Unions are Killing the ''Hand'', which feeds them

May 19, 2003
oohhhh. This is going to be a fun thread to watch!!!!
It has been a long time since I last posted on this forum but wanted to share my thoughts to the employees. I have been patronizing Continental and JetBlue and have been very happy with their service. I was force to fly another airline because of your management’s decision to reduce flight schedules in LGA. Who do I blame for reducing my flying options out of LGA and the lack of service in first class? Siegel and the employees should share the blame. Did the unions give the company the tools needed to run a successful airline? I also blame the ‘USAir’ mentality and not operating a company as Mr. Thomas Davis would if he were still alive. May he rest in peace! For the new generation, Piedmont was a darn good airline that even was award “Airline of the year†in 1984. When will US Airways when this award? This does not include an award from a Midwest University based upon surveys. What happen to the days of servicing JFK and the growth potential of this market? Piedmont spent a huge amount of money to promote its partnership with TWA. Where are the McLean Stevenson advertisements? Why is your company not promoting its product? Advertisement is expensive but it is essential to reach potential customers. Where are the wonderful Piedmont commercials? What happen to the commercials with Siegel surrounded by the employees promoting the successful emergence from Chapter 11? Why does United advertise more than your company even though they are in a worst financial position?
Why did not your management team proactively prepare for the PHL baggage fiasco before it happened? Does it take a rocket scientist to acknowledge that operating one belt could result in a malfuction? US Airways continues to think inside the box. I blame Siegel for some of these problems, as he is not aware of each department and the operational issues. He should take heed with the numerous emails that the employees send him regarding the lack luster operational problems. I mostly blame the front line and middle managers. Why are they still employed with a history of making bad decisions? If what I read is true, why are not the unions and employees implementing mass campaigns to get rid of the bad management? I assume because the labor unions that represent your groups are weak. A strong union will force change within a company. Pitbull and LavMan complain about the current management structure but why does not your union implement change.
What happened to US Airways? Who should the customer blame? Why did not the pilots allow your company to fly more RJS in the late 90’s? ALPA is making the same mistake with their latest action. Who do I blame for not being able to fly non-stop from LGA to my summer home in PBI? I am willing to fly into Miami or Orlando but your company has ended this non-stop service. If this market is a money loser than why are the other airlines still offering non-stop service? I have become a good friend of JetBlue and they offer an excellent product even though I hate driving to JFK.
The employees did not listen to the leadership of Gangwal. Lets go back in time; Gangwal said that an airline cannot downsize to profitability. The writing is on the wall; I will place my bets that United will take over all international and transcontinental flying. US Airways will make a nice feeder for United to the Caribbean.
You have not listened to my words of caution and advice concerning your future. ALPA does not allow the company to operate a larger RJ that will enable your airline to be more competitive. The future does not look bright for US Airways. I would like to commend Dave Siegel for trying to turn this airline around. Without his leadership, your company would be in liquidation.
There can be no denying that union representation continues to be a great deal of debate in the workplace. Certain labor leaders have been known to abuse their position and power. Without unions, companies are able to make decisions without the agreement of its workers. These decisions are usually time sensitive and cannot afford to be delayed by reaching an agreement with the labor groups. Unions typically abuse the process simply by waiting it out and then threatening to strike. History has shown that unions have delay negotiations long enough and will usually get everything they ask from management. Is this an ethical method to approach negotiations? It is time to implement a binding arbitration to save the industry. This will allow each group to offer their best proposal and avoid lengthy negotiations. The unions should support Senator John McCain's proposal.
Workers will only be dealing with another power structure - the union management. This structure is supposed to represent and protect them. But some employees believe that they will not be sincerely represented and they are better off fending for themselves. Many workers do not want to join unions for this reason. The employees should fully investigate how their union dues are being utilized. PineyBob has repeatedly questioned the distribution of the AFA union dues. Your hard earn money is being used to help support the competition. The unions only care about the dues and are willing to sell its members down the river. Labor cartels are immune from taxation and from antitrust laws. Why should union dues be used for political purposes? Should not that money be used to assist its members? Labor unions cannot prosper in a competitive industry. The airlines would not be hurting if the labor salaries were much lower. These unions rely on government protection.
