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United Airlines announced that they wont take war defferal money from their employees

Before we filed bankruptcy an aviation anyalst in Aviation Daily said if US Airways had 120 narrowbodies, 30 widebodies and 400 RJs we would be the most profitable airline in the world.
On 4/26/2003 1:04:40 AM supercruiser wrote:

...... I knew it was a bad sign when Dave Siegel said the airline he would like to emulate was Alaska Airlines, a company with just over 100 planes. Pretty soon we will be down to generating the amount of revenue that Alaska generates too. Shrinking to profitability just doesn''t seem to be working does it?

I think what Davie meant to say was that he wanted to have Mainline the size of ALaska, an express the size of Comair and American Eagle combined, wages like Wal-Mart, and employee morlae like Trans State.

Seems Davie is well on his way to meating all of his goals...

On 4/25/2003 9:04:57 PM A320 Driver wrote:

On 4/25/2003 7:48:26 PM Phoenix wrote:

Pilots think they are kool and pretend that gravity is a part-time thing because they can fly. And there are people that think they are kool and believe that itegrity is a part-time thing because they can lie.

Funny thing, how integrity and gravity are a lot alike.

The employees of this company have plenty of integrity, but I can assure you they didn''t learn it from the management.

A320 Driver




Actually I have never met a pilot that would not quickly agree that the laws of gravity always apply (and the laws of integrity in like fashion).

But too often American corporations have chosen to propagate the philosophies of Enron when it comes to integrity demanded of employees, while stock tips are provided to Mgt.

Until AAA ALPA elects the likes of J.D. and B.M. the likes of Austin will have free reign to shag at a place and time of his choosing.

>>Before we filed bankruptcy an aviation analyst in Aviation Daily said if US Airways had 120 narrowbodies, 30 widebodies and 400 RJs we would be the most profitable airline in the world.
On 4/25/2003 9:35:37 PM A320 Driver wrote:

I listened to the phone message. It doesn''t matter that the government is going to cut U a big check to cover effects from the war in Iraq, Dave is still going to take/keep the 5%. Not because he has to but because he can. It''s obvious that he has no intention of terminating the pay deferal until he has to. So unless we show a profit, we are stuck with yet another pay cut.

Frankly I''m sick of this.

A320 Driver



The labor coalition is going to get together soon to disucss the medical PPO and the 5% deferral. Both of these issues may be one for the courts in a form of a "class action". The unions are looking into this and are going to meet.

Its a shame that we as employees now have to seek the courts to get resolve from this mangement.

Don''t forget too, there is also "informational picketing" that can be used to get media and public attention to put pressure on. We are also looking into that. The New sick policy for employees is a good example for "informational picketing".
Aviation Daily is the industry''s leading and most respected publication, they don''t print BS articles.
Thanks for the info Pitbull. It''s a shame that we have to go to these lengths to get the company to treat us fairly ESPECIALLY after the sacrifices made over the last year.

A320 Driver

On 4/25/2003 1:10:06 PM tug_slug wrote:

Is U the only airline deducting money from their employees pay, If so why? Is U after filing for bankruptcy still in such dire need of cash they find it necessary to take away another 5% from its employees?

Or are they taking away the 5% simply because they can?


U is the only carrier imposing a "pay deferral" on their employees. Period.

To answer your question....the difference between the union''s "STONE TABLET" and the company is that the FACTORS on why the company needed this money ARE NOT THERE.
It is sort of a Martha Stewart...dump while you have the inside info...
Take a 5% cause you know the was is enevitable. The war did NOT have a long term ADVERESE effect on the industry which IS WHAT THE CONTRACT stated. It did not say we are taking it just because BUSH SAID...WAR. The effects were not damaging enough to constitute the deferal. Bookings are higher than before that VERY short conflict.
On 4/25/2003 9:35:37 PM A320 Driver wrote:

I listened to the phone message. It doesn''t matter that the government is going to cut U a big check to cover effects from the war in Iraq, Dave is still going to take/keep the 5%. Not because he has to but because he can. It''s obvious that he has no intention of terminating the pay deferal until he has to. So unless we show a profit, we are stuck with yet another pay cut.

Frankly I''m sick of this.

A320 Driver


watch them take one of those HUGE pretax write offs so they don''t have to show a profit.''we would have made a profit but it wouldn''t be convienent''
Um, yeah.....we are booked to 98,000 system wide today, 101,000 tomorrow. Whew, sure am glad that those bookings are up. The previous 10 days bookings were because of the Easter holiday. I love how people assume that since the flights are full for a 10 day stretch that the effects of the war are over.

And Delldude, the profit report that triggers the end of the 5% is pretax profit EXCLUDING extraordinary items.
Once again, Pineybob is right. We need to work on what we can do at the moment. The problem with the suggestion program will be the layers of bureacracy it will have to pass through.

What we can do with the corporate greed issue and looting of companies coffers at the expense of the shareholders, labor and taxpayers is to continue to write our legislators. The long term costs of this form of theft will be overwhelming. US Airways, along with many other companies in America, has a mature labor force. Many of us will be reaching retirement age in the next 10 years or less. Are we to be forced onto public assistance because we can''t afford to set aside money in IRA''s or other retirement funds? Right about now I would be inclined to believe the State of Pennsylvania would be most interested since US Airways is on their radar screen.

What is the AFL-CIO doing about this? Shouldn''t this be a high priority, seeing to the needs of long-time members? Rather that having AFA/CWA/ALPA have a go at it, why not pressure the AFL-CIO into action?

On 4/29/2003 7:03:26 PM PineyBob wrote:

...folks any Jack*zz can kick over a barn but it takes a team of carpenters to build one.​

You give Austin too much credit. He didn''t do it by himself.

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