Stock clerks are still Teamsters. We're not craft recognized.
Because of the title "appearence tech." got in them into AMFA. IMHO, I doubt many of our cleaners even know what chapter the Lav is even in.
At NWA they are cleaners and they are represented by AMFA.

It is class and craft, at UAL there are Utility and represented by AMFA.

It depends on how you were organized at UAL it was Mechanics and Utility, at US it was Mechanics and Utility and Stores fell under the contract later at NWA it was Mechanics and Clearners.

It is determined by the NMB, not the unions.
MarkMyWords said:
Good question. Perhaps the major schedule overhaul in Feb coupled with the additional flying hours will help. Why does WN have an employee to aircraft ration of 70:1 versus our 100:1? I'm not sure, but hopefully that is being addressed in a way other then to just arbitrarily cutting employees.

They don't hub and spoke. Take away PHL and CLT, and see what the ratio is.

Of course, then US ceases to exist. It's an apples and oranges comparison.
And WN is adding planes, so employee per a/c goes down and US is taking planes out so the employee per a/c goes up.