
Jan 26, 2004
Alabubba Regional
Wouldn't it be nice for a change to have one day a month in this forum when every post was positve? Maybe we could list some of the things going right. Maybe we could compliment some of the people doing the hands on work. Maybe we could refrain from calling each other names of one sort or another. There's so much ranting and raving I think we could afford to drop it for just one day out each thirty.
But not today---good idea--then one goes out and works a four day trip---as one international retired captain long ago told me "the only problem I have at work- is with my fellow employees, everyone else is great to work with". Its always going to be the culture thing. IMHO. sorry Twooooo
AlabubbaRegional said:
Wouldn't it be nice for a change to have one day a month in this forum when every post was positve? Maybe we could list some of the things going right. Maybe we could compliment some of the people doing the hands on work. Maybe we could refrain from calling each other names of one sort or another. There's so much ranting and raving I think we could afford to drop it for just one day out each thirty.
I'll try to say something positive and constructive along those lines of thought...

There is a certain clarity of thought and reason which every employee should have at USAirways.

Just as an experiment, a USAirways Labor Coalition should unitedly put together a Campaign of measurable goals which you've perhaps seen little or none of from Management. If management will not lead from the top down then Employees should find ways to project a more favorable public impression for themselves from the bottom up. The Employees need to defeat the unfavorable impression management is successfully selling to the press, to the public and to other potential substitutes for CEO.

Take the abundant pent-up energy and focus it in a Positive rather than a Negative direction and be rewarded with greater success for your efforts.

The next Several Months are Critical to the Airline's Fate. It seems the employees have already been prejudged by all those standing in the shadows. Everyone sees only the impression of a most difficult and uncooperative culture which no-one would want to adopt for their own. Whether the Airline is being looked at as a worthy ongoing enterprise by the ATSB despite missed loan guarantee targets, or whether another Investor from overseas might be looking at UAIR to take up the reins of Management, or whether another Airline is looking at UAIR to merge with, or whether someone is deciding if a fragmentation should include worthy employees; No matter what the scenario, the Employees are being subtly interviewed.

Right now I think the employees are failing this interview and putting their futures at risk for the reasons easily pointed out. The perception is that they have no loyalties or service commitment to anyone except their own selfish interests. That's a misplaced impression as the Employees struggle with perceived inadequacies of current Executive Leadership. And it plays into Management's Scheme for proof that employees are indeed obstinate, disobliging and uncooperative.

What's happening, I think, is that many (not necessarily all) are experiencing a subtle subconscious resistance against management with "Job Apathy" within the terms of Contractual Agreements but, as a result, validating Management's arguments that the current contracts don't allow the necessary productivity to achieve competitive advantages. Management's winning the argument for additional concessions, while customers are, on occasion, experiencing lackluster performance in quality standards. Because comparatively lower total customer satisfaction with respect to Competitors, the rest of the world concludes that the employees of USAirways are not a good fit in anyone else's operation.

These negative impressions of you and your fellow workers are destroying your futures and ruining your credibility. Negative employee attitudes are posted in the press in articles which speak of the integration problems associated with mergers. Negative, uncooperative employees are written in the press as a deterrent to the recruitment of new, talented Executive Leadership. Labor’s obstinate attitude is hindering the reorganization plan. Between the “Chicken or the EGGâ€￾, you know which came first. But no potential Merger Partner or no Potential Leader worth his reputation is willing to take the risk to find out. Perhaps the ATSB isn’t willing to take the risk for this reason also. Or the Customers. Or the community support for the Employees plight.

How about a Coalition Effort with a focused motivational plan inspired from the bottom up since you're not getting it from the top down. Every year Bethune and his team put together such a plan. He put one together coming out of Bankruptcy and it was a success. Can you recall the effect it had on the Employees? Can you recall the effect it had on the Passengers? To sum up – it was positive, favorable to the Public and the Press.

