Ahh......you might want to see this update.
It seems as though Continental is very much interested. On another note, speaking of work already completed by the two carriers, the very fact that this has been done makes the COST of a merger all that much less. Think of it. When you see Continental and UAL gates just about everywhere now aligned, in addition to the pilots of the two groups pretty well synched up, this is enormous. Basically it's much further along than anything Delta/Northwest had done.
Contrast that to what a UAL/LCC merger would require, not to mention that the combined UAL/CAL, according to a few analysts, be worth nearly $10 billion. A combined UAL/LCC outfit would be half of that.
What's more, if you combine UAL/LCC you'd have to relinquish much of what's valuable to the carriers operating independently thereby putting that many more employees on the street.
A UAL/CAL presents much less of a headache all around. And don't even get me started on the nightmare of trying to get the USAPA guys on board with their totally whacked out DOH nonsense.
Bottom line is I guess we'll see in a week or two. Right now I'm betting NOTHING happens at all. The UAL board will be in favor of a UAL/CAL merger but like two years ago, will not want anything to do with LCC. The costs are just too high to justify the risk.
Z B)