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Us Air Workers Should Not Count On Pension

here would be a great idea--the trouble is why cant we implement it:
Strip this crooked useless mgmt of all free space positive first class travel;
Strip the last say five or more clowns of their retirements, space pos trvl in f/c;
strip all of mgmt (now and past) of all their pensions;
strip them of their benefits, make them pay for the med and dental benies
sue mgmt for the turmoil and all the stress they have caused the wonderful employees of usair
sue dr big mouth for his arrogant remarks he made last year at the holidays about liquidation and telling the world that we're the only airline that has liabilities working to make usair planes fly in the air daily and in all conditions!
did i forget anything? sorry but i think that would at least help to justify the wrong doings done to us by this and the last several clowns that have helped to wreck this once proud airline

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