This year Continental’s theme is the “Go Forward Planâ€￾ -- Safe, clean and reliable air tansportation; The blueprint for success, catapulting the carrier to new heights of service excellence and record financial performance by providing a framework for defining and communicating organizational goals.

Are you afraid to shake off the “apathyâ€￾ syndrome and come to work with established “goals of excellenceâ€￾ because of a “spite of dislikeâ€￾ for a CEO who might receive the credit for your reinvigorated approach to the job? Then put a “nameâ€￾ to the Coalition Plan or Project which credits the Employees for being the Professional, Quality, Self Motivated Individuals you are. You won’t believe the pride and satisfaction you’ll have working for this Airline. As a byproduct, you’ll be presenting the most favorable impression as a energetic, goal oriented labor group willing to contribute to the success of any suitor who might have the slightest consideration for you and your Airline.

Don’t get overwhelmed. Take it one step at a time. Try it for one Financial Quarter – the first quarter of 2004. See if it becomes infectiously rewarding to see that employees can make a difference. Do it for yourselves and for the symbolic Senior Executive who should be....

Post this on you separate Employee Association Boards. Spark interest in you Unions. Get the Leadership of your Associations to work aggressively on Uniting and Motivating your fellow workers toward a common goal which spurs excitement and fellowship among yourselves. Why? If for nothing else, consider that you’re being subtly interviewed for a new job.

The Phoenix, according to mythology is a bird which is reborn from it’s ashes. In various cultures of art and literature, the mythological bird spiritually symbolized resurrection, immortality, and life-after-death. Sometimes, despite your best efforts, despite your greatest sacrifice... some things are inevitable. But no matter what form of Resurrection, USAirways takes, be a part of it with “Attitudeâ€￾. Assure for yourself a life-after-death by the goodness and strength of character of a self-motivated team of disciplined professionals.

The goal is to get attention. Positive attention. Win the popular praise and support of Passengers, Analysts, Press, Legislators, Communities and Potential Suitors or Executive Leaders.

Develop a “Planâ€￾ the employees can rally around. Find a simple inspirational name for it which symbolizes the strength of employee character which radiates from the bottom up in the Corporate Structure. Anyone have ideas? List them here in this thread. Suggestions for a name of such a plan. Include a theme of: customer satisfaction, caring, professionalism, generosity, determination. A... “Spirit of Successâ€￾.

Have the Labor Coalition pick a CEO they most admire from a Corporation which rates the highest in National rankings with employee satisfaction. Doesn’t have to necessarily be in this Industry. Find out what that CEO’s favorite Charity is. Call it operation “Spirit of Charityâ€￾. Try to get as close to 100% employee cooperation in a “Spirit of Unityâ€￾ with volunteer help and Association Phone Trees. If each employee pledges $1.00 each month for the first quarter, there would be nearly a $100,000 charitable contribution to that CEO’s favorite Charity. – A worthy press release reflecting positively on the Character of USairways Employees.

A byproduct is that this charitable effort is the recognition by the Employees for their respect of Executive Excellence and those Corporations which promote good Corporate Culture. Side stories of contrast will follow. Your Strength of Character and Good-Will in these initiatives shall be focused on the Employees where it belongs.

“Spirit of Excellenceâ€￾ – USAirways is measured in national rakings by such items as Customer Satisfaction, Service, On-Time performance, Mishandled Bags and other such things which are apparent on the surface to each potential Customer won or lost in the battle for return business and product loyalty. Have each employee coming to work and going home after punching out take a moment to assist one customer a day, by alternate route through the passenger drop-off our pick-up points at curbs, or Terminals, or Concourses. Help a stranger lift a bag. Give directions to the confused. Locate a flight for a rushed connection. Make a child smile. Be an ambassador of good-will. Simply smile and elicit a smile if that’s all that’s required of your extra measure for that day.

