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Union Pacific hiring mechanics in LAX, FTW

Don't worry Bears --- if Mitt cuts off Federal funding for Amtrak, you'll have a chance for the TWU to let you down again.

E, Mitt talk is cheap.
Amtrak is an interesting case . They get Bi-partisen support because a lot of those long haul routes to the west coast, and Florida, run thru area's that are represented by REPUGS. Think N. Dakota, Montana for example. Amtrak IS the only game in Town. And I KNOW I don't have to "give you a lesson" on the I-95 run from (now) Maine to DCA.

Plz. tell me WHY, after a zillion attempts over the years, that Amtrak has NEVER been privatized.
Methinks you've been listening to Johnny McCain too long. :wacko:
Well. most fiscal conservatives are in favor of killing off the long distance trains that are a huge loss leader on Amtrak. The same folks are also arguing for cutting off the EAS subsidies (which the FAA Reauthorization seems to be doing).

There's definitely a need for some form of transportation across the upper plains, but let Montana, North Dakota, etc. fund it the way that Maine, Vermont, Michigan, Illinois, Missouri, North Carolina, California, Oregon and Washington have had to.

Amtrak hasn't covered its costs in 40 years... It's time to cut them loose the way Conrail was, and let the free market decide if they live or die, or if they're worth buying. Same thing with the USPS.

If rail needs to be funded as a public service, then leave it to the states to deal with. Get DC out of it.
Well. most fiscal conservatives are in favor of killing off the long distance trains that are a huge loss leader on Amtrak. The same folks are also arguing for cutting off the EAS subsidies (which the FAA Reauthorization seems to be doing).

There's definitely a need for some form of transportation across the upper plains, but let Montana, North Dakota, etc. fund it the way that Maine, Vermont, Michigan, Illinois, Missouri, North Carolina, California, Oregon and Washington have had to.

Amtrak hasn't covered its costs in 40 years... It's time to cut them loose the way Conrail was, and let the free market decide if they live or die, or if they're worth buying. Same thing with the USPS.

If rail needs to be funded as a public service, then leave it to the states to deal with. Get DC out of it.

Amtrak as you know, was only returning 50 % of thier funding, back in the day.
Ah, but fast forward to today, with CEO Joe Boardman. Amtrak is NOW returning " 80%" of thier fiscal year funding, AND it's Climbing. Granted, they've lost a Lot of money since thier Inception, But I believe they finally earned the chance to show if they can return More, which they've shown they can do.
I do agree with you on ND/MT "chipping-in" like the other states you mentioned. (especially ND with all that Oil $$)
That ND/MT route....The EMPIRE BUILDER,.....is paying for itself from ORD(origination point) to MSP.

NO Amtrak route is More WX . challenged.

If they DO cut off the EAS, then you can bet the Farm that they'll Never Cut off the Empire Builder.
Side Note. They have been looking at cutting back the ORD/OAK-SFO..."California Zephyr" to 4 days a week just like the "Southwest Chief" / ORD-LAX. Additionally, after Katrina wiped out JAX/MSY, they've never rebuilt it.
As I say, Mr Boardman is unique among all his "reactive" predecessor's in that he's very pro-active.
If CHI-MSP is break even, then let Wisconsin, Illinois & Minnesota take ownership of it. Better yet, let CP & BNSF bid for the business and change the name back to the Hiawatha as it should be given the iron it is operated on...

The fact remains that with trillions upon trillions in debt to deal with, the US is going to have to face up to some austerity plans on the level of Greece, and pet projects like Amtrak and failing business models like USPS are going to be some of the low-hanging fruit to be picked off. They're over-ripe for privatization.
If CHI-MSP is break even, then let Wisconsin, Illinois & Minnesota take ownership of it. Better yet, let CP & BNSF bid for the business and change the name back to the Hiawatha as it should be given the iron it is operated on...

The fact remains that with trillions upon trillions in debt to deal with, the US is going to have to face up to some austerity plans on the level of Greece, and pet projects like Amtrak and failing business models like USPS are going to be some of the low-hanging fruit to be picked off. They're over-ripe for privatization.

For thier part, I don't think BNSF wants to be a pax. RR. BN/Amtrak get along famously I'm told.
BNSF being Warren Buffet owned, certainly doesn't hurt either !

Not sure If CP (being foreign owned) is resricted in any way ?

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