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United To Recall All Flight Attendants

Bear96 said:
By the way, fishy, how many F/As is Frontier hiring?

Just FYI, Frontier has a new-hire class in training right now and are interviewing for additional classes throughout the Fall. (I have a good friend who is a Frontier f/a and instructor.)
mrfish3726 said:
I will NEVER STOP BASHING UniTED AIR LINES till they change their EVIL WAYS! I don't think that there is anything wrong with that???? :down:
But you have also posted that UA will NEVER 'change their evil ways.'

So again I ask you, what's the point?

That's really a rhetorical question, because it is obvious to all (except the moderators, apparently) that your sole goal here is to slam and be a wind-up artist, even though that is supposedly in violation of the USAviation Forum rules:

Flaming and Slamming
"Flaming" is insulting another user's post, opinions, subject, grammar, or an attempt to pick an online fight. "Slamming" is making offensive, condescending, or insulting comments about a user, product, or company (ours or anyone else's) in order to pick an online fight.

Please note that there is a large difference between expressing an opinion and flaming. A differing opinion would say, "I have to disagree with you, Mike, since I've been to Fairbanks, I know what it is like." whereas a flame would say, "You're dead wrong, Mike, and you've obviously never been to Fairbanks or flown anything larger then a kite! And, by the way, you can't spell worth beans." There is an equally massive gap between expressing a concern about a product or company and slamming it.

Flaming and slamming is petty and childish. If you have a burning urge to start a fight, pick up a copy of Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator, log on to zone.com and join a Big Ugly Death Match.

Wind-Up Artist
The term "Wind-Up Artist" is generally labeled to those that make postings that are designed to divide the people involved, and start a debate that quickly deteriorates into silly name calling. This type of posting is discouraged because it can often end a quality discussion prematurely.

The only SLAMMING I have done is against your employer! And being one of the worst employers in the airline industry they deserve to be slammed. :up:

When your buddy Ronin started making PERSONAL THREATS is when he was removed from this board by the moderators. I had the proof, they followed the rules and booted him. BTW FLY your no princess on here either.
mrfish3726 said:

The only SLAMMING I have done is against your employer! And being one of the worst employers in the airline industry they deserve to be slammed. :up:
Still a violation of the rules:

"Slamming" is making offensive, condescending, or insulting comments about a user, product, or company (ours or anyone else's) in order to pick an online fight.
mrfish3726 said:
BTW FLY your no princess on here either.

Yes I am.


Ladies and Gentlemen of United Airlines,

"The Fish" is chumming. And you're taking the bait!

Really, why anyone responds to his bitter and angry posts and comments anymore is beyond me.

Make a vow from here on not to read or respond to anything he says. Maybe he'll slither back under his rock.
Fly- looooove it.

Again, great that UA is hiring... it's about time there was a decent F/A job out there to be had!

*sigh* I can't even fathom the idea of US ever having a new hire class again. They could sure use some new blood.
Bear96 says, "Still a violation of the rules."

Like YOU Bear or any one else from UniTED hasn't violated that rule????? :shock:
So, you admit you are continually and knowingly violating the rules.
Same as you do on here and your associates on other threads BEAR96, no one is perfect LOL!
I don't think I have ever seen anyone as clearly in violation of the rules as frequently as you are, and allowed to get away with it as much.

Not even close.
Bear96 said:
I don't think I have ever seen anyone as clearly in violation of the rules as frequently as you are, and allowed to get away with it as much.

Not even close.

Not to mention violating the rules of grammar and spelling! :lol:
I have not heard any numbers, or if they will be reinstating the language requirement (which has come and gone over the years).

I believe first-year pay is now around $18/flight hour for domestic?

UA is now towards the bottom of the industry, I believe.

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