There are several groups within the airline industry that do not have labor representation and they are very content and happy with their situation. Some of the most successful Fortune 500 companies do not have labor unions. Unions will eventually destroy the airlines if they continue to increase their compensation.
Labor unions can hurt the airlines under the outdated Railway Labor Act. This act has allowed the unions to hold a gun to the head of airline management. The sharp increase in labor compensation over the last few years has not been justified with the financial performance of the airlines. The unions are able to threaten the airlines without fully understanding the future implications of its actions. If the current industry does not improve then the labor unions will have no choice but to give further concessions. The unions cannot continue to raise wages beyond competitive levels. Why should the highest-level union salaries be more than a typical corporate salary? A 15-year ticket counter employee should not be paid more than a person with a master’s degree. I will not even discuss why the black leader Booker T. Washington opposed unions during his lifetime. Americans do not care where their products are manufactured. This is the same theory that the US Airways’ customers do not care whether Siegel out sources every department or that a few flight attendants have to work with a cold.
What type of image does two AFA local presidents represent when they publicly trash the company with picketing during these tumultuous times? This only has the ability to drive away potential revenue from an airline that needs its unions to fully support the company. I would call for the resignation of these two union officials.
Why has the maintenance salaries with the top three airlines increased by 47% over the last 10 years, compared to the lower percentages for the manufacturing and service sector? Is this justified with the billion dollar losses by the airlines? Why should mechanics that work in similar industries be paid half the salaries of these $70 K airline mechanics? Mechanics that work on helicopters or other aviation aircraft outside the airlines will never see these types of salaries. The mechanic who works on a Jet should be paid the same as someone working on a RJ. Same type of work just a larger aircraft. Why should a $70K year mechanic push back an aircraft? Cannot someone who makes $8 bucks an hour do the same job with the same skill?
If unions successfully raise the price of labor, employers will purchase less of it. The CWA will recognize that the lower express pay classification does not benefit its members. Just ask the stations that are currently in this classification making $13 per hour. Could this have been prevented if the union had agreed to your companies’ original offer? I am sure that it would have been much better than the current situation. Labor unions even prevent companies from being competitive. Why do some labor groups prevent cross utilization and training? Unions are the major anticompetitive force in labor markets. Just because one labor union receives, a salary increase does not qualify every airline group the same privilege. The employees at Southwest deserve their salaries based upon making profits every year. The industry is drastically changing and the days of unions receiving large compensation is over within the major airlines. This could change once they are able to show profits. If I was in Dave Siegel shoes I convert the majority of the mid size stations to express. This will drastically reduce the labor costs and allow the airline to be competitive. The LCC is the future of the industry and their pay scales will be the norm.
Why is it that the airline industry is the one of the only industry where the major players are more incline to file bankruptcy? Usually the smaller players are the first ones to go under. The unions have handcuffs on the airline management. The former head of United’s pilot union Rick Dubinsky once said, “that they do not want to kill the goose but choke it enough to get the last egg.†There are no more eggs in the airline industry and all labor unions must understand this notion. It is time to start giving back those golden eggs that were once a prize position. Why does the typical call center or customer service company pay their employees $ 8-12 dollars per hour and still have plenty of applications on file each year? Wal-Mart can pay their employees $6 bucks an hour and still offer excellent customer service. To the mainline employees who state how US Airways cannot fill those $13 express jobs. I bet the majority of the former mainline employees are still working for that lower salary. There are not many customer service industry jobs that pay $13 bucks and offer free flights with vacation benefits. The airlines should not be restricted to the number of furloughs that are allowed. If I owned a company and I could out source my services to a cheaper vendor than that only makes financial sense. I do not care if the employee who cleans my plane is making $6 bucks or $20 bucks. It is time for the airline management to get its act together and start running an airline. The labor unions need to stop worry about their own unions and concentrate on saving their airline.

