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United Airlines announced that they wont take war defferal money from their employees

Lav Man I stand corrected then. The article I read said that all of the UAL Heavy checks were going to be farmed out in the new contract. That SFO would remain open and perform limited heavy mtc work. I will see if I can find the article, and apologize if I was incorrect.
Just because UA decided not to take the war deferral, why is that the proper thing for US to do? If UA makes a decision to close all their heavy maintenance facilities and contract it out (which the did), should we? Is that the proper thing to do? UA decided rather then take the 5% pay deferral they were going to continue to reduce their flying by 12%+. Should we do the same? We adjusted our flying 5% for April, and only very minor modifications to the schedule for May. Who is to say who is right, UA or US?

I agree that it would be a huge boost for morale, but I wouldn''t hold my breath. You also have to stop equating todays load factors as a sign that the recovery is in full swing. Easter Week is a hige travel week for Spring Break. The next 4-8 weeks will be a better indication of the effects of the war and what the real turn around is.
I can''t find the article that i read, but in the UAL thread there is a Topic Mechanic T/A that shows they do have the ability, if ratified, to close OAK and IND.
Is U the only airline deducting money from their employees pay, If so why? Is U after filing for bankruptcy still in such dire need of cash they find it necessary to take away another 5% from its employees?

Or are they taking away the 5% simply because they can?
Mark, yes UAL wants to close IND and OAK if the contract is ratified, but I would bet the farm it goes down in a blaze of glory and the judge will impose UAL''s terms on the mechanic and related.
On 4/25/2003 1:10:06 PM tug_slug wrote:

Is U the only airline deducting money from their employees pay, If so why? Is U after filing for bankruptcy still in such dire need of cash they find it necessary to take away another 5% from its employees?

Or are they taking away the 5% simply because they can?

Tug, are you a carpenter? You hit the nail right on the head!

On 4/25/2003 9:21:08 AM PineyBob wrote:

I frankly would submit to you that their integrity is just fine,..


Pilots think they are kool and pretend that gravity is a part-time thing because they can fly. And there are people that think they are kool and believe that itegrity is a part-time thing because they can lie.

Funny thing, how integrity and gravity are a lot alike.

According to Labor UNfriendly Dave''s phone message today he has no intention of giving it back.
And the chances of U showing a profit in order for the 5% war give-back to end...................NOT at least for the next 18months.
We won''t see that 5% for 18 months I hope that the company will also include interest from our money

Dave also noted that there won''t be any $$ for our suggestions, unlike the other airline suggestion programs that gave out rewards (CO/AA).

It is nice to see that Dave can still joke around while he is taking our money. His quote of the day from his weekly message, "a 300lb jockey can''t win a race". I am really laughing- NOT
I listened to the phone message. It doesn't matter that the government is going to cut U a big check to cover effects from the war in Iraq, Dave is still going to take/keep the 5%. Not because he has to but because he can. It's obvious that he has no intention of terminating the pay deferal until he has to. So unless we show a profit, we are stuck with yet another pay cut.

Frankly I'm sick of this.

A320 Driver

On 4/25/2003 7:48:26 PM Phoenix wrote:

Pilots think they are kool and pretend that gravity is a part-time thing because they can fly. And there are people that think they are kool and believe that itegrity is a part-time thing because they can lie.

Funny thing, how integrity and gravity are a lot alike.

The employees of this company have plenty of integrity, but I can assure you they didn't learn it from the management.

A320 Driver


They need to make PineyBob the CEO of U because he knows
whats happening.Right Bob?
>>But when you look at future date bookings we are still below previous years levels.>And if we had a cost structure of JetBlue we would be making money too

I haven''t followed Alaska much but they do have a reputation for excellent customer service. They also have a rep for hard-nosed labor relations. They found their niche and have stuck to it, something US Airways is a bit fuzzy about.


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