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US Airways Death Watch

513 continues to amaze me. [BR][BR]From the first days of this board, s/he has moaned and groaned about the airline - always feeling the negative vibes and always stating that s/he could care less what happens.[BR][BR]Interestingly, the boards have been around for over a year now and N513 continues to voice the same sentiments.[BR][BR]So, from this, a couple facts become clear:[BR][BR]1) Its obvious that N513 does care since s/he could easily could have quit a year ago and have gotten over the awful, terrible woes that befit N513 and his/her ilk on a daily basis. Yet, N513 has not done that. Nor have other poster who, for the past year, have only bashed, moaned, groaned, and argued that they could be doing something better.[BR][BR]2) Employment in the private sector is an opportunity and a privilege, not a guarantee. There are other jobs out there and you CAN go out and apply for them.[BR][BR]

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