Below are some of the questions are will attempt to answer:
Some questions for those in the know:
1. What is the status of AFA contesting the "No Further Voluntary Furlough" stance of the company?
Answer: Grievance has been filed. No expedited arbitration scheduled, management won't sign on. Regurlar arbitration will take months.
2. When can we expect a final "reserve" decision from binding arbitration?
Answer: Mediation opinion will be handed down this week, however if it goes to arbitration, it will be ]Many months
2. When will CCY indicate the number of Involuntary Furloughs following the closing of the extention period, and will that include a reduction in force due to the new reserve system? Or should we expect to be back-slapped twice in the next few months? As Crazy states above, some people would like to prepare for the future in less than a few weeks.
Answer: When the extension closes, which is Sept 11, the company will notify us on an Excel sheet who will be INvolutarily furloughed for Dec. How much or IF the Reserve reduction is included is anyones guess. If the further reduce for the reserve system THAT GOES AGAINST THERE STANCE THAT THEY HAVE MET THEIR OBLIGATION, CAUSE THAT WILL TRIGGER A NEW AND FURTHER REDUCTION IMO and the MEC. Expect a back-slap twice in the next few months...we are talking union busters here, folks that disregard employees and look at them a complete liabilities to a corporation's "bottom line".
3. Has a AFA representative been appointed to oversee the implentation of the MDA/MAA (which one is it really?) flight attendant system? If so, who? It seems that although the company has issues a rather cryptic Q&A, it has actually caused more confusion than understanding. If we are only going to get "one bite at the apple" the flight attendant population really needs to be thoroughly briefed on the ins-and-outs of the AE contract. I've spent the afternoon studying the .pdf and am scratching my head in confusion as to a number of issues.
Answer: No. AFA International President Pat Friend is trying to pull the MAA flight attendants under EXPRESS. The MEC is arguing this and it will be presented at the AFA BOD in the form of an Agenda Item. The MEC believes that the MAA f/as belong to us. Period. We will fight this if it comes down to it. Another battle.
So far, there are no further dialogue with any info. I can offer at this time. Most of this information should be disiminated from management first. The MEC is not the mouth pieces for management. You will get the info as the MEC receives it. Rest Assured.
4. Likewise, who is the designated authority at CCY overseeing the implementation of the flight attendant system for MDA/MAA?
Answser: Sharon Godden, Senior Director of Inflight at MAA. John Flasco Manager of Training.