Many employee groups have special talents in the way of music, arts, and entertainment. Volunteer you one day in a month of days or one day in a peak period in a particular week to bring cheer and a positive impression to USAirways passengers at your hub. Evidence is available that Passengers enjoy a “spirit of appreciation, excitement and good humorâ€￾ at Southwest. In the absence of definable goals, Labor Coalitions should develop some of their own initiatives – Then measure the success and favorable customer loyalty it brings with it. Association Information Officers should readily share these efforts in the “Spirit of Good-Willâ€￾ with the Press.

If any of these one-a-day customer initiatives become satisfying and spiritually uplifting – then do another just as a bonus for that day. Or maybe another again... an extra effort of consideration and kindness along the road to work or back home. Or maybe during a routine break.

“Spirit of Cooperationâ€￾ – Take time to smile and say good morning/evening/night to your fellow employee. Go out of you way to help them. When your task is done find ways to help your buddy. Got a break from the madness at your gate?... Help by crossing the hall or walking across the ramp to the Jetway next door and throwing your additional weight behind another employee’s effort to meet an unsurpassed excellence of service at USAirways. Simply stated, all National Standards for the Airlines are measured by: Seeing that passengers are efficiently boarded, seated, with their bags loaded, the Aircraft fueled, cleaned and serviced. Then – that the Aircraft departs and arrives on time. Teams of employees working together in determination for the first quarter of 2004 to beat the statistic of any other Airline, be it a Low Cost Competitor or Full Service Airline, in every category of National Excellence, is a clear and worthy goal. One which looks good on the resume for a new suitor.

Experiment for one Quarter of the year 2004. See if it changes the “Spirit of the Workplaceâ€￾. Continue the program if it’s satisfying. Work within the constraints of contractual agreements. But while at work, work with exceptional pride and “Spiritâ€￾. Achieve measurable goals of Customer Satisfaction, and Timely Performance. Two items which are measured in National Surveys. Items which will reflect on you and your fellow workers.

This is about the Customer and the Customer’s satisfying experience with your Airline. It’s the “Sprit of our Homeâ€￾. When these visitors come to you home – Focus on them, entertain them, satisfy their needs and make the experience enjoyable enough that they’ll want to return due to product loyalty as much or more than the price which they pay. I guarantee it’s a worth while investment of your time, attention and that little extra effort.

Like the Mythological Phoenix, the very best of you efforts for care and customer satisfaction will lift you from the ashes. You will be recognized as the quality of people you are. It will be noted in the press. It will be noted in customer satisfaction surveys. It will be noted by Government Transportation Agencies. And... It’s an invitation to an Excellence in Corporate Leadership.

Consider this next Quarter of the year 2004 a sports tryout for a new team undergoing rebuilding or change. The team franchise may be sold to another City or there might be new owners who’ll come in to manage the organization. Some players might be reassigned, some will stay in the same position and some will go. Maybe all will go. Maybe all will stay.

Your audition for the game or your tryout for the “Phoenixâ€￾ of a new beginning begins now. Show the “Spirit of Successâ€￾ on this team and the true nature of your collective character. How often have you heard the coach say, “I’ll take a player with good talent and a positive attitude over a player with great talent and a poor attitude any dayâ€￾. There’s a reason for that. In the history of Sports, Great Talent is often dismissed for the destabilizing effect it has on the success of the Team. Let’s, all of you, make the team – OK?

Start now, with this. Build upon the concept. Honor the “Spirit of the Employeeâ€￾ as a substitute for Motivational Leadership from above. Recognize that you’re working hard for your own success. There will be time for rest and reflection later. Recognize that your “spirit of successâ€￾ is the special “somethingâ€￾ you bring to the workplace. It’s not something Management can make you do. It’s something Management can inspire you to do. But... Without the inspiration, it’s up to a Coalition of Labor to inspire from the bottom up. Send this idea to your Labor Leaders.

An often overused proverb, but true none-the-less: “The longest journey begins with a single step!â€￾

As usual, a well thought out (and thoughtful) post. I would hope that the vast majority of employees remember who really pays our salary when we go to work. No matter what the address it's sent from or who signs it, the customer makes each paycheck possible. We should all try to give them the best experience possible no matter what is happening around us.


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