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Us Airways Asks Court To Outsource All

Bottom line... By the time enough mecs came to their senses, so many had been laid off, there wasn't enough left on the job to counter those no longer employed by US!

Anybody on layoff, and still up for recall, has the right to vote, and therefore need to be willing to sign up for a vote on who will represent them! Once you are seperated from a job, who really cares who speaks for you at that job? NOT MANY!

As it was, almost 100% of those still working signed cards seaking a vote on AMFA, it just wasn't enough, once those cut loose were added in. Make no mistake, if there had been the same incentive involved before the cuts, AMFA would be on the property today!

And yes, that also includes Utility!
Well I have the exact #'s and I just looked at the 141 site and there is no september 13, 2004 update on their site in regard to US Airways.
Imamec said:
Bottom line... By the time enough mecs came to their senses, so many had been laid off, there wasn't enough left on the job to counter those no longer employed by US!

Anybody on layoff, and still up for recall, has the right to vote, and therefore need to be willing to sign up for a vote on who will represent them! Once you are seperated from a job, who really cares who speaks for you at that job? NOT MANY!

As it was, almost 100% of those still working signed cards seaking a vote on AMFA, it just wasn't enough, once those cut loose were added in. Make no mistake, if there had been the same incentive involved before the cuts, AMFA would be on the property today!

And yes, that also includes Utility!
and before you get too off here you best seek out your saviors outsource record...it sucks. :shock:
What can I say, people hate to be confronted with the truth, even when they claim to seek it?

The topic was why AMFA didn't get to a vote, I responded.

You want to argue, talk to your momma. You want to know what happened, ask me!
USA320Pilot said:
Remember when the IAM said all along the "Concession Stand Is Closed"? Guess what, that still is the IAM's position and there has been little progress in negotiations.
Wow, after weeks of, "the IAM is negotiating in secret", and "the IAM is actually close to a tentative", USA320Pilot finally gets it right.

Now, what is really happening...The IAM is scared to death that AMFA will end up representing US Airways' mechanics and the IAM will not cut a deal that will eliminate jobs that could encourage the remaining mechanics to vote the IAM off of the property. Furthermore, the Company wants to eliminate all Utility and the IAM cannot agree to a deal that eliminates an entire job classification.
Wow, more accurate observations. Finally got past the surface pleasantries with some Mechanics did you?

This would be political suicide. Thus, what is the IAM's option? To permit "imposition", with even deeper cuts than necessary, to keep the union alive at US Airways without the political fallout.
Yep, more good insight.

The losers? US Airways' IAM members, all of whom are great people, who will have more "pain" than was necessary if a deal had been cut earlier.
Now, here you go again with a flawed conclusion, colored by your own agenda.

We know that the company cannot exit bankruptcy without CONCENTUAL agreements with ALL of the labor groups.

What the IAM rank-and-file membership is demanding, is that the work STOLEN from us be returned, as ordered by Federal Law. That our wages are somewhere near parity with the rest of our competition (ETOPs airlines). And that our retirees be taken care of as they were agreed to be.

We, as Mechanics and Related, are prepared to bear as much "pain" as is required, to make things right!

If the company is unwilling to bear the costs of these OBLIGATIONS, then we will cheerfully invoke the laws of capitalism and end this company.

Like 700UW said:
And the IAM has stated it would strike after a contract abrogation and honor a picket line if any (other) union strikes.
well if the pilots were outsourced then i guess there is only one thing to say:: Can you say chinese!!!!!
700UW said:
And they were over 6,000 mechanics back then too.

Why did you omit that?

I did not "omit" anything. You stated numbers, all I said is there were more when the vote took place. Where did I "omit" anything? Just because you doubletalk does not mean you should read into other peoples posts that way.
PITMTC said:
These were not the numbers when the AMFA votes were counted, these are the numbers right now. There were plenty more utility and stock ckerks. Also planners and QA auditors are in the equation now.

PITMTC said:
I did not "omit" anything. You stated numbers, all I said is there were more when the vote took place. Where did I "omit" anything? Just because you doubletalk does not mean you should read into other peoples posts that way.

There was NEVER an AMFA vote at US Airways.

What are you talking about?

Maybe you should actually know something before you post.
700UW says, "And the IAM does not believe in throwing its members under the bus, unlike your union and its members."

This is not true at all 700, look what the IAM did to their members at UniTED. Why do you think that they finally did get AMFA in house, because the IAM screwed them and got TWO heavy maintenance bases closed. UniTED is now free to farm out ALL of their HMV work and then some. No farm out restrictions at all with the IAM endorsed contract. Don't bet the farm that your fellow AMT's won't vote to save their A$$'s and let USAIR farm out heavy maintenance.

Now I will beleive that you will see AMFA hold the line at ALL the represented airlines and NOT GIVE INTO the companies demands. They might entertain a TA, but I bet money on it that they won't let the membership vote on it!
Once again fish, you need to be corrected.

Did the members at UAL vote for the contract with the terms that closed down OAK and IND?

And UA does NOT farm out all their HMV, they do C-checks in-house and still perfrom engine overhaul.
700UW said:
Once again fish, you need to be corrected.

Did the members at UAL vote for the contract with the terms that closed down OAK and IND?

And UA does NOT farm out all their HMV, they do C-checks in-house and still perfrom engine overhaul.

Did the members at UAL vote for the contract with the terms that closed down OAK and IND?

Yes, except for the ones in INDY. They were on “INVOLENTARY†ANP at the time and the IAM agreed with the company to consider them ‘ineligible’ and therefore not allowed to vote (Go Figure).

And UA does NOT farm out all their HMV, they do C-checks in-house and still perfrom engine overhaul.

Using your analogy that a 'C' check is indeed considered an HMV (which we do not) then I have little doubt that checking the air pressure in the tires will soon be considered 'Heavy Maintenance' if this procedure is declared as 'Heavy Maintenance' by the IAM and therefore they can declare a victory in how they stopped the outsourcing of 'Heavy Maintenance' because 'Heavy Maintenance' is checking tire pressure and it is done 'In-House'.

We still perform ‘most’ engine overhaul ‘In-House’ but that was never an issue to begin with.

As I said before, AMFA (IMHO) does not want to get into the IAM’s business at USAir and this line of discussion is counter productive and divisive to the USAir IAM Membership. Drop the ‘should-woulda-coulda’ BS and deal with were you are. I implore you ‘ALL’ to stick together and support your Union but vote your conscious and convictions.

To do otherwise at this juncture is pure folly and does a disservice to yourself and your ‘MEMBERSHIP'!!!

Take Care,