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Us Airways, Ge Set Leasing, Financing Deal

Well we paid management $23 million last year, gee maybe we need to get rid of them too since they do not know how to run an airline.

Siegel gets paid $4.5 Million to leave, Cohen get $2 Million and Messrs Gangwal, Wolf and Nagin got $34 Million.

Hmm Utility is a drop in the bucket to them.
700UW said:

Piedmont had Utility at DCA, GSO, BOS, LGA, INT and LAX.

It would be nice if you did a bit a research before you actually posted something.
Oh, really..., Hey, I am pretty sure that Piedmont had a bit larger route network than just DCA, GSO, BOS, LGA, INT and LAX, Did they just not bother to clean and service the planes unless the aircraft was lucky enough to go thru one of those 6 cities...?

Please do not make your position sound even more stupid in an effort to make me look dumb..
Rico said:
Wonder what the old Piedmont did for overnight a/c cleaning, oh yeah, outsourced. Ahh, the good ol days...

Rico,Nov 26 2004, 09:19 PM
Oh, really..., Hey, I am pretty sure that Piedmont had a bit larger route network than just DCA, GSO, BOS, LGA, INT and LAX, Did they just not bother to clean and service the planes unless the aircraft was lucky enough to go thru one of those 6 cities...?

Please do not make your position sound even more stupid in an effort to make me look dumb..

You do a good job of that all on your own.

And your statement said Piedmont contracted out RON, well they contracted out a portion of it, not all of it and Piedmont at the RON used Fleet Service more then vendors to do all the RON cleaning besides their own utility.

Once again, why don't you post things that you know about, because your posts show your lack of knowledge on the subject.
A portion of it...? You yourself mentioned but a "small portion" of their cities as having Utility, So they did not just contract out a portion,


Minor cities in the Piedmont network like CLT...?

A "portion", haha man you are a master of the B.S...!

Hey, if it worked great for the old Piedmont, we can bring it back for today's carrier
I don't agree with paying any of them 1 dime. Contractually they were entitled to it. I don't like it. Personally, I would fight to get it back. But that is not my call.

Going back to Utility though, how are we supposed to compete with the likes of WN when the cost difference is nearly $2.00 an hour, per employee. (Speaking strictly in a comparison of Utility functions). And we don't know how we compare to WN on the number of stations that have Utility. What if they only had 10 stations compared to out 18?
At WN the Rampers who will make $24 an hour clean the planes where they do not have their APTs. Not sure if the F/As clean anymore as they just got a new contract with a 31% raise.

At US a mechanic makes $24 at WN they make $37.50, a Ramper makes $19 here, $24 at WN, shall I continue?
The comparison of what WN pay Vs. U is a well and good..yet the sad part is this. The real comparison for our pay purposes is being drawn against HP and B6.

Beyond that...it's just a pissing contest between Rico , MMW and 700UW
Again, we are strictly comparing utility functions. We also have stations that Ramp or Customer Service clean airplanes. For WN it is about productivity. Do they bring 24.00 an hour rampers in to strictly clean airplanes? I am sure they come in and work thru flights and terminators, and then clean them. Chances are, that the night shift is also the most junior shift, so it is very unlikely that many of the WN agents would be working at 24.00 an hour.

So are you saying that since our F/A's, Mechanics and Fleet Service Employees are paid less then at WN, it is OK to pay Utility Employees more and it becomes a wash? Or could we keep Utility on a more limited basis and at a lower wage? I don't want to see our Utility department shut down. I feel they provide a very valuable service, especially in the hangars. Would getting the cost of utility down to the WN level be enough? I doubt it. I am sure the target would be much lower.....probably the level of a contractor.
All I am doing is comparing what other employees make at WN.

And US wants to pay a mechanic in the hangars to do Utility work, and eliminate ALL utility.

Well the utility at the line stations also clean ground equipment and facilities when and where directed.

But you cant compare WN to US as they do not operate the same way, does WN security check and clean and prepare an A330 for an International Flight in 55 minutes?

And we all know who good WN does their security checks since one of their planes flew for three months with razor baldes and box cutters in the lavs.

And we are getting way off topic.

Again, I feel that Utilities function in the hangar an in the hub stations are extremely important. The work that is required to turn an international flight is tremendous. The work load in a hub stations is also very high. Is the work load the same in ORD? BDL? LAX? Is it enough to warrant paying 17-19.00 an hour to keep it inhouse?
>>>And we all know who good WN does their security checks since one of their planes flew for three months with razor baldes and box cutters in the lavs.<<<

I believe this incident occured prior to the TSA required security checks and actually triggered the TSA to come up with the overnight security checks or at least some modification to them. Another thing -- the razor baldes and boxcutters were not just left behind a door, they were hidden in a very sophisticated manner that I won't describe.
MarkMyWords said:
I don't agree with paying any of them 1 dime. Contractually they were entitled to it. I don't like it. Personally, I would fight to get it back. But that is not my call.

Going back to Utility though, how are we supposed to compete with the likes of WN when the cost difference is nearly $2.00 an hour, per employee. (Speaking strictly in a comparison of Utility functions). And we don't know how we compare to WN on the number of stations that have Utility. What if they only had 10 stations compared to out 18?

How come we CAN'T compete with the likes of WN when their pilots are payed over $50/hr more than a U Pilot for flying the same type aircraft?

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