Flaming and Slamming
"Flaming" is insulting another user's post, opinions, subject, grammar, or an attempt to pick an online fight. "Slamming" is making offensive, condescending, or insulting comments about a user, product, or company (ours or anyone else's) in order to pick an online fight.
Please note that there is a large difference between expressing an opinion and flaming. A differing opinion would say, "I have to disagree with you, Mike, since I've been to Fairbanks, I know what it is like." whereas a flame would say, "You're dead wrong, Mike, and you've obviously never been to Fairbanks or flown anything larger then a kite! And, by the way, you can't spell worth beans." There is an equally massive gap between expressing a concern about a product or company and slamming it.
Flaming and slamming is petty and childish. If you have a burning urge to start a fight, pick up a copy of Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator, log on to zone.com and join a Big Ugly Death Match.
Wind-Up Artist
The term "Wind-Up Artist" is generally labeled to those that make postings that are designed to divide the people involved, and start a debate that quickly deteriorates into silly name calling. This type of posting is discouraged because it can often end a quality discussion prematurely.