I don't agree with you, dfw. The unions here employ MANY capable, well educated and experienced people. People that have worked in this industry a long time. They see this "scheme" of management to rape the employees and other stakeholders while doing little or nothing for revenue in exactly the right light. Dave has NEVER run a successful airline, and his only real claim to fame is introducing RJs at Continental Express. He considers it so successful that he intends to do the same here, making U the east coast regional carrier for UAL. That is how it appears to me, and unless you have evidence otherwise it probably appears that way for most people. All the Daves did in chapter 11 was 1) Wipe out all shareholder equity, so that everyone invested in U lost it all, retirement plans, individuals, employees, anybody who owned the stock. Then, he FORCED leased holders to accept far less for the planes that U had agreed earlier to acquire, parking many in the desert. This deprived leasing companies and their investors of loads of cash. Simultaneously he "robbed" the employees of pay, something else this company agreed in good faith to provide, followed shortly thereafter by dumping the entire pilot retirement plan on the government with assurances that management would conitnue to pursue a legislated deal through congress that would allow refunding. It obvious now that it was just another lie, and Dave doesn't intend to do anyhing to help restore the pension. Then at 20 minutes before exiting chapter 11, he drops the bombshell on PIT, voiding all the airport leases, leases on facilities that the state and county built for U at U's request. These guys are all outrageous liars, and all that they have proven is that they have perfected the art of the holdup, but there is NO evidence at all that they can run an airline. In fact, from what I've seen and heard, I have serious doubts about their competence. That's what the "no confidence" vote was about.