If only it was that easy. See when you reconfigure the seat map for an 8 seat f/c cabin versus the 24, SABRE isn't smart enough to keep the customers seated in rows 3-6 in those rows because the difference in the class of service. They are going from a F seat to a Y seat. So that is where manual intervention has to come into play. This is where the agent needs to physically move the customer out of F and into Y and reassign the seats. Failure to do that will result in seats in rows 3-6 being assigned on a first come first serve basis. So if I am a customer travelign from PHL to MCO and I was in row 4, during the reaccom I would be on the unhonored seat list. If no one takes the initiative to reassign me to a coach and seat assign me and my family, then I stay on the unhonored seat list until I check in. While I am enroute to the airport, customers in upline stations are checking-in and being reassigned coach seats. Suddenly, when I check-in, the only thing that is left are center seats scattered about the cabin.
That is a very real possibility! It will take extra efforts on the part of the agent or CSS that reaccoms the flight. Tad is correct, if you have to take a first class seat away form a customer, regardless of whether it is a comp upgrade, certificate, or paid and you refund the upgrade, it is going to be a nightmare. I worked many flights during the last conversion that were a nightmare with 4 customer downgrades. I can't even imagine what woudl happen with 16!
All it would take is a delay of 2 weeks and the problems would be greatly reduced. But the rush is on to try and finish the reconfiguration before the Presidents Day weekend rush to Florida and Spring Break (my theory). So we screw with peoples Christmas Holiday to ensure we can sell a total of 11 more seats for Spring Break! (We could have blocked the 16 seats in first, over booked coach by an additional 16 and rolled people into f/c and made many more friends versus rolling 16 people out of f/c to coach.) There could have been a better way to handle this.
PS ( the middle seats in rows 3-6 are blocked fact all seats in rows 3-6 are now blocked until day of departure when the seat maps are reconfigured for the type of airplane that will be flying the route. Once the reaccom has been doen, the seats are opened for assignment again.)