I think you covered all the blame, although I don''t think you have enough knowledge on the relationship between employee and management. Unions are a necessary evil without them in this industry we would all be living in trailer parks while they gather riches. You sound like you know some of what you are talking about but please don’t come in here and trash the UNION. I fought hard to get CWA or any union in without them we would still be counting bodies. By the way I am X Piedmont and although they were a great family the pay was below average. I was looking for another job when U came that’s when I started to think I could actually make a living doing this. How much is customer service worth, we are not in this to make 6-13 dollars an hour we are here to raise families. I don’t know what you do for a living but I’m sure you make to much, maybe you can save your company some money take a pay cut. Oh by the way most workers at wall mart are kids or retired just supplementing their income you must be out of your mind.

I’m to mad to continue…………………………………….

You state:

"If unions successfully raise the price of labor, employers will purchase less of it."


I guess in your eyes those who make the rules should get richer, and those who don't should get poorer...


I will not dismiss you as a "nut case" yet. Time will tell.

Your questions and answers that you give appear schizophrenic. Your long tirade with questions is all over the map....with blame placed on this or that element or everyone, or then just one group, or many. First you blame mangement, then you praise Siegel, then you blame the employees and middle mangement, then you ram the union leadership. You ask why the majors are going into BK, and the unions are crippled. Then you again blame the unions and then mangement...

You call unions weak today, then you state they need to stop asking for high compensation? Then you make an assinine statment that we should as Labor join with Senator McCain in his bill to cripple unions in the future. You do know most of the majors and wholly owned have taken HUGE concessions? You are on planet earth right? Thought I would start there just in case....

I ask you sir....are you high?

Since you haven't posted, and maybe you were out on planet Jupiter, U is definitely converting most of their flying to the wholly owned and the LCC.

That's the business plan Einstien.

I think now is the time to ask "scotty" to beam you up.
wasn''t Uinvestor exposed operating under two different names with the same IP address a while back?posting differing comments on the same thread?
The uinvestor has come out of hiding. For the newbies, this guy had some reputation on the planebusiness boards. I am glad that the dynamic duo are gone.

Maybe we should hire Jack as our CEO? NOT!
On 7/20/2003 9:16:19 PM longing4piedmont wrote:

oohhhh. This is going to be a fun thread to watch!!!!

The minute I read Univestor''s post I thought the same thing... lol
Everybody stay calm. The troll has emerged from under the bridge...

(the ''hand'' gets bitten, not killed. He''s confusing it with that golden-egg-laying goose. Can you say "mixed metaphor"?)
Uinvestor stated above:

Who do I blame for not being able to fly non-stop from LGA to my summer home in PBI?


Maybe the heat is getting to you since Palm Beach makes a better winter home.
Well,well,well,this deserves an autopsy:

"Did the unions give the company the tools needed to run a successful airline?"

Yep ! Concessions aplenty-except to Wolfgang and Nagin,who waltzed away with millions for doing absolutely nothing.

" I also blame the ‘USAir’ mentality and not operating a company as Mr. Thomas Davis would if he were still alive. May he rest in peace! For the new generation, Piedmont was a darn good airline that even was award “Airline of the yearâ€￾ in 1984. When will US Airways when this award?"

Never.Piedmont was "USAired" to death.Labor does not manage the company and make these decisions.

"Why is your company not promoting its product?"

Search me.I dunno why CCY doesn''t advertise.

" Where are the wonderful Piedmont commercials?"

Uh...I can see it now...Air-to-air footage of a Dash 8.

"Why did not your management team proactively prepare for the PHL baggage fiasco before it happened? Does it take a rocket scientist to acknowledge that operating one belt could result in a malfuction?"

Maybe they had the braintrust that designed Denver''s system under contract.I''ll bet they at least work for cheap !!

" If what I read is true, why are not the unions and employees implementing mass campaigns to get rid of the bad management?"

You''ve never worked anywhere outside an office in your life,have you ? It doesn''t work that way.

" I assume because the labor unions that represent your groups are weak. "

Now you''re talking out of both sides of your mouth-are U employees overpaid because of a strong union,or are they weak ? Which is it ?

"What happened to US Airways? Who should the customer blame? "

What-you''ve got cheap fares-why aren''t you happy ?

"Why did not the pilots allow your company to fly more RJS in the late 90’s? ALPA is making the same mistake with their latest action. Who do I blame for not being able to fly non-stop from LGA to my summer home in PBI?"

Well,I''d wager the bus would be less than full.If you can find enough like-minded individuals willing to pay the bucks,they might give you that service you desire.Oh,and it breaks my heart to itty-bitty pieces you hafta change planes while going to your "summer home".

"The employees did not listen to the leadership of Gangwal. Lets go back in time; Gangwal said that an airline cannot downsize to profitability."

Oh,of course ! How can people be so stoopid ! Geez,then the opposite must be true-you must "expand to profitability"!! Go get all those 737-200''s and DC9''s out of the desert and the money will just flow like water !

" The writing is on the wall; I will place my bets that United will take over all international and transcontinental flying. US Airways will make a nice feeder for United to the Caribbean."

Good.Then please invest all your savings in UAL stock.

"There can be no denying that union representation continues to be a great deal of debate in the workplace. Certain labor leaders have been known to abuse their position and power."

So have management "leaders"- like frank lorenzo and icahn.

"The unions should support Senator John McCain''s proposal."

Easy to say from your vantage point.But then again,you aren''t an airline employee.

"The airlines would not be hurting if the labor salaries were much lower. These unions rely on government protection."

Uh,yeah,also makes it easier to line your pockets off the backs of the workers,eh ? Maybe you have some delusion of being Jack Welch.

"The sharp increase in labor compensation over the last few years has not been justified with the financial performance of the airlines."

The sharp increase of CEO compensation is truly unjustified,but yet it continues.

"The unions are able to threaten the airlines without fully understanding the future implications of its actions."

Yep,we do understand how much we devalue your portfolio.I can''t sleep at night worrying myself over it.

"Why should the highest-level union salaries be more than a typical corporate salary? A 15-year ticket counter employee should not be paid more than a person with a master’s degree."

And you should not smoke crack before posting.

"What type of image does two AFA local presidents represent when they publicly trash the company with picketing during these tumultuous times? This only has the ability to drive away potential revenue from an airline that needs its unions to fully support the company. I would call for the resignation of these two union officials."

I''ll bet you would !

"Why has the maintenance salaries with the top three airlines increased by 47% over the last 10 years, compared to the lower percentages for the manufacturing and service sector?"

Quote your source for those figures.Manufacturing ? What''s that ? Didn''t we send all that to Mexico with NAFTA ?

"Is this justified with the billion dollar losses by the airlines ?"

Sure-airplanes still break.

"Why should mechanics that work in similar industries be paid half the salaries of these $70 K airline mechanics? Mechanics that work on helicopters or other aviation aircraft outside the airlines will never see these types of salaries."

Yep,and a lawyer at a small firm doesn''t make as much as a guy at King And Spaulding.So what''s your point ?

"The mechanic who works on a Jet should be paid the same as someone working on a RJ. Same type of work just a larger aircraft."

Bwahahaha ! You speak from experience ? Didn''t think so.I bet you can''t even fix a flat tire.

"Why should a $70K year mechanic push back an aircraft? Cannot someone who makes $8 bucks an hour do the same job with the same skill?"

I dunno.

"If I was in Dave Siegel shoes I convert the majority of the mid size stations to express. This will drastically reduce the labor costs and allow the airline to be competitive."

Where have you been ? No good cable out on the Hamptons ?

"Wal-Mart can pay their employees $6 bucks an hour and still offer excellent customer service. To the mainline employees who state how US Airways cannot fill those $13 express jobs. I bet the majority of the former mainline employees are still working for that lower salary."

Hey,now there''s an idea ! If only us pilots would work for $6/hr,we''d have it made !

"There are not many customer service industry jobs that pay $13 bucks and offer free flights with vacation benefits."

Free flight bennies ? Hah! You''ve not tried to non-rev have you ?

"If I owned company and I could out source my services to a cheaper vendor than that only makes financial sense. I do not care if the employee who cleans my plane is making $6 bucks or $20 bucks."

Including pilots and mechanics ? Outsourcing labor killed 21 people in CLT-now how economical was that mx ?

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