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Us Air Workers Should Not Count On Pension

But, are we still paying retirement to Wolf, Gangwal and other former executives? Did not Wolf and Gangwal negotiate a super-seniority rig so they could gain healthy retirements? If I am remembering correctly, Wolf got 30 years credit for his very short time on the property. He didn't do such a hot job, either.

At least the F/As have more b@lls than ALPA! I don't know why ANYONE supports ALPA at all (least of all their now pensionless members)!
US Airways argued that the $110 million pension payment due US Airways' flight attendants and machinists should be treated as an unsecured claim.

The judge, in delaying a decision on that payment, acknowledged that pensions "are one of the reasons people take the jobs they take." US Airways countered by saying that employees "shouldn't be counting on" their pensions as a reason for working at US Airways.

Asked about his attorneys comments later, Lakefield said the lawyer may have "misspoke." The airline, he said, intends to keep some sort of retirement plan in place for all employees, while looking to change or "freeze" only the more generous plans of the flight attendants and machinists.

"the more generous plans of the flight attendants and machinists."

If those plans are more generous what are less generous plans at U like ? :down:

As far as counting on a pension as a reason for working at Us Airways, Management should not look to the pilot group to determine what other groups may or may not fight to keep.

This management team has earned the mistrust that Glass has worked so hard to nurture. The actions taken and comments made by them in this 1113e filing should only strengthen the resolve of those who refuse to roll over.

["the more generous plans of the flight attendants

Generous? With a social security offset? These people have been robbing the f/a's blind for years with this offset. No other group on the property has this. And now they want to terminate the little bit that we get? Management needs to go.
Do not forget there would be no USAIRWAYS or no USAIRWAYS forum if the pilots did not give up their pension. You would all be on the Walmart, Avon, Dell,or some other forum. I do believe there are enough assets to freeze your pensions and not lose them...but if it takes a plan termination to come out of Chap 11 it will be done....The good news is the PBGC maximum payments are higher in most cases than your earned pension...plus there is no social security off set if you get a check from the PBGC...you might actually come out ahead.
BusFlt321 said:
Do not forget there would be no USAIRWAYS or no USAIRWAYS forum if the pilots did not give up their pension.

It seems as if you imply that the pilots saved US Airways.

You seem to forget the other employee groups that had to make many sacrifices to keep US Airways on this forum.

Just because the pilot group caved in to management only to find out that they had been had , is no reason to pat yourself on the back.

Must be a slow night - took longer than I thought it would.


ps - linemech - nothing like being told that your and others sacrifices were unnecessary and unappreciated.
BusFlt321 said:
Do not forget there would be no USAIRWAYS or no USAIRWAYS forum if the pilots did not give up their pension. You would all be on the Walmart, Avon, Dell,or some other forum. I do believe there are enough assets to freeze your pensions and not lose them...but if it takes a plan termination to come out of Chap 11 it will be done....The good news is the PBGC maximum payments are higher in most cases than your earned pension...plus there is no social security off set if you get a check from the PBGC...you might actually come out ahead.

Busflt 321,

Your post is incorrect. And your comment regarding the ss of set is applied for the f/a group even in a plan termination.
BoeingBoy said:
Must be a slow night - took longer than I thought it would.


ps - linemech - nothing like being told that your and others sacrifices were unnecessary and unappreciated.

I think you understand his point. I personally know linemech and we share the same thinking.

The only one who was correct and right on point from day one was the very vocal AFA pit president. She called it and it all is coming to fruition just as it was called, in that respect linemech is correct. ALPA was snookered. This doesn’t mean the other unions will play follow the leader because this is more like follow the pip piper.
cavalier said:
I think you [mis]understand his point. I personally know linemech and we share the same thinking.


Having reread my ps to linemech, I find it badly worded. I was referring to BusFlt's comments as indicating that we pilots singlehandedly "saved" the airline and that everyone else gave concessions for nought. That is certainly not my sentiments.


If my badly worded reply offended you, I apologize.

:up: unions should take medical benifits and penisons off management
so they could see how it feels .
The judge has to be aware if he lets millionares shirk thier responsibilities and abuse the bankruptcy laws for thier benefit, it will set a "DEEP and "DISASTEROUS" precendent for all the airlines to avoid their responsibilities....

When you buy a car... and agree to drive on the US highways, you have a responsibility to "buy insurance" to operate there....Your responsibilty covers others on the road if you "drive poorely" and crash into them....
BusFlt321 said:
The good news is the PBGC maximum payments are higher in most cases than your earned pension...plus there is no social security off set if you get a check from the PBGC...you might actually come out ahead.

I doubt if 'anyone' will ever come out ahead or equal.
Here's a good article.

Remarks of Bradley D. Belt
Executive Director
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation
to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce
October 8, 2004


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