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Unions in trouble

Not trying to sound like I'm wearing a tin foil hat but I believe drastic changes are going to happen within a generation. I mentioned gig work but also what AI and advanced robotics can accomplish, such as driverless vehicles to begin with. I can remember when unions had enough density to make things happen and occasionally they punch over their weight. But even 20 years ago such protracted talks wouldn't have happened.
Self driving cars are not a proven technology. In fact they have had many recorded accidents with them.

I think the "gig" thing is a fad brought about by mobile technology. The corporations will eventually have the government regulate it and make those "gigs" cost prohibitive (or the leftist will tax it to death).

Kind of like the red tape one has to endure to start a new business. Big business actually wants it that way to eliminate competition before it even begins.
Autoland, GPS and TCAS weren't proven technology at one point, either.

Gig employment is quite real and has been around a lot longer than you think, particularly in places like corporate aviation and IT.

Millenials and even Gen X'ers expect some degree of portability in their careers. Those who cling to lifetime employment and the seniority based system are already a dying breed, and will probably be gone altogether in 10-20 years.
We are installing gps encoders in our streetcars on top of an existing rfid system. At some point in the future I would imagine these things becoming reality. I read an MIT paper on it recently and the truth is nobody really knows how fast these things will progress. I can only say as far as trains go that they and the shops are obviously designed for people to work on. Even if the technology were available tomorrow it would take many years for an operating infrastructure to be built to accommodate it. It had been remarked on by a few guys in work that the new tax code ultimately favors independent workers. At 50 I am sure I will be at least out of the workforce by these things are coming to a head but management/labor relations in their current form will be a dinosaur.
Autoland, GPS and TCAS weren't proven technology at one point, either.

Gig employment is quite real and has been around a lot longer than you think, particularly in places like corporate aviation and IT.

Millenials and even Gen X'ers expect some degree of portability in their careers. Those who cling to lifetime employment and the seniority based system are already a dying breed, and will probably be gone altogether in 10-20 years.
eolesen in my opinion those technologies are not comparable. I would say an aircraft flight environment is less dynamic and more controlled than your average American freeway. I understand there are environmental variations (cars have to deal with these as well) however basically you are talking about static pre determined paths and landing on a static runway.

You are incorrect about my viewpoint on gig employment. I understand it has been around. However I believe the increased amount of people taking part in that kind of "employment" is a result of the economic crash and easy access to mobile technology. I believe corporate America will attempt to eliminate this sort of competition. You are already starting to see this with Uber. Also Democrats being the parasites they are will try to find a way to tax it to oblivion, just like they always do.

I 100% agree with your last statement. I think you have seen enough of my posts to know that before you even posted it.
If aviation were truly more controlled, we wouldn't have needed TCAS.... Self-driving cars seem to be a natural evolution of TCAS in a two-dimensional world.
If aviation were truly more controlled, we wouldn't have needed TCAS.... Self-driving cars seem to be a natural evolution of TCAS in a two-dimensional world.
Well that is your opinion and I respect that. My opinion is flight has always been a point to point affair. I would say a car on a highway has to react to more dynamic situations than an aircraft in the sky. Basically an aircraft is just expected to hold a heading and an altitude.
Well that is your opinion and I respect that. My opinion is flight has always been a point to point affair. I would say a car on a highway has to react to more dynamic situations than an aircraft in the sky. Basically an aircraft is just expected to hold a heading and an altitude.
Cars are a whole lot different. I can see with automaton, the military will have more and more unmanned aircraft, they don't have the liability, they are the government. On the commercial side of the house, I have 19 years until I retire. I believe towards the end of my career, we will see commercial aircraft, go to a single pilot operation, just for backup. On overseas flights two, one primary pilot, and the other for relief.
If aviation were truly more controlled, we wouldn't have needed TCAS.... Self-driving cars seem to be a natural evolution of TCAS in a two-dimensional world.

Google in the near future, on their campus, will start using Self-driving cars.
I wasn't trying to go down a rabbit hole with what is only speculation. My point is that current labor relations law was written for a different point in our history and geared towards a different economy. I'm not covered by the NLRA or the railway labor act but Massachusetts law. I cannot strike or engage in job actions. If we grieve anything the legislature can simply change the law and make it moot. It is not being for or against unions at this point to me but simply being legally covered by an association of some type as opposed to being an employee at will. I only believe that technology and smartphones have made it quite easy for someone to be an independent agent and corporations may see great advantage in not having to deal with ancillary issues such as lost time, lawsuits, as well as seniority issues. But for now it is just a thought excercise.
I wasn't trying to go down a rabbit hole with what is only speculation. My point is that current labor relations law was written for a different point in our history and geared towards a different economy. I'm not covered by the NLRA or the railway labor act but Massachusetts law. I cannot strike or engage in job actions. If we grieve anything the legislature can simply change the law and make it moot. It is not being for or against unions at this point to me but simply being legally covered by an association of some type as opposed to being an employee at will. I only believe that technology and smartphones have made it quite easy for someone to be an independent agent and corporations may see great advantage in not having to deal with ancillary issues such as lost time, lawsuits, as well as seniority issues. But for now it is just a thought excercise.
I intend to agree,with you, I believe for unions to survive, they are a business agent arrangement to have a contract, that the laws will change to, to where strikes are outlawed, and you eventually have binding Arbitration to settle the differences. The company knows what their labor cost are, and the unions still make their money. Almost like Airline regulation again, but labor regulation.
Cars are a whole lot different. I can see with automaton, the military will have more and more unmanned aircraft, they don't have the liability, they are the government. On the commercial side of the house, I have 19 years until I retire. I believe towards the end of my career, we will see commercial aircraft, go to a single pilot operation, just for backup. On overseas flights two, one primary pilot, and the other for relief.
That would make it rather difficult to train new pilots.
I only believe that technology and smartphones have made it quite easy for someone to be an independent agent and corporations may see great advantage in not having to deal with ancillary issues such as lost time, lawsuits, as well as seniority issues.
They will support it until many of them realized it is going to put them right out of business. If I am an carpenter for instance and I offer my services to a company through a cell phone app...... why bother allowing them to profit off my work when I can just find my own work and pocket 100% of the profit.

If I am basically in business for myself I am certainly not going to work to make THEM money.
If everyone was using a self driving car those 60k highway deaths a year would almost certainly be under 1, 